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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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Well i always see ppl based off of pics i've seen in their avatars/sigs while reading this. To tell the truth this is what im seeing:

Tashi(Logic sword)-the guy in his avatar



Princess-Vika(but not depressing and wearing more clothing) i see vika only cuz i know she's a bird like vika and nasella.(WHO IS AWESOME)


Kiryn-Kiryn(shes in her sig)

Ehhhh.....yeah i should probably MAKE a masu but i am uber suckzor at drawing. Maybe someone could draw a masu. XD

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Ok, Character describtions....(Excluding Kiryn, Serene and Nightmare. But Kiryn I may need a full-body picture)

Here's what I need:


Hair color

Hair style

Eye color

Clothes style/Color


Other (Scars, Jewelry, Wings, etc.)

Hmm...I think that's it..

Please PM them to me

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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New episoder. WOOT!

Lyle: What the hell happened to you?

Fireman: Where are your friends?

Arc: You mean Masu and the Princess?

Fireman: Yeah. Get them too. They should hear this too.

*Arc and Lyle go to find them.*


Damon: You know, without a throne, it’s just not the same.....

Kiryn: *drops the crap.* Okay, Damon, what the hell is going on?

Damon: What?

Knife: Yeah, I mean, we may be your subordinates, but we can tell there’s something big going on that you’re not telling us.

Damon: ......

Kiryn: Fess up. Now.

Damon: .....Alright. Listen, there is something big going on, but our purpose remains the same.

Kiryn: But-

Damon: I promise, that I will keep you both safe even if it costs me my entire existence.

Knife: Huh?

Damon: ......I don’t feel like explaining.

Kiryn: What are we up against?

Damon: Just Lyle and his group.

Kiryn: You know what I mean.

Damon: It could be anything from an army of butterflies to a King Kong size monster with an insatiable appetite for anything that feels emotion.

Knife: ......

Damon: Knowing how things usually work, I’d say it’s the latter.

Knife: ...whoopie.

*Evil Kiryn sits on a rock. Around her is the bloody corpses of several now unidentifiable people.*

Evil Kiryn: Try to attack me? What fools.

???: That was impressively done.

Evil Kiryn: Who’s there?

Lich: *The lich walks up to Kiryn, Mathan who is even more jittery than he was, is next to him.* No one in particular. You finished them off quite quickly.

Evil Kiryn: You’re names. And what are you exactly?

Lich: Ah. I see not many people know about the planes in this world.

Evil Kiryn: Ah. You are from the planes. That explains how you’re alive with no flesh.

Lich: Indeed. This man next to me is called Mathan Fenson. I myself have no name. You may call me Lich. We have need of someone with your....power.

Evil Kiryn: And just what is it that I will get out of it?

Lich: Whatever you want.

Evil Kiryn: What?

Lich: Allow me to explain......


Lyle: Okay Fireman, we’re all here. What’s the scoop?

Fireman: As you can see, I’m not exactly in the best shape right now. In fact, the only reason I’m still alive is because a friend of yours found me crawling my way here. *He points to Tashi, who is standing behind him.*

Tashi: Hello.

Masu: Good to see ya asshole!

Tashi: Pah.

Fireman: If I may continue, as I was researching your request I found out a lot of interesting things about you Lyle.

Lyle: I don’t remember telling you to do that....

Fireman: Well, I realized that the only way to get something to put Hikari’s soul back in, would be to get the device from some other plane of existence.

Masu: Woah woah! Wait a sec! What the hell are you talking about? What planes?

Lyle: Planes of existence. The world we’re in is just one plane. There are billions more.

Princess Kilvas: That’s mind boggling. How do we even know that for sure?

Lyle: I’ve been to a lot of them. I know it’s the truth.

Arc: You’ve been to them?

Lyle: Yeah. When I was with The Demonclaw Syndicate, we went around the planes doing menial tasks and such. Saving existence from being erased, that sort of thing.

Arc: ....Sound’s like fun.

Lyle: It was.

Masu:‘Demonclaw Syndicate’? Didn’t Hexblade mention that he was a part of it?

Lyle: Yeah. He was one of the top 4 members. It was disbanded a little while ago.

Fireman: There’s another member here though.

Lyle: What?! Who?!

Fireman: Damon Feath Settrock. He’s the one that set Serene on you.

Lyle: Damon?!!? Shit.

Arc: What?

Lyle: Damon’s our enemy and he’s not easy to take down.

Fireman: Clearly. He killed Taro in seconds.

Princess Kilvas: Taro.....is dead?

Fireman: Yeah. Damon is strong.

Lyle: .....Was he the one that did that to you?

Fireman: No. I was working for Damon for quite some time. I was attacked by something far more wild.

Arc: Wait. You worked with our enemy? How the hell can we trust anything you say then?

Fireman: Because what’s about to happen is going to concern this whole world and everyone in it.

Lyle: ......Fuck.

Fireman: I suppose you know what’s coming then?

Lyle: No more than the gyst.

Fireman: Well, to clarify, the thing that attacked me was neither beorc or laguz. It was more like a mix of the two.

Masu: A mix?

Fireman: Yeah. It was weird. He seemed to be half man half tiger.

Lyle: A werewolf.

Masu: A what?

Lyle: Well, a werecat to be precise. It’s a human who is cursed and becomes a half cat half human beast every once in a while.

Fireman: I wasn’t able to find that out. What I did find out was about the Lich that was traveling with him.

Lyle: A Lich?!?!

Arc: Is that bad?

Fireman: You can bet it is. It has immense physical strength and even greater magical strength. Of all beings in the planes, it is one of the strongest types of magic users. Am I right Lyle?

Lyle: There are a few exceptions, but yeah, in general liches are among the best.

Fireman: I watched as the Lich tore a soul from a human body. It seems he’s collecting them.

Arc: What’s the connection between the two?

Fireman: I can’t say. However, it is true they are on the same side.

Arc: Do we know why they’re collecting souls?

Fireman: I’m not sure.

Lyle: It doesn’t really matter now does it?

Arc: True.

Lyle: Alright. Here’s the deal then. We go, beat up Damon, then, we take out the Lich and the werecat, then, we bring back Hikari. Tashi, can you stay and keep Fireman safe just in case?

Tashi: For now.

Lyle: Good. Fireman, when you’re feeling better, come on and join us if you’re so inclined. We could use the help.

Fireman: Will do. The world ending is bad for business.

Bartender: You’re welcome to stay here the night. It’s getting pretty late.

Masu: I don’t think we have any money.

Fireman: It’s on me.

Lyle: Really?

Fireman: Sure, the world’s ending anyway. I don’t need money in the afterlife.

Lyle: Alright. Me and Arc will share a room. Masu and the princess will share one.

Masu: REALLY?!?!

Arc: If you touch her you’re dead.

Princess Kilvas: *Lost in her own thoughts.* ......

Lyle: You okay pricess?

Princess Kilvas: *Monotone.* Yes....*She walks up to her room.*

Masu: .......

*???. Evil Kiryn, the Lich and Mathan are now traveling together. They stumble across a passerby.*

Lich: Well what do we have here? Your soul is quite strong.

Mathan: *Twitches wildly.* NRRR!!! *He seems to be in pain and is even more drenched in sweat than usual.*

Evil Kiryn: Can’t you do something about him? He’s quite gross.

Lich: You’re bothered by some human functions that are otherwise perfectly normal in small doses, but the fact that I have no flesh does not upset you in the slightest. What an odd creature you are. Don’t worry. You’ll get to see Mathan in action now. I’m sure he’ll more than make up for his bad hygiene.

Evil Kiryn: Is that so?

Mathan: *His pupils and irises shrink in his eyeballs. He starts shouting.* GAHH!!!!

Evil Kiryn: Interesting.

Lich: Don’t kill him though Mathan. His soul will be useful for when we revive the Demon King.

Mathan: *Screams at the sky.* RAGH!!!!!!! *His body starts to shift.*

Nightmare: ....This can’t be good....

To be continued.

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Here's an idea, everyone who is reading this, send a description of your character. If you have more than one character in this, (Like me and Kiryn ((Only cause the double Kiryn. ))) send two. (This is so she can do the manga if she's so inclined.)

For people who don't read this(Like Tashi and Arc/Metal Rabbit/Namine.) , I'll just leave it up to Princess Kilvas's imagination or I'll ask them to send a description myself.

Name: Knife

Appearance: I'm a knife

Hobbies: Knifing

Family: Swords, Needles, Spikes, Sharp objects

Favorite pet: A smaller Knife

Species: I'm a ****ing Knife

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Here's a good one


Gender: Depends on which Serene

Race: Arc

Class: Arc-Grim Angel (not reaper)

Family: Dead

Hobbies: Once again depends on the Gender

Catch pharse: Here's my trump card

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Hmm. I might get in trouble with this one...but I'm sure Masu will bail me out.

*Daein. Masu and Princess Kilvas’ room.*

Masu: Wow. This is a nice place. Only one bed though....I’ll tell you what, I’ll sleep on the floor. You can take the bed.

Princess Kilvas: ......

Masu: ...Unless you want to sleep on the floor, that’s okay too. Whatever you want Princess.

Princess Kilvas: .......

Masu: Um...Princess? Are you alright?

Princess Kilvas: Huh? Oh. I’m fine Masu.....

Masu: ....If you want to talk about something I’m perfectly willing to listen.

Princess Kilvas: No. It’s fine Masu. It’s nothing.

Masu: ....Listen, how long have we been traveling together?

Princess Kilvas: 3 weeks....

Masu: Right. So come on. Tell me what’s on your mind.

Princess Kilvas: ....Okay....It’s Taro.....

Masu: That jerk? Why are you upset about him?

Princess Kilvas: Look, I know you only saw one side of him, but he was still a good person. And believe it or not, there was a time that I loved him....to hear that he’s dead....

Masu: *Feels guilty.* I’m sorry princess.

Princess Kilvas: And it’s all my fault to. He went looking for me, and now he’s dead because of it. I couldn’t do anything. *Her eyes start to water.* I feel so useless

Masu: You’re definitely not useless. If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead. Tashi woulda wound up killing me, Serene would have killed me. You’re many things, but you’re not useless.

Princess Kilvas: *Sniff.* But....

Masu: There have been plenty of times I’ve felt useless. I always have you, or Lyle, or Arc save me when I’m about to be killed. I’m more pathetic than you are. Hell, you were about to be married. I’ve never gotten so far as a week with any girl.

Princess Kilvas: *Sniff.* I don’t see why that matters.....

Masu: The point is, it’s not your fault that Taro died. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over this.

Princess Kilvas: *She hugs him.* Thank you Masu.....

Masu: Er. No problem....I just wish I could do more to help.

Princess Kilvas: ........


Mathan: RAHHH!!!!!*His transformation ceases. His eyes are now cat eyes. He looks like a mix between a human and a sabertooth tiger. He spots Nightmare. Then wildly charges toward him.*

Nightmare: Shit!

*Nightmare tries to avoid the attack, but Mathan moves too fast and cuts his shoulder. Without pausing Mathan spins on his feet and heads to attack Nighmare again. Nightmare then draws his sword and slashes at Mathan just before Mathan hits, sending him flying backwards as a stream of blood spouts from his chest.*

Evil Kiryn: Some beast.

Lich: Please. Keep your comments to yourself until Mathan is finished.

Evil Kiryn: Hm?

*Mathan gets up, and charges again for Nightmare.*

Nightmare: What the-? *Mathan launches himself on top of Nightmare and starts clawing at him, tearing Nightmare’s flesh.* GAH!!

Lich: Now do you see?

*Nightmare throws Mathan off of him and quickly scrambles to his feet, as Mathan charges again Nightmare slashes at him and desperately tries to avoid Mathan’s attacks. However, no matter how many times Nightmare’s sword makes contact with Mathan, the werecat keeps coming as if he doesn’t even notice his wounds.*

Nightmare: What the hell is this thing!?! *Mathan slashes at Nightmare’s face and knocks him to the ground. Mathan looks down on Nightmare as he’s about to strike the final blow.* Shit..!

Lich: That’s enough Mathan. *He snaps his fingers and Mathan’s body grows stiff.* As I said, we want his soul, so we can’t kill him.

Evil Kiryn: What did you do?

Lich: I used a binding spell to keep Mathan from moving.

Evil Kiryn: Why not just use that on Nightmare?

Lich: Then Mathan wouldn’t have his fun. *He holds his hand out to Nightmare.* Don’t be upset. Your soul is going to be part of something great.

Nightmare: (Shit! I can’t move!)

*Damon comes out of nowhere and kicks the Lich sending him flying.*

Damon: Woo! Man. What the hell’s going on here?

Evil Kiryn: You!?! How are you alive?!?!

Damon: No time to talk baby. *He picks up Nightmare.* I’ll see ya around though.*He flees at lightning speed.*

Lich: Rgh. To think that a member of the Demonclaw syndicate would be here. This could be troublesome.

Evil Kiryn: ‘Demonclaw syndicate’?

Lich: They have been disbanded, but they were a group of powerful warriors who traveled the planes. Where there is one, there could be more.

Evil Kiryn: Was there a member called Lyle Dayek?

Lich: Yes.

Evil Kiryn: He’s here as well. But he’s severely weakened. I’m sure we can defeat them.

Lich: There’s no need to worry. Our goal remains the same. And it shall be easy to complete. We’re very close now.

*Daein. Masu and the princess’ room. It’s morning, and the only thing covering Masu and the princess are the bed-sheets. Their clothes are scattered around the room as are some feathers.*

Masu: ...Wow.......

Princess Kilvas: Yeah, that’s a good assessment.

Masu: .......Wow......

Princess Kilvas: Were you surprised that I was the one who asked for it?

Masu: ......Yeah.....

Princess Kilvas: ....Are you gonna be okay Masu?

Masu: Well, I think I’m okay right now.....I can’t really tell though....am I dreaming?

Princess Kilvas: I don’t think I’ve ever stayed up all night before. Funny that this is the first time.

Masu: .....Wow.....

*The door opens. Masu and the princess haphazardly look to it.*

Arc: Hey, you two, Lyle wants-


Arc: ......*Closes door.*

Masu: Think he’ll be okay?

Princess Kilvas: Who cares?

*Downstairs. Arc swiftly comes down to the bar, where Fireman and Lyle are having a drink.*

Lyle: Are they coming?

Arc: I think they already did. Bartender! Give me your strongest liquor!

Fireman: This early?

Bartender: Uh...Here.

Arc:*Swiftly drinks it all down.* Get me another. Bigger.

Bartender: Uh....Okay...

*Masu and the princess come down the stairs dressed and clean.*

Masu: Morning everyone.

Lyle and Fireman: Morning.

Arc:......*Drinks his third down just as quickly as the first.*

Princess Kilvas: Is he alright?

Arc: I’m fine. *Drinks another.*

Masu: So what’s the deal?

Lyle: Fireman told us where Damon is hiding, we’re gonna go find him, and take care of him. Then we’ll work on the Lich problem. Is that good?

Princess: Fine. But is Arc going to be okay to fight?

Arc: Trust me. This is just making me better. *Downs his seventh.* Ah. Okay. I think I’m good now.

Lyle: Alright. In that case let’s get moving.

To be continued.

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No, no! It's fine! Really! I don't mind! I just wasn't expecting it.

To be completely honest, niether did I. I just figured that I was getting so serious into the plot, that I figured I needed something to lighten it up.

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To be completely honest, niether did I. I just figured that I was getting so serious into the plot, that I figured I needed something to lighten it up.

All right, that's fine.

Hmmmm.....how am I going to draw this? :mellow:

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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All right, that's fine.

Hmmmm.....how am I going to draw this? :mellow:

Well, you don't have to show any......well, you know.....but I wouldn't really know anyway. (Just have the blankets covering the important parts. I guess.)

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