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I don't get it

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I think the reason why people think this game is so easy is because of Emulators and the use of save states. When you have an actual GBA and a single mistake you make might end up having you restart a chapter? Yeah, that's not fun. Sacred Stones allows you to either train or proceed with the story depending on what you decide.

If you want a challenge, try Hard Mode. On an emulator you might not even notice the difference, but on a GBA it's a different story. I am grateful that Hard Mode is challenging enough while not being overly frustrating. If you really want the frustration that was present in the previous entries of Fire Emblem, then yes, you might have to find your own ways to make it so.

I've got fond memories of this game as it was my first one and yet I still find it easy (if I'm not playing that ridiculous hard FE8 patch that I found in the hacking section here on SF) for the most part.

I only use an emulator and yet I refuse to use save-states. The only time that I use them are for collecting data on enemies (FE7's 13x is a perfect example to move Matthew all over the map so that I can tell exactly what enemies are spawning where) and other stuff. Not for playing.

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I remember that my friend somehow got to the final level w/ only the two Lords (Erika was level 6 with crap stats, but Ephraim was level 18), Gerik (level 20), and a level 1 Myrrh. So apparently it is hard for some people! I don't know how he sucked that much, but he did. Anyways, I had no trouble beating the final chapter with basically just Ephraim and Myrrh (It was on easy mode, but Myrrh should not be able to take out the final boss in 2 rounds).

I do have to say I really like the branched promotions as well as the first english manakete (she was soooo awesome the first time I saw her) in this game, but everything else is crap.

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I thought Sacred Stones was OK, but it surely wasn't the worst (that title has to go to Gaiden....). I liked some aspects of it such as the usability of all characters and the tower was pretty fun to train random, unused characters. However, when I compare this to the SNES games (especially Seisen) this game's plot line is a little too simplistic. I didn't mind the easiness in the difficulty that much because you can try to make the game more challenging by avoiding the tower, not promoting units, using "bad" units, ect.

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