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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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Speaking of credit and multiple mes, are you still reading my history of insanity?

Yeah. I haven't kept up with it too much lately cause I've been busy trying to figure out where I'm going with this, but I always make myself at the very least skim through each part.

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Zomg. Fox is actually here reading it! (Or maybe she's looking at it to make sure I haven't put any psycho brainwashing into this.)


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I'm astounded that Fox hasn't said anytinhg about me putting her in my story.

But still Lyle, when's the ending due. I want to start using your name in my story

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Ending? Oh right. I still have some ways to go. I have to kill off humanity, introduce the child of profecy, make some dinner, have a touching reunion between two loved ones as the world collapses around them, kill the flaming bitch that wants to tear the universe asunder. (None of these are necesarily what's going to happen though there's no guarentee that they won't.)

You can use my name in your story if you want right now. I have no problem with it. Unless you have some sort of problem with it. In which case, I'll try to move faster.

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No problem with it I might actually introduce you in the next chapter. Which I should have up before I finish watching episode 13 of Tokyo Underground, great anime, seriously, and the theme song is great as well.

I should have The Avaunt Edgemaster's next part up by eleven Eastern

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In an attempt to speed things up a bit:

*The dust clears. Hexblade stands, his swords stuck in the ground. Serene lies dead, with a wide smile on his face.*

Hexblade: What a poor twisted soul.....*Something hits Hexblade on the head.* Ow! *He picks it up. It’s a bag with the words: “HIKARI’S SOUL.” written on it.* Hm. I didn’t think of what it would look like, but I didn’t think it would look like that.... You okay Lyle?

Lyle: .....No....

Hexblade: Oh. Right.

*One quick patching up of everyone later.*

Lyle: So now we have Hikari’s soul, now we just need something to put her soul back into her body.

Arc: And Fireman is working on that right now.

Masu: Cool. So let’s head to Daien and figure things out from there.

Hexblade: Lyle.

Lyle: What?

Hexblade: You sure this is what you want?

Lyle: Yeah. I’m happy with what I have here. I don’t need anything else.

Hexblade: ...Then I will respect your wants. Nightmare, Tashi, you are released from my services. I shall return to the planes.

Tashi: Good. Goodbye. *Tashi heads off.*

Nightmare: That guy really is a hardass....So what do I do now?

Hexblade: You can join up with Lyle if you want.

Nightmare: How about I head to Kilvas and tell them of the situation? I’ve got other things I need to do there anyway.

Arc: Will they believe you?

Nightmare: I think Naesala will.

Princess Kilvas: Yeah, my father is lenient like that.

Hexblade: And with that all done, I’ll take my leave. *He opens a portal.*

Lyle: Wait!

Hexblade: Hm?

Lyle: ....It was good seeing you Hexblade. Tell Rauz I said Hi.

Hexblade: Will do. *He walks through and the portal closes.*

Nightmare: ....Well, see you all later. *Nightmare leaves.*

Lyle: ......

Arc: So...where did they want you to go Lyle?

Lyle: I’ll explain it some other time. *Though Lyle is healed, the pain on his back is still there.*

*Outside Cave.*

Damon: ......Crap.

Knife: What’s wrong?

Damon: Well, Lyle got his hands on Hikari’s soul. Now all they need is a transfer device, and the body itself....

Knife: I thought you said that they couldn’t get Hikari’s soul.

Damon: Well not without a cataclysmic event. Now that there has been one. Hikari’s soul got loose.

Knife: .....Doesn’t that also mean that Kiryn is back to her two selves now to?

Damon: Yeah I guess it does...........*His eyes widen.* OH FUCK!!! *Before he can react he gets shot in the back with an arrow.*

Knife: *Turns around only to get a fist in his face.* Oof! *He falls to the ground unconcious.*

Evil Kiryn: Use me? How dare you Damon.

Damon: *Grins.* You know me babe. I can’t help but fall for the bad girls.

Evil Kiryn: Die. *She shoots him in the shoulder*

Damon: OW! You caught me by surprise. Did you kill your other side already?

Evil Kiryn: No. I still have use for her. You on the other hand, will pay for using me.

Damon: *Stands up.* Oh come on baby, I can change.

Evil Kiryn: *Shoots another arrow. This time Damon grabs it.* ...Impressive.

Damon: They don’t call me bad-ass for nuthin. But there’s one thing you forgot.

Evil Kiryn: I forgot nothing. You’re made of multiple lives, that makes you much harder to kill. *She draws another arrow.* Unless I shoot you in the heart.

Damon: Oh. Uh-oh.

Kiryn: *She draws another arrow and points it at his chest.* Goodbye Damon. And thanks for taking care of me.

Damon: Er- You’re welcome.

*She shoots. Damon collapses. Kiryn takes out her wings and flies off.*

Knife: ......Damon? *He crawls over to Damon’s unmoving body.* Damon? Are you dead?

Damon: *He lays there motionless*.........................Of course I’m not dead you idiot! I was playing possum!

Knife: GAH! How?

Damon: I’m a demonic conglomeration. If I want to move my heart to a different location temporarily I can. It’s how I survived taking a gun-shot to the chest when I fought Vash the Stampede.

Knife: Who?

Damon: Nothing. Come on, we got to check on the other Kriyn. *He takes the arrows out of his chest and back.* Geeze. That girl is harsh.

*The two of them walk into the infirmary, where the real Kiryn is sitting on her bed. She looks more cheerful than she did, seeing as though she’s had her evil self ripped out of her.*

Knife: Is that really the same girl?

Damon: Partially. Did you understand anything I told ya? How are you Kiryn?

Kiryn: Fine....*She rubs her head.* How long have I been asleep?

Damon: Beats me. Anyway, get up. We got some work to do.

Knife: We do?

Damon: Yup. We’re leaving the cave for one.

Kiryn: What? Why?

Damon: Well, with Serene dead.....wait a minute I’m the leader I don’t owe you guys any explanations. Get movin! ......Please.

*Knife and Kiryn comply.*

*Daien border.*

Masu: Ugh.....

Arc: What’s wrong with you?

Masu: I’m so beat......

Princess Kilvas: Why?

Lyle: He didn’t sleep last night. He was telling me about the battle he fought with Tashi.....

Masu: Yeah. Thanks again princess.

Princess Kilvas: It’s no trouble at all. I’m glad you’re safe.

Arc: Ugh.....

Masu: What’s wrong with you?

Arc: Nothing. (God lovey-dovey crap is sickening.)

Lyle: *His back is still burning.* What say we call it a day?

Masu: Huh?

Lyle: Well, we’re already at the border. We can take the rest of the day off. We’ve had a busy week.

Arc: ...Sure I guess.....

Princess Kilvas: Alright.

Lyle: Cool. *He rubs his back in an attempt to soothe the pain.*

*Crimea. In the town that was decimated, stands two beings. One is a frail human that is pale and drenched in sweat, the other is a Lich. (A sorcerer that became an undead for more power.)*

Lich: It seems we have made it to the world we wanted Mathan.

Mathan: *He merely twitches and groans.*

Lich: This is a good place to find souls for us to use. We failed to get in the last time we tried, but someone was so kind as to rip a new hole in between the planes.

Mathan: *Again twitches nervously.* RRRRrrrr!

Lich: .......We shall bring this world to ruins.

To be continued.

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I'll just note that Kiryn (or her copy) can only get wings through either ultimate panic or stress or else severe injury.

Actually, considering the evil one isn't human (to be explained), it doesn't matter for that...

Carry on. :lol:

I did remember that, but I'd figure I'd just skip that detail.

What happend in actuality: "I'M THE WRITER!! F*** IT!!"

But in a cheap way to weasel out of the lapse of logic, I figured her injuries from Taro would have caused a big enough injury to allow her to use them.

(Hooray for weaseling out of a plothole!)

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Now will someone please read like the three parts I posted today so I don't feel like I should stop.

By the way Lyle, I'm not quite sure if you got it but, Serene is a Grim Angel not reaper.

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Now will someone please read like the three parts I posted today so I don't feel like I should stop.

By the way Lyle, I'm not quite sure if you got it but, Serene is a Grim Angel not reaper.

<_< Dammit....I was doing so well too......

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Here's the new episode:

Lyle: GAH!!!!!!

*Lyle wakes up screaming. Masu, Arc, and the princess stare at him after he woke them up.*

Arc: What the hell was that about?

Lyle: Sorry.....Bad dream. *He rubs his head.*

Masu: What about?

Lyle: Forget it. I can’t even remember. *The pain in his back is searing.* Let’s just get back to sleep.

*They go back to bed.*


Bandit #1: I’m tellin ya boys that was quite a good raid we had.

Bandit #2: Sure was, we got plenty of good loot. Right buddy? *He nudges another bandit.*

Bandit #3: ...........

Bandit #1: Hey what’s wrong with you?

*Bandit #3 falls over, physically, there’s nothing wrong with him.*

Bandit #2: What the?!?!

???: Human souls are so easy to obtain.

Bandit #1: Huh? Who’s there?

Lich: *The lich walks into view. His visage frightens the bandits.* Your souls are weak, but they will help regardless. I don’t have much time. I need to find Mathan. He’s having another of his..... ‘fits.’

Bandit #1: What the hell are you?!?!

Lich: That’s not important for you to know. *The Lich holds out his bone hand and Bandit #1's soul is sucked right out of him. The soul then forms into a sphere and disappears in the lich’s hands.*

Bandit #2: AHH!!! *He starts running.*

Lich: What ungraceful creatures. I know that I was not as clumsy as that when I was human. *He takes the soul of the remaining bandit.* Now to find Mathan.....

*Morning. Lyle is up already and is making breakfast. Arc wakes up.*

Arc: Whatcha making?

Lyle: Eggs.

Arc: .....Is that really such a good idea?

Lyle: Why wouldn’t it be?

Arc: Well.....*He points at Princess Kilvas.*

Lyle: Huh. I hadn’t thought of that.

Masu: *Wakes up* YAWN. Mmm. What’s for breakfast?

Arc: Eggs.

Masu: Yummy. You think the princess will like that?

Lyle: Well, if she doesn’t mind being a cannibal, then yes. *He passes out the eggs to the three of them.* You know, it’s funny. Me and Arc we’re talking about this the other day. We’ve been traveling with the princess for more than 2 weeks, and none of us know what her first name is.

Masu: It’s Jennifer.

Arc & Lyle: What?

Masu: Yeah. It’s Jennifer.

Arc: How the hell do you know that?

Masu: Because I talk to her.

Princess Kilvas: *Wakes up. Lyle, Masu and Arc finish up the eggs before she sees them.* Morning.

Arc, Lyle, and Masu: Morning.

Princess Kilvas: *Sniff.* What’s that smell?

Lyle: Uh....Nothing. Masu! Fetch the princess something to eat!

Masu: Uh sure, what do you want princess?

Princess Kilvas: It’s alright, I’ll just get a fish from a stream. *She transforms and flies off.*

Arc: Masu, follow after her and make sure she doesn’t get into trouble, alright?

Masu: Got it. *He complies.*

Lyle: ....We never figured out who Serene was working for.....

Arc: No worries. We’ll just get that from Fireman.

Lyle: True.

Arc: So what was that dream you had about?

Lyle: Ah. Nothing. Don’t worry.

Arc: I’m not worried, I’m just curious.

Lyle: .....It was a recurrence of the day my family was murdered.

Arc: Oh. Sorry.

Lyle: It’s alright. In the end, it actually wound up helping me. I haven’t dreamt about it for a long time. Not since before I avenged them.

Arc: Huh. Well, I won’t pry into your personal business anymore as I don’t care.

Lyle: I didn’t think you would. *Laughs.*

*Outside another cave.*

Knife: .....So.....we left our previous cave.......to move into another cave......

Damon: Yup.

Kiryn: .......Do you see the missteps in logic?

Damon: Hey! Who’s the boss here, and who’s the lousy subordinates?

Kiryn: *Sigh.*

Knife: Well, let’s get moved in then.....

*They take the boxes of stuff in.*

Kriyn: Didn’t you say we had an army earlier?

Damon: .....I did........But I lied.

Knife: .........

Kiryn: Dammit Damon. How many people are in this group?!

Damon: .....Three. Including me.

Kiryn: ........

Knife: .......You’re a lousy boss.

Damon: Get back to work!


Lyle: Alright. Same as usual. Masu and Princess, you restock the supplies, we’ll go meet with Fireman.

Masu: Got it! *Princess and Masu leave.*

Arc: You think Nightmare has made it to Kilvas by now?

Lyle: Probably. But he also needs to make his way back to us.

Arc: True.

*They walk into the bar.*

Man at bar: I need a scotch and a Fireman.

Bartender: .....

Man at bar: You heard me.

Bartender: .....Please step into that room over there.

Lyle and Arc: .........

Bartender: Can I help you boys?

Lyle: We need to see Fireman.

Bartender: ....I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment.

Lyle: What?

Arc: What do you mean?

????: It’s alright Roy. This concerns them.

Arc: Huh?

Fireman: *Walks out covered in bandages drenched in his blood.* Good to see you both.

To be continued.

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Here's an idea, everyone who is reading this, send a description of your character. If you have more than one character in this, (Like me and Kiryn ((Only cause the double Kiryn. ))) send two. (This is so she can do the manga if she's so inclined.)

For people who don't read this(Like Tashi and Arc/Metal Rabbit/Namine.) , I'll just leave it up to Princess Kilvas's imagination or I'll ask them to send a description myself.

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Here's an idea, everyone who is reading this, send a description of your character. If you have more than one character in this, (Like me and Kiryn ((Only cause the double Kiryn. ))) send two. (This is so she can do the manga if she's so inclined.)

For people who don't read this(Like Tashi and Arc/Metal Rabbit/Namine.) , I'll just leave it up to Princess Kilvas's imagination or I'll ask them to send a description myself.

Oh, Thank you! That'll help me alot!

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