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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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Besides, I'm on a Wii. I can't copy&paste. =P

But I seriously can't wait to start drawing this. I've always wanted to make a manga! =D

Lol. I can't wait either. I always wanted to draw some of my stories, (They only work Manga style.)

But, I can't draw for crap.

(I almost did a stickman version of DBZ. But then I was told it was stupid by one of my friends. Then I got lazy.)

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Lol. I can't wait either. I always wanted to draw some of my stories, (They only work Manga style.)

But, I can't draw for crap.

(I almost did a stickman version of DBZ. But then I was told it was stupid by one of my friends. Then I got lazy.)

Lol. I would've made a manga of my FE fanfic..but I suck at drawing hands and feet! ><

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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By the way, the new episode won't be up till Bianchi catches up. I want her to read the end when everyone else does. (The story was written for her....)

(Although, in actuality, it's mostly because I don't know how to end this... :P )

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By the way, the new episode won't be up till Bianchi catches up. I want her to read the end when everyone else does. (The story was written for her....)

(Although, in actuality, it's mostly because I don't know how to end this... :P )

lol! i'll catch up!

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Sweet. Now shes bianchi! Branded should switch to hibari avatar and sig and i should switch to Ryohei!(gemini-saga already is using tsuna! XD)

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The only solution i can see for this dilemma that we're in is for my God of randomness powers to kick in. But then what the heck would happen if i used those!? ITs random everytime! One time i wanted to fix my clock but what do i do? I changed branded blade into a girl! Then my sister's hair burst into flames! Yeah i cant control my powers well. :(

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The only solution i can see for this dilemma that we're in is for my God of randomness powers to kick in. But then what the heck would happen if i used those!? ITs random everytime! One time i wanted to fix my clock but what do i do? I changed branded blade into a girl! Then my sister's hair burst into flames! Yeah i cant control my powers well. :(


Branded Blade has girl parts.

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Another sloppy one. But that's cause I'm dealing with some emotional problems with Bianchi:

Masu: Uh-oh. This isn’t good.

Arc: No kidding Masu.

Masu: Now what?

Lyle: *Eye twitch.* I’ll tell you what......*He attacks Masu ad starts choking him* I’M GONNA KILL YOU FOR SCREWING THIS UP!!!!!

Damon: Lyle!

Masu: ACK!!!

Lyle: YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!! *It takes Damon, Fireman, and Arc to pull Lyle off of Masu.*

Arc: Lyle! Calm down!

Lyle: That bastard screwed up and killed us all!!!

Damon: Is killing him going to solve anything?

Lyle: You never know!!! *He tries to get back up but Arc and Damon keep him pinned.*

Kiryn: Well, now what?

Hikari: I dunno. *Shrugs.*

Lyle: *Gets up, no longer trying to kill Masu.* We don’t have any other Ace in the hole. Nothing. We’re fucked.

*The Demon King roars.*

Damon: Well, as I see it, we still have a few options.

Lyle: Like what!?

Damon: Well, for one, we can run, and not come back.

Nightmare: It would still come for us.

Damon: We can beg for mercy and join it.

Fireman: That sounds pretty degrading.....

Masu: Better than dying though.

Fireman: True....

Damon: Or, we could do what I think is the best plan and charge head on and beat the shit out of the bastard that way.

Lyle: Heh. Just like old times?

Damon: You bet L.D.

Lyle: Everyone else, stay here. Me and Damon are gonna go and welcome the Demon King back to life.

Princess Kilvas: Um...I dunno if you guys realize this....but that’s a really bad idea.....

Damon: Oh yeah, we know. *Damon runs toward the Demon King, Lyle follows after.*

Arc: .......So, after they’re dead, what should we do?

Knife: I liked the whole running idea.

Hikari: Don’t worry. Lyle will win.

Masu: Listen sis, I know you have faith in him, but he’s in way over his head.

Hikari: No he’s not. He’ll win.

Masu: ......

Fireman: Well, if you all need me, just call for a Fireman in the nearest tavern.

Nightmare: What? You’re just going to leave?

Fireman: I really don’t think I’m necessary anymore. See ya. *Fireman dissapears.*

Arc: What a dick.

Masu: Hey look!

*Damon and Lyle have reached the base of the Demon King. It looks down on them.*

Lyle: HEY! ASSHOLE!!!!


*The Demon King opens his mouth and chomps down on the ground where Lyle is standing. Damon looks to where Lyle was standing to see that the Demon King swallowed him whole.*

Damon: *Wide eyed.* .......Nevermind about that! *He runs back*

Princess Kilvas: Lyle...!

Arc: Shit.....

Masu: No.....

Hikari: .....

Damon: Well....that plan didn’t work, but it gave me an idea for another one!

Princess Kilvas: How can you just move on without saying anything?!?!

Damon: What? About Lyle? What would be the point in crying? Besides, we’re in the middle of a situation here, the’ll be time for mourning later.

Masu: You jerk!!

Damon: Call me what you want. Here’s the plan, Nightmare, Knife: You take the girls and get as far away from here as possible. Masu, Arc, you two are coming with me.

Arc: Where are we going?

Damon: *He taps the air and a portal opens.* To the planes.

*Inside the throat of the Demon King, Lyle has spread his body holding on for dear life to the walls of the Demon King’s throat.*

Lyle: Well, of all the weird shit I’ve been in, I can honestly say this is the weirdest. How the hell am I getting out of this one?

*Lyle’s hand slips and he is sent flying downward into the Demon Kings stomach. He lands.*

Lyle: Eww. *He wipes himself off.* This place is gross. What the hell am I supposed to do here?

???: Hello Sir Dayek.

Lyle: *Spins around.* Who’s there?

Lich: Why, that would be me.


Kiryn: You think Damon’s plan will work?

Knife: It’s not like we know what it is.

Princess Kilvas: I’m kinda worried....

Nightmare: In the mean time lets try and think of something for ourselves.

Hikari: I know we’ll win.

Knife: What are you talking about? Damon’s bound to screw something up, Lyle’s dead, and we have a gigantic dragon-demon about to kill us!!! We’ve got slim to none chance here!!!

Hikari: Lyle will save us.

Knife: Lyle is dead!!!

Hikari: Don’t be stupid. Lyle’s too good for that.

Knife: Stop being so ignorant!

Kiryn: Knife! Shut-up!

Knife: .......


Arc: Well.....that was certainly disorienting.

Damon: Yeah, the first time you travel through planes always is. You get used to it after the 3rd or 4th time.

Masu: I think I’m gonna be sick

Damon: Oh, stop being a pansy. Hey! Rov!

???: What? *A man comes out of the shack that stands in front of them.* Damon? What the hell do you want? And who are your friends?

Damon: Guys this is Rov. He’s supposed to be the greatest smithy in existence.

Rov: ‘Supposed to’? And I prefer the name ‘weapons forger’ over smithy.

Damon: Pfft. Whatever.

Rov: What do you want?

Damon: Isn’t that obvious Rov?

Rov: You don’t use weapons Damon.

Damon: No, but my friends here do. What do you two use again?

Arc: Bow and arrows.

Masu: Tomes.

Rov: It’ll take a few months to forge a personalized bow. And I don’t do tomes.

Damon: Well, we don’t really have that kinda time, anyway. Do you have anything ready for us now?

Rov: *Raises and eyebrow.* You want me to just give you something?

Damon: Oh, come on Rov, we’re in the middle of fighting the Demon King here.

Rov: ....Fine. But I don’t have any tomes. I can give you a short sword. That’s the best I can do.

Damon: Masu, can you use a short sword?

Masu: Well-

Damon: Great. Whip em out Rov.

Rov: Here, I’ve got a bow here called ‘Avenger’ that doesn’t need arrows. It’s magically charged to shoot lightning bolts.

Arc: Thank you.....

Rov; And I have a short sword here called ‘Darani.’ It can drain energy from whatever it cuts. Drain enough and you can fire off a blast of energy at your opponent.

Masu: Cool. *Swings sword.*

Damon: *Has a big RPG in resting on his shoulder.* By the way, I’m taking this guy with me.

Rov: ....Go ahead. It’s yours anyway.

Damon: The Demon King won’t know what hit em.

Rov: Now get out of here. And I’ll be wanting that sword back. You can keep the bow.

Masu: But-

Damon: Just run with it Masu. Let’s go! *He opens up the portal.*

To Be continued.

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*tries to think of something to do to kill time.......*


Boy Masu, waiting for this, waiting for Tos 2. How are you managing to live right now?

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(You know, looking back on where I started, this whole thing took a turn from Fucking crazy, to fucking awesome somewhere....well, here you go:)

*A Plane. Hexblade lies on a bench drinking some sake.*

Hexblade: Ah....Well, sure the Demon King has been revived, but I’m sure Lyle and Damon can take care of it. *Takes a sip*

*Something drops from the sky and lands next to Hexblade.*

Hexblade: What’s this? *He looks at the bag.* .....No way. *He starts laughing.*

*Inside the Demon King.*

Lich: Suprised?

Lyle: Not really. People like you always seem to not die when you need them to.

Lich: Heh. You’re one to talk.

Lyle: True. *Draws his blades.* Still, you couldn’t beat me before, what makes you think you could beat me now?

Lich: Well, I’m twice as powerful now that the Demon King has been revived, and the only reason our previous battle ended so soon is because you had several other members with you. No one could take on four people at one time.

Lyle: Pathetic. You at least try to.

Lich: Fool. *He sends a blast of dark energy at Lyle, who rolls out of the way.*

Lyle: I agree, I’m a fool, I charged head first toward the Demon King, was eaten by it, and now have no way out and am fighting a guy who I thought was dead. I am a fool, but I do have honor.

*Lyle charges and slashes at the Lich’s shield. This time the shield doesn’t break.*

Lich: Heh. *Waves his hand in front of Lyle, sending Lyle flying back into the wall.*


Damon: We’re back! *Holds his RPG*

Branded Blade: What the hell is that?!?!?!

Arc: Don’t ask.

Masu: It took him forever to explain it to us.

Nightmare: Is that stuff really gonna work?

Damon: We’re about to find out. Arc, you keep shooting at it, Masu, you’re coming with me, we’re gonna charge it. I’ll try to keep his attention on me, you focus on attacking him. *Pats his RPG* We only get one shot with this baby.*Under his breath.* Cause I don’t remember how to reload it.... *Full voice.* Let’s make it worthwhile. Arc, your up.

Arc: On it. *He shoots his bow at the Demon King. The Demon King is unharmed, but takes notice.*

Kiryn: Where’d you get that bow......?

Damon: Keep it up Arc. Let’s go Masu! *They run toward the Demon King.*

Princess Kilvas: Be careful!!! I hope they’ll be okay.

Hikari: Don’t worry, Lyle will save them.




Princess Kilvas: ....Yeah. You’re right.

Arc: I agree. *Shoots another arrow.*

Branded Blade: Um-

Kiryn: *Hushes him.*

*Toward the Demon King, Damon is hopping around avoiding the Demon King’s attacks. Meanwhile, Masu is slashing away at it’s base.*

Damon: How ya doin there Masu?

Masu: It doesn’t seem to be doing anything!

Damon: Is the sword gathering power?

Masu: I think so!

Damon: Good. Keep at it then!

*Inside Demon King.*

Lyle: You know Lich, you’re a busy man, I’m a busy man, what’s say we skip the foreplay and head straight for the climax. You and me, all our power into one shot. (This is my one shot to get out of here.)

Lich: Hm. You seem eager to reach your grave....very well. Let us finish this. *Black aura envelopes him.*

Lyle: (If I was ever to get your power Hikari, now would be the time....)


Hikari: *Starts glowing.*

Kiryn: Eh?

Knife: What the hell’s going on?

Nightmare: What? I don’t hear anything...

Princess Kilvas: It’s a visual thing Nightmare.

Nightmare: ...Oh....

*Inside Demon King.*

Lyle: *Starts glowing like Hikari. Also, is now encircled with his own purple aura.* Whenever you’re ready Lich.

Lich: DIE!!! *Charges Lyle.*

Lyle: (Wait for it.....)


Damon: (Sneaky Bastard.) Masu! Get ready to fire off the sword shot! *Readies the RPG.*

Masu: Er. Okay.

Damon: Arc! Put all the energy into this next arrow, and fire it at that spot. *Points at the Demon King’s belly.*

Arc: Got it!

*The Lich is about to impale Lyle.*

Lyle: (Now!) *Lyle jumps out of the way of the Lich, who hits the wall of The Demon King’s stomach. When Lyle lands he attacks the Lich from behind, shattering the Lich and combining the two attacks against the stomach wall.* (Come on! Pierce!)


Damon: ARC, MASU, NOW!!!

*Arc fires his bow at the stomach, Masu slashes his sword at the stomach, and then Damon fires the RPG. The Demon King roars in pain as his stomach bursts open. Lyle gets launched out of the explosion.*

Masu: Lyle!

Lyle: What the fuck was that?!?!

Damon: Good to see you to. Now come on, this thing isn’t done yet.

Masu: What? It’s stomach has just exploded! How can that thing still be alive?

Damon: I meant the RPG explosion.

Lyle: *Wide eyes.* YOU IDIOT DAMON!!!! RUN!!!

Masu: Huh? *Damon grabs Masu.*

*Once they get far away, the Demon King explodes, sending a huge shock-wave sending everyone flying backward.*

*After the smoke clears.*


Lyle: That was Damon’s specially crafted RPG. It not only causes an explosion, but it causes a second one, which is equivalent to the power of the person it hit. Should it hit a particular person. *He hits Damon.* You idiot!

Damon: Ow.

Kiryn: So, this is over?

Arc: It seems that way.

Princess Kilvas: Masu! Are you okay?

Masu: Yeah....My head hurts though.....

Knife: That was certainly an adventure.

Lyle: *Walks over to Hikari.* Are you alright Hikari?

Hikari: Yup. I knew you’d be okay. *She hugs him.*

*A portal opens. Hexblade steps out.*

Hexblade: Yo.

Nightmare: Hexblade? What are you doing here?

Hexblade: Well, I was enjoying a relaxing evening when I stumbled upon this. *He holds a bag. It says “BIANCHI’S SOUL” on it, in big bold letters.*

Lyle: EH?

Hikari: Oo! Gimme! *She grabs it. The same white light engulfs her.*

Lyle: Hikari?

Bianchi: Don’t be silly, silly! I’m Bianchi!

Lyle: ....Oh. Hooray!

Bianchi: Thanks Hexblade.

Hexblade: You’re welcome.

Lyle: You know each other?

Hexblade: No. But you mentioned my name earlier.

Bianchi: Oh don’t be jealous Lyle! *She tackles Lyle to the ground kissing him.*

Hexblade: Huh. Now I see why he doesn’t want to leave. Speaking of which, Damon!

Damon: Crap....

Hexblade: Come on. Yachiru and Kenpachi are waiting for you.

Damon: Ah geeze....Well, I won’t bother you while your busy Lyle, but see ya around. *He salutes. Damon and Hexblade walk into the portal.*

Nightmare: I’m out of here.

Knife: Wait! Nightmare!

Nightmare: What?

Knife: Need a partner?

Nightmare:......Not really, but why not? Let’s go. *Nightmare and Knife leave.*

Princess Kilvas: I’m so glad you’re safe Masu......

Masu: Me to princess. And I got this cool sword out of all this!

Damon: *The portal opens again.* Oh yeah, forgot about that. *Takes it. Leaves.*

Masu: You bastard!

Princess Kilvas: Here, I’ll give you something else that’ll cheer you up. *She kisses him.*

Kiryn: ........So......

Arc: Yup.......

Kiryn: ........Um......

Arc: Eh. I’m too good for you. *Walks away.*

Kiryn: HEY!!

*And so, in conclusion, Bianchi and Lyle headed back together to Serenes Forest. Masu and the Princess started dating, Nightmare and Knife went on a killing spree, Kriyn and Arc/Metal Rabbit continued their love hate relationship, Damon and Hexblade continued to explore the planes and Branded Blade returned to being an extra in films. All in all they lived happily until the next Serenes Forest escapade. However, there is one thing left untold.*

Fireman: *Smoking his pipe.*

Songbird: Hello.

Fireman: Hello.

Songbird: What’s your name?

Fireman: Fireman.

Songbird: I’m Songbird. You, um.....want to go out sometime?

Fireman: .....How’s now for you?

Songbird: Okay!

The End.

This story is dedicated to Bianchi, Masu, Arc/Metal Rabbit, Princess Kilvas, and all my other friends and loved ones in the forest, even you bastards who didn’t read this. Be sure to watch out for when Princess Kilvas turns this into a manga.

-Yours truly: Lyle Dayek, The Dual Wielding Noble, of Serenes Forest.

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