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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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Every character will at some point or another will have one momment that will show off their skills. (Maybe a few exceptions.)But I will try my best to have everyone have their 'shinning moment.' Even though that moment may be their last moment alive! *Glares at Masu. Giving him false fear.*

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Don't worry Masu. I won't kill you off till the end of the next episode. After that, your fair game for my writer's demonic side to strike down like an unholy god.


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New episode. Read at your own leasiure. (NOW!!!!)

*Kilvas palace. Naesala opens the door to the master bedroom. Leanne is brushing her hair.*

Leanee: *In ancient language.* Oh. Hello Naesala.

Naesala: You know, if you’re going to help our daughter out, the least you could do is tell me.

*Leanee smiles. Tibarn comes in unannounced.*

Tibarn: Hello Leanee. Good to see you. I’m sure Naesala has told you by now.

Naesala: Yes I have.

Tibarn: As much as I’d like to leave this in your hands, *to Naesala* although not in your hands, Taro is being impatient and is already on his way to find her.

Naesala: How? He can’t get into Goldoa.

Tibarn: True. But he’s planning on going through Gallia and into Crimea, where he hopes to cut them off.

Leanee: .....He can’t just leave her alone?

Tibarn: Leanee? These beorc kidnaped her.

Naesala: Where’s Taro?

Tibarn: Probably at the entrance.

Naesala: I’ll go talk to him.


Tashi: *Panting. Tashi has cuts all over his body and though he is gripping his sword tightly, he can’t manage to lift it.* That’s a dirty trick you have there.

Hexblade: I prefer to think of it as unique. *Around him 5 of his swords are stuck in the ground. He has one in his right hand that is pointed at Tashi.* So. Will you join me?

Tashi: ........I lost in a battle I accepted. *He stands up and sheathes his blade.* My service is yours for now.

Hexblade: ‘For now’?

Tashi: When I think of a way to counter your ability, then I shall challenge you again for my freedom of your services.

Hexblade: Heh. I’ll be looking forward to that. *He disappears in a flash.*

Nightmare: *In his head.* (Man.....I’ve forgotten how scary that power of his is. I could feel it in my bones. .....And I could tell he was taking it easy on Tashi to.)

Tashi: What are you still here for? Leave me be.

Nightmare: You could ask a little nicer. *Leaves.*


Princess Kilvas: Nnn?

???: Ah. You’re awake.

Princess Kilvas: Wha? Where are we? *She opens her eyes and sees the surroundings. She notices that Lyle and Masu are gone.*

Arc: We’re in Goldoa.

Princess Kilvas: How-?

Arc: Long story. I’ll tell you when the script pans to Masu and Lyle later on. My name’s Arc by the way.

Princess Kilvas: Pleased to make your acquaintance. Um...where are they anyway?

Arc: They’re off filling up the canteens. You’ve been out for a few hours.

Princess Kilvas: Wow. *Rubs her head.*

Arc: You caused us a lot of problems you know. Now the whole bird-tribe wants us dead. Is there some way you can convince them not to try and kill us?

Princess Kilvas: I’m afraid by the time I have a chance to talk to them, you’ll all already be dead. No doubt that Taro is already out to kill you guys.

Arc: .....That’s comforting....

Princess Kilvas: Well, we’re in Goldoa right now. It’s still fairly neutral, so I doubt that they’ll come and look for us here.

Arc: So, as long as we stay in the middle of nowhere, we’ll be fine. Cool.

*With Masu and Lyle.*

Masu: She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen! She’s so gorgeous! And she’s a princess!

Lyle: Masu.....I don’t care....and you say that about every woman.

Masu: I’ve never seen her before though! Do you think I have a shot with her? Can you help me look cool? Maybe if I tell her I’m on a quest she’ll think I’m cool.

Lyle: Masu! .......I....don’t....CARE!!!

Masu: I think I’ll ask her out when she wakes up! Oh man, she’s soo pretty. I bet me and her could really let the feathers fly.

Lyle: *Facepalms.* Masu. Let’s put your over reactive libido aside for a second. What was the deal with that Serene guy?

Masu: Beats me. He said he wanted to kill me, Arc, and the princess, and take you alive.

Lyle: Huh. Well, that wouldn’t have been too bad....

Masu: Lyle!

Lyle: Yeah, I woulda had to ask him to leave the princess alive. Still, who would want to stop us, kill you guys, and kidnap me?

Masu: ......The federal government?

Lyle: .....Masu, just because I ask a question doesn’t mean you should answer. Let’s head back.

*Kilvas. Naesala, reaches Taro and his unit just before they are going to take off.*

Naesala: Excuse me. Taro. Please wait.

Taro: What is it that you want King Naesala?

Naesala: Listen, I know you want to rescue my daughter, but honestly I’d be more comfortable if you would just leave this to us. This is more of a family thing.

Taro: With all due respect raven king, your daughter is my future bride. She is no longer your responsibility.

Naesala: She is your future bride. She will always be my daughter. I would like to be the one to lead the expedition.

Taro: You are the King of a dead country Naesala. I am the future king. Now if you’ll excuse me. I need to find my bride.

*Taro and his unit leaves. Serene looks back at Naesala.*

Naesala: Hmph. I guess he’s not such a nice kid after all.

*Kiryn arrives in the infirmary where her boss is looking over Knife’s body.*

Kriyn: How is he?

????: Fine. He’s just being a wimp now.

Knife: I....can...barely....breathe.

????: See? I told ya. He’s being a wimp.

Kriyn: Serene says everything went as planned.

????: Good. So where is Lyle and co.?

Kiryn: Goldoa.

????: Uh-oh.

Kiryn: Serene says that the hawks are going around to Crimea through Gallia and they’ll cut them off there.

????: I see. That’s good then. You’re dismissed. Good luck doing whatever you do when I don’t have you doing something I want you to do.

Kiryn: ......Uh......thanks....

????: Anytime.

*Goldoa. Lyle and Masu return to the camp site.*

Arc: Welcome back.

Masu: H-hey! You’re awake! How are you princess?

Princess Kilvas: Er. Fine. .....Thank you?

Masu: .....

Lyle: So here’s the deal. We head to Crimea, find Fireman, then get the information we need. Sound good?

Arc: Yup.

Masu: I guess.....

Princess Kilvas: Alright!

Lyle: .....You know, you don’t have to come.

Arc: Yeah. To be honest, you can only cause us trouble.

Lyle: Plus you have that guy who wants to marry you.

Princess Kilvas: Ugh. Don’t remind me. I hate him. He’s a giant bigot with an matching ego.

Lyle: So....you want to come with us?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. I always wanted to see the world.

Masu: Yeah! And what if that Serene guy attacks again! We should stick by her so we can protect her!

Lyle: Arc, what do you think?

Arc: It’s your call Lyle.

Lyle: Fine. We might have need of someone who can fly someday.

Masu and Princess Kilvas: HOORAY!!!!

Lyle: I hope I don’t regret this...

*Mountain. ???? is sitting atop it looking at the landscape.*

????: I can’t wait to sink my claws into you again Lyle. *He cracks his knuckles which now reveal talons where his fingernails should be.*

To be continued.

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New episode. Read at your own leasiure. (NOW!!!!)

*Kilvas palace. Naesala opens the door to the master bedroom. Leanne is brushing her hair.*

Leanee: *In ancient language.* Oh. Hello Naesala.

Naesala: You know, if you’re going to help our daughter out, the least you could do is tell me.

*Leanee smiles. Tibarn comes in unannounced.*

Tibarn: Hello Leanee. Good to see you. I’m sure Naesala has told you by now.

Naesala: Yes I have.

Tibarn: As much as I’d like to leave this in your hands, *to Naesala* although not in your hands, Taro is being impatient and is already on his way to find her.

Naesala: How? He can’t get into Goldoa.

Tibarn: True. But he’s planning on going through Gallia and into Crimea, where he hopes to cut them off.

Leanee: .....He can’t just leave her alone?

Tibarn: Leanee? These beorc kidnaped her.

Naesala: Where’s Taro?

Tibarn: Probably at the entrance.

Naesala: I’ll go talk to him.


Tashi: *Panting. Tashi has cuts all over his body and though he is gripping his sword tightly, he can’t manage to lift it.* That’s a dirty trick you have there.

Hexblade: I prefer to think of it as unique. *Around him 5 of his swords are stuck in the ground. He has one in his right hand that is pointed at Tashi.* So. Will you join me?

Tashi: ........I lost in a battle I accepted. *He stands up and sheathes his blade.* My service is yours for now.

Hexblade: ‘For now’?

Tashi: When I think of a way to counter your ability, then I shall challenge you again for my freedom of your services.

Hexblade: Heh. I’ll be looking forward to that. *He disappears in a flash.*

Nightmare: *In his head.* (Man.....I’ve forgotten how scary that power of his is. I could feel it in my bones. .....And I could tell he was taking it easy on Tashi to.)

Tashi: What are you still here for? Leave me be.

Nightmare: You could ask a little nicer. *Leaves.*


Princess Kilvas: Nnn?

???: Ah. You’re awake.

Princess Kilvas: Wha? Where are we? *She opens her eyes and sees the surroundings. She notices that Lyle and Masu are gone.*

Arc: We’re in Goldoa.

Princess Kilvas: How-?

Arc: Long story. I’ll tell you when the script pans to Masu and Lyle later on. My name’s Arc by the way.

Princess Kilvas: Pleased to make your acquaintance. Um...where are they anyway?

Arc: They’re off filling up the canteens. You’ve been out for a few hours.

Princess Kilvas: Wow. *Rubs her head.*

Arc: You caused us a lot of problems you know. Now the whole bird-tribe wants us dead. Is there some way you can convince them not to try and kill us?

Princess Kilvas: I’m afraid by the time I have a chance to talk to them, you’ll all already be dead. No doubt that Taro is already out to kill you guys.

Arc: .....That’s comforting....

Princess Kilvas: Well, we’re in Goldoa right now. It’s still fairly neutral, so I doubt that they’ll come and look for us here.

Arc: So, as long as we stay in the middle of nowhere, we’ll be fine. Cool.

*With Masu and Lyle.*

Masu: She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen! She’s so gorgeous! And she’s a princess!

Lyle: Masu.....I don’t care....and you say that about every woman.

Masu: I’ve never seen her before though! Do you think I have a shot with her? Can you help me look cool? Maybe if I tell her I’m on a quest she’ll think I’m cool.

Lyle: Masu! .......I....don’t....CARE!!!

Masu: I think I’ll ask her out when she wakes up! Oh man, she’s soo pretty. I bet me and her could really let the feathers fly.

Lyle: *Facepalms.* Masu. Let’s put your over reactive libido aside for a second. What was the deal with that Serene guy?

Masu: Beats me. He said he wanted to kill me, Arc, and the princess, and take you alive.

Lyle: Huh. Well, that wouldn’t have been too bad....

Masu: Lyle!

Lyle: Yeah, I woulda had to ask him to leave the princess alive. Still, who would want to stop us, kill you guys, and kidnap me?

Masu: ......The federal government?

Lyle: .....Masu, just because I ask a question doesn’t mean you should answer. Let’s head back.

*Kilvas. Naesala, reaches Taro and his unit just before they are going to take off.*

Naesala: Excuse me. Taro. Please wait.

Taro: What is it that you want King Naesala?

Naesala: Listen, I know you want to rescue my daughter, but honestly I’d be more comfortable if you would just leave this to us. This is more of a family thing.

Taro: With all due respect raven king, your daughter is my future bride. She is no longer your responsibility.

Naesala: She is your future bride. She will always be my daughter. I would like to be the one to lead the expedition.

Taro: You are the King of a dead country Naesala. I am the future king. Now if you’ll excuse me. I need to find my bride.

*Taro and his unit leaves. Serene looks back at Naesala.*

Naesala: Hmph. I guess he’s not such a nice kid after all.

*Kiryn arrives in the infirmary where her boss is looking over Knife’s body.*

Kriyn: How is he?

????: Fine. He’s just being a wimp now.

Knife: I....can...barely....breathe.

????: See? I told ya. He’s being a wimp.

Kriyn: Serene says everything went as planned.

????: Good. So where is Lyle and co.?

Kiryn: Goldoa.

????: Uh-oh.

Kiryn: Serene says that the hawks are going around to Crimea through Gallia and they’ll cut them off there.

????: I see. That’s good then. You’re dismissed. Good luck doing whatever you do when I don’t have you doing something I want you to do.

Kiryn: ......Uh......thanks....

????: Anytime.

*Goldoa. Lyle and Masu return to the camp site.*

Arc: Welcome back.

Masu: H-hey! You’re awake! How are you princess?

Princess Kilvas: Er. Fine. .....Thank you?

Masu: .....

Lyle: So here’s the deal. We head to Crimea, find Fireman, then get the information we need. Sound good?

Arc: Yup.

Masu: I guess.....

Princess Kilvas: Alright!

Lyle: .....You know, you don’t have to come.

Arc: Yeah. To be honest, you can only cause us trouble.

Lyle: Plus you have that guy who wants to marry you.

Princess Kilvas: Ugh. Don’t remind me. I hate him. He’s a giant bigot with an matching ego.

Lyle: So....you want to come with us?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. I always wanted to see the world.

Masu: Yeah! And what if that Serene guy attacks again! We should stick by her so we can protect her!

Lyle: Arc, what do you think?

Arc: It’s your call Lyle.

Lyle: Fine. We might have need of someone who can fly someday.

Masu and Princess Kilvas: HOORAY!!!!

Lyle: I hope I don’t regret this...

*Mountain. ???? is sitting atop it looking at the landscape.*

????: I can’t wait to sink my claws into you again Lyle. *He cracks his knuckles which now reveal talons where his fingernails should be.*

To be continued.

Yay! This is getting exciting!! =D

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New episode. Read at your own leasiure. (NOW!!!!)

*Kilvas palace. Naesala opens the door to the master bedroom. Leanne is brushing her hair.*

Leanee: *In ancient language.* Oh. Hello Naesala.

Naesala: You know, if you’re going to help our daughter out, the least you could do is tell me.

*Leanee smiles. Tibarn comes in unannounced.*

Tibarn: Hello Leanee. Good to see you. I’m sure Naesala has told you by now.

Naesala: Yes I have.

Tibarn: As much as I’d like to leave this in your hands, *to Naesala* although not in your hands, Taro is being impatient and is already on his way to find her.

Naesala: How? He can’t get into Goldoa.

Tibarn: True. But he’s planning on going through Gallia and into Crimea, where he hopes to cut them off.

Leanee: .....He can’t just leave her alone?

Tibarn: Leanee? These beorc kidnaped her.

Naesala: Where’s Taro?

Tibarn: Probably at the entrance.

Naesala: I’ll go talk to him.


Tashi: *Panting. Tashi has cuts all over his body and though he is gripping his sword tightly, he can’t manage to lift it.* That’s a dirty trick you have there.

Hexblade: I prefer to think of it as unique. *Around him 5 of his swords are stuck in the ground. He has one in his right hand that is pointed at Tashi.* So. Will you join me?

Tashi: ........I lost in a battle I accepted. *He stands up and sheathes his blade.* My service is yours for now.

Hexblade: ‘For now’?

Tashi: When I think of a way to counter your ability, then I shall challenge you again for my freedom of your services.

Hexblade: Heh. I’ll be looking forward to that. *He disappears in a flash.*

Nightmare: *In his head.* (Man.....I’ve forgotten how scary that power of his is. I could feel it in my bones. .....And I could tell he was taking it easy on Tashi to.)

Tashi: What are you still here for? Leave me be.

Nightmare: You could ask a little nicer. *Leaves.*


Princess Kilvas: Nnn?

???: Ah. You’re awake.

Princess Kilvas: Wha? Where are we? *She opens her eyes and sees the surroundings. She notices that Lyle and Masu are gone.*

Arc: We’re in Goldoa.

Princess Kilvas: How-?

Arc: Long story. I’ll tell you when the script pans to Masu and Lyle later on. My name’s Arc by the way.

Princess Kilvas: Pleased to make your acquaintance. Um...where are they anyway?

Arc: They’re off filling up the canteens. You’ve been out for a few hours.

Princess Kilvas: Wow. *Rubs her head.*

Arc: You caused us a lot of problems you know. Now the whole bird-tribe wants us dead. Is there some way you can convince them not to try and kill us?

Princess Kilvas: I’m afraid by the time I have a chance to talk to them, you’ll all already be dead. No doubt that Taro is already out to kill you guys.

Arc: .....That’s comforting....

Princess Kilvas: Well, we’re in Goldoa right now. It’s still fairly neutral, so I doubt that they’ll come and look for us here.

Arc: So, as long as we stay in the middle of nowhere, we’ll be fine. Cool.

*With Masu and Lyle.*

Masu: She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen! She’s so gorgeous! And she’s a princess!

Lyle: Masu.....I don’t care....and you say that about every woman.

Masu: I’ve never seen her before though! Do you think I have a shot with her? Can you help me look cool? Maybe if I tell her I’m on a quest she’ll think I’m cool.

Lyle: Masu! .......I....don’t....CARE!!!

Masu: I think I’ll ask her out when she wakes up! Oh man, she’s soo pretty. I bet me and her could really let the feathers fly.

Lyle: *Facepalms.* Masu. Let’s put your over reactive libido aside for a second. What was the deal with that Serene guy?

Masu: Beats me. He said he wanted to kill me, Arc, and the princess, and take you alive.

Lyle: Huh. Well, that wouldn’t have been too bad....

Masu: Lyle!

Lyle: Yeah, I woulda had to ask him to leave the princess alive. Still, who would want to stop us, kill you guys, and kidnap me?

Masu: ......The federal government?

Lyle: .....Masu, just because I ask a question doesn’t mean you should answer. Let’s head back.

*Kilvas. Naesala, reaches Taro and his unit just before they are going to take off.*

Naesala: Excuse me. Taro. Please wait.

Taro: What is it that you want King Naesala?

Naesala: Listen, I know you want to rescue my daughter, but honestly I’d be more comfortable if you would just leave this to us. This is more of a family thing.

Taro: With all due respect raven king, your daughter is my future bride. She is no longer your responsibility.

Naesala: She is your future bride. She will always be my daughter. I would like to be the one to lead the expedition.

Taro: You are the King of a dead country Naesala. I am the future king. Now if you’ll excuse me. I need to find my bride.

*Taro and his unit leaves. Serene looks back at Naesala.*

Naesala: Hmph. I guess he’s not such a nice kid after all.

*Kiryn arrives in the infirmary where her boss is looking over Knife’s body.*

Kriyn: How is he?

????: Fine. He’s just being a wimp now.

Knife: I....can...barely....breathe.

????: See? I told ya. He’s being a wimp.

Kriyn: Serene says everything went as planned.

????: Good. So where is Lyle and co.?

Kiryn: Goldoa.

????: Uh-oh.

Kiryn: Serene says that the hawks are going around to Crimea through Gallia and they’ll cut them off there.

????: I see. That’s good then. You’re dismissed. Good luck doing whatever you do when I don’t have you doing something I want you to do.

Kiryn: ......Uh......thanks....

????: Anytime.

*Goldoa. Lyle and Masu return to the camp site.*

Arc: Welcome back.

Masu: H-hey! You’re awake! How are you princess?

Princess Kilvas: Er. Fine. .....Thank you?

Masu: .....

Lyle: So here’s the deal. We head to Crimea, find Fireman, then get the information we need. Sound good?

Arc: Yup.

Masu: I guess.....

Princess Kilvas: Alright!

Lyle: .....You know, you don’t have to come.

Arc: Yeah. To be honest, you can only cause us trouble.

Lyle: Plus you have that guy who wants to marry you.

Princess Kilvas: Ugh. Don’t remind me. I hate him. He’s a giant bigot with an matching ego.

Lyle: So....you want to come with us?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. I always wanted to see the world.

Masu: Yeah! And what if that Serene guy attacks again! We should stick by her so we can protect her!

Lyle: Arc, what do you think?

Arc: It’s your call Lyle.

Lyle: Fine. We might have need of someone who can fly someday.

Masu and Princess Kilvas: HOORAY!!!!

Lyle: I hope I don’t regret this...

*Mountain. ???? is sitting atop it looking at the landscape.*

????: I can’t wait to sink my claws into you again Lyle. *He cracks his knuckles which now reveal talons where his fingernails should be.*

To be continued.

HOLY SHIT! SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY HELPING ME WORK!? And this is getting epic! Theres just 1 problem with me and princess getting together.....*sees taro tear me to shreds*........*shivers* It looks like I have to fight him!? Yeah i gotta man up i guess! :lol:

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Wow, this is what, the second case of guys falling in love on these forums? [/joke]

Well, there's

Raven and Fox

Me and Bianchi/Haruhi/Hikari/Namine

Arc/MR and You (Though this is more subtle.)

And now Masu and Princess Kilvas.

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Well, there's

Raven and Fox

Me and Bianchi/Haruhi/Hikari/Namine

Arc/MR and You (Though this is more subtle.)

And now Masu and Princess Kilvas.

I need a love interest, but all the chicks are taken...

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