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Pokemon gym leader music.


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What kind of magic? And you do realize that I am talking about the music, right?

Yes, I do.

The feeling that you got from listening to the older Gym leader tunes was awesome, whereas in the later gen's they missed something.

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What did it miss? Personally, the leader music in D/P/Pt made it feel like the battle was actually important.

Enjolras means nostalgia.

They're nostalgic about the earlier titles, and their opinion is that they are the best.


Edited by Emerald Jealousy
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RSE to bottom tier.


RSE's gym leader theme not fails to properly set the mood of an important battle, but also fails as a composition itself. RSE's soundtrack is rather poor, as a whole.

This has nothing to do with nostalgia, since I like 4th gen's tracks.

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RSE to bottom tier.


RSE's gym leader theme not fails to properly set the mood of an important battle, but also fails as a composition itself. RSE's soundtrack is rather poor, as a whole.

This has nothing to do with nostalgia, since I like 4th gen's tracks.

This. Plus, every battle theme sounds the same to me. Well, except for the Regis and the Weather Trio. Otherwise, they're all the same. It's boring.

Also, third gen chose awful sound samples. And the GBA is capable of far better. See Golden Sun for example.

Weather Trio battle is a decent remix of a Pulseman song, so I like. :D

Original version from Pulseman.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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