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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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Sorry. I had graduation ceremonies today so im officially out of high school......and WOW.......didnt think we'd get that close so soon! ..........just wow.............

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Here's another. The climax begins!

*Damon is carrying Nightmare on his back, quickly sprinting away.*

Nightmare: What the hell are you doing?!

Damon: That’s some way to talk to the guy who saved your ass. You do realize that he was about to devour your soul?

Nightmare: Wait. I remember you! You’re Damon!

Damon: Good job genius.

Nightmare: What are you doing here?

Damon: Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought that I’d save you.

Nightmare: ‘In the neighborhood’? Why?

Damon: I was getting this. *He holds an orb.* It’s a device that will put Hikari’s soul back in it’s place.

Nightmare: Why? Are you trying to get Hikari back now?

Damon: No. If I have the only thing that can bring her back, then Lyle will come to me anyway right? Then I can take care of him then.

Nightmare: Oh....So what now? You gonna kill me?

Damon: Hardly. If I were I woulda killed you by now so I wouldn’t have to carry your fat-ass.

Nightmare: I’m not fat at all!

Damon: You’re skinnier than I am. That makes you fat in my book.

Nightmare: .......

Damon: We’re here.

*They arrive at the new cave. Damon walks in and then tosses Nightmare on the ground.*

Nightmare: Ow.....

Knife: Hey! That’s the guy who beat me up!

Damon: Yep. We’re healing him.

Kiryn: ....Why?

Damon: Cause he’s dying. You! New guy!

Branded Blade: Yeah?

Damon: Pick him up and bring him into the infirmary.

Branded Blade: Yes sir! *He does it.*

Knife: .....Who the fuck is that?

Damon: Branded Blade. What? You thought that you two were the only ones who worked for me?

Kiryn: Yeah! You even said that we were the only ones working for you!

Damon:......I plead the 5th.

Kiryn: Ugh!

Knife: *Facepalms.*


Lyle: Alright. So we know where Damon’s base is and we’re headed there now. Arc, are you sure you’re okay?

Arc: Lyle. I’m fine. I was in a state of incredible shock, and those 7 drinks got me out of it.

Lyle: Why were you in a state of shock?

Princess Kilvas: Um.....

Masu: It’s really not that important.....

Arc: .......Let’s move on.

Lyle: Wait, you two saw it to? ........*A light goes off in his head.* You two had sex??!?!!?!?!

Masu: SHH!!!!

Princess kilvas: Not so loud!

Lyle: Alright! Okay! Just give me a second to process this. *He runs behind the building.*

Arc: ....I think he’s handling it well.

???: *A voice from behind the building.* HOLY FUCK!!!!

*Lyle walks back around to the front of the building.*

Lyle: Okay, I’m good. Now were gonna need to get there quickly, so we want to do this in the fastest way possible.

Arc: ....I’ll get the cd player.


*They arrive.*

Lyle: Alright. We’re here.

Arc: Boy, it was rough there for a while.

Masu: Sure was.

Lyle: Enough chat. Let’s go in.

*They walk in. No one seems to be around.*

Lyle: ......This isn’t the wrong cave is it?

Arc: .....No way.....

???: No this is the right cave.

Arc: *Smiles.* I see. Guys, this is my fight. This is the person I was looking for.

Kiryn: Hello Arc. The rest of you are free to proceed if Arc wants to fight me.

Lyle: You sure you gonna be alright Arc?

Arc: If I ain’t then I want it to be that way.

Lyle: Heh. Let’s go then. Come on Masu, princess.

Masu: ....

Princess Kilvas: Okay.

*The three of them go on ahead.*

Arc: .....You know, I’ve been looking for you.

Kiryn: ...Really? Should I care?

Arc: I see you separated from your evil side.

Kiryn: Yes I did. *She readies her bow.*

Arc: Heh. You really want to kill me?

Kiryn: Yes.

Arc: I see. *He looks sorrowful. But draws his bow.* But I’m not gonna let you kill me.

Kiryn: Prepare to die.

Arc: Way ahead of you.

*Deeper into the cave.*

Knife: *Knife sits down on a rock, trying to look cool* I’m the next guy. So who’s gonna fight me?

Lyle: Wow. What a lame plot device.

Knife: *Draws his knife.* I’m here to fight Masu. The princess stays here as well.

Masu: Why?

Knife: Damon wants to have a one on one fight with Lyle.

Lyle: Is that okay with you Masu? Can you protect the princess?

Knife: I have no intention of harming a woman. Much less a princess so I can have a whole country trying to kill me.

Masu: I’ll keep her safe Lyle. You go on ahead.

Lyle: ....I know you can do it Masu. *He runs off.*

Knife: Well, this is lame. I was hoping to get Arc, so I could at least have a challenge. Instead I get the little squirt.

Masu: ......

Princess Kilvas: Masu-

Masu: No. Princess. Even if I’m about to die, stay out of this. I want to beat this guy on my own.

Knife: Are you kidding? You couldn’t beat a fly.


Princess Kilvas: O_o

Knife: Eh?

*Deeper in the cave. Damon is playing ‘Don’t stop me now’ on the piano.*

Lyle: .....You’re so lame Damon.

Damon: *Turns around and grins widely.* Hey Lyle.

To be continued.

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*notices that the blanket holding his head up is not there* Shit.

Well besides that good part, can I have some blood for 200 please. It's gotten a lot let violent since I died.

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*notices that the blanket holding his head up is not there* Shit.

Well besides that good part, can I have some blood for 200 please. It's gotten a lot let violent since I died.

Well, I love blood and violence just as much as the next guy, but I kinda wanted to focus more on plot. (Plus I could imagine that fight scenes are hard to draw, if Princess Kilvas is gonna make this into a manga.)

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Well, I love blood and violence just as much as the next guy, but I kinda wanted to focus more on plot. (Plus I could imagine that fight scenes are hard to draw, if Princess Kilvas is gonna make this into a manga.)

I'm no good with fight scenes. But making them will be good practice for me.

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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Well it's a good thing that most of mine are going to have some sort of deciding joke like the Tower of Druaga anime. Which is based of a old Namco game of similar name

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*Branded Blade sits on top of the cave grumbling to himself.*

Branded Blade: Geeze. Just because I’m new I don’t get to be in any of the fights. I’m sure I could take on Masu at the very least.

*A bony hand grabs him by the neck and flings him to the ground. The face of the Lich looks down at him.*

Lich: Don’t worry. We’re not going to interfere here. We came here just for you.

Branded Blade: Urk! Me?

Lich: Do you want to live?

Branded Blade: Depends....

Lich: I’ll take that as a yes. *He Lich’s free hand glows red. He stabs into Branded Blade’s stomach and then pulls it out. His hand is no longer red, and Branded Blade starts screaming.* Don’t worry. The pain will be fleeting.

Evil Kiryn: What exactly did you do to him?

Lich: *After Branded Blade stops screaming, the Lich picks him up.* You’ll see.

*Inside the cave. Arc has two arrows stuck in his shoulder, and is hiding from Kiryn.*

Kiryn: Where are you, you little rodent?!

Arc: *Almost laughs as he gets the humor in that.* (Like I’m gonna tell you.)

Kiryn: You haven’t shot one arrow at me this entire time! Why are you holding back? You know that I have the intent to kill!

Arc: *Comes out of his hiding spot.* And why is that? Why is it that you want to kill me so much?

Kiryn: You know why! You gave away my location to my clone! You must be working for her!

Arc: I would never do something like that willingly.

Kiryn: You still did it! And you almost got me killed! *She shoots another arrow at him. He sidesteps it.*

Arc: I swear to you. I would never try to cause you any harm. I’ve been looking for you to see if you were alright. ....And to apologize...

Kiryn: Just shut-up! *She fires another arrow.*

Arc: *Dodges it again.* ....I’m sorry it had to be this way....

*Arc moves with lightning speed and fires off several arrows. The arrows hit Kiryn’s clothes and pin her to the wall. Then her shirt splits showing her cleavage.*

Kiryn: EH?! YOU BASTARD!!!

Arc: Aren’t you impressed that I did all of that without hurting you in the slightest?

Kiryn: RGH!!!! YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!!!!!

Arc: But I would never do anything to hurt you.....physically.

Kiryn: *Struggles to move.* RAGH!!!!! I HATE YOU METAL RABBIT!!!!

Arc: *Sits back and enjoys the view.* Ah, you’ll get over it.

*Further into the cave, Knife and Masu are battling it out. Masu is keeping up, but Knife has the clear advantage with his high speed. Princess Kilvas watches in worry.*

Masu: TAKE THIS!!!! *He sends a spout of fire right toward Knife.*

Knife: *Manages to dodge, but his arm is singed.* Okay, I’ll admit it. You’re not bad Masu.

Masu: Why thank you.

Knife: But you’re certainly not going to beat me! *Knife comes up from behind Masu and slashes his back, then before Masu can counter, Knife disappears.*

Masu: Damn! Don’t worry princess! I’m fine!

Princess Kilvas: ......(I don’t want to just sit here.....But this is Masu’s fight.....I can’t interfere....*

Masu: HA!!!! *He launches another fire spell, Knife is flushed out of the shadows and Masu sends another spurt of fire at him.*

Knife: (Damn!) *He stops in his tracks for a second, giving Masu enough time to nail him.*

Masu: GOT YOU!!!!

Knife: Shit! *Knife is engulfed in flames.*

Masu: WOOT!!! WHO’S THE MAN?!?! Did you see that princess?

Princess Kilvas: *She relaxes.* Try to be more careful Masu...LOOK OUT!!!

*Knife pops up from the flames and knocks Masu to the ground.*

Knife: *Looking down on Masu. He twiddles his knife in his hands. His entire body is covered in singes* I’ve got you now.

Masu: Nope! I got you!

Knife: Huh?

*The area around Masu and Knife engulfs in flames. The princess watches in horror as this happens.*

Princess Kilvas: MASU!!!

*The flames clear. Knife is on the ground knocked out. Masu is standing up fine.*

Masu: Hey! I won!

Princess Kilvas: EH?

Masu: It was nothing really. Just enough to knock him out. Sorry to worry you.

Princess Kilvas: *Slaps him.* Don’t EVER do that again!

*Deeper in the cave.*

Lyle: *Draws his blades.*

Damon: You really want to fight me? Can you even fight me? I don’t have a seal on my back.

Lyle: Oh we’ll fight. But first, I want to ask you something. Why did you do all of this?

Damon: What do you mean?

Lyle: Why did you try to kill my friends? Why are you stopping me from reviving Hikari? Why do you want to fight me?

Damon: ....Well......

Lyle: Well what?

Damon: Well, I missed you Lyle.....

Lyle: EH?

Damon: *He starts swinging his foot and stuttering.* Well, I, you know, I didn’t get to say goodbye to you....

Lyle: .....EH!??!?!

Damon: So I wanted you to come back to the planes and I figured the only way was to get rid of everyone who was keeping you here....I never really intended to hurt anyone.....


Damon: ........47?


Damon: But I did this cause I love you Lyle! You’re like a brother to me!


Damon: Well, not just this world....they’re trying to revive the demon king. If that helps.

Lyle: .......FUCK!!!!


Damon: Okay, so now, our two groups have decided to join up.

*Everyone but Damon looks pissed right now.*

Knife: ....You’ve got to be kidding.


Lyle: I know guys.....but it would be best if we work together. Besides our goal is the same.

Kiryn: Forget this! I’m out.

Damon: You’re clone is working with them. Did we mention that?

Kiryn: Dammit....

Arc: Should we split into teams?

Lyle: No. We have something they want. *He holds the bag containing Hikari’s soul*

Nightmare: Why do they want that?

Damon: They were the one’s who took it out. They need a large amount of souls to revive the demon king. Hikari had a strong soul, so they tried taking hers. They failed, so the soul got stuck in limbo.

Lyle: But now that we have it, they’ll come to us.

Princess Kilvas: This is going to be a tough battle coming up. Isn’t it?

Damon: Lady, you have no idea.......Say, where’s the new guy? Shouldn’t he be here?

Knife: You mean that ‘Branded Blade’ guy? Yeah, where is he?

*A dark Shrine. The Lich, Mathan, Evil Kiryn stand looking at the shrine.*

Lich: We shall use Branded Blade to lure them here. Here, where we will revive the Demon King.

Evil Kiryn: Still...turning that kid into whatever that was....

Lich: Milady, I turned him into something with power. It’s called a ‘shade lord’.

To be continued.

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Yays i finaly won! But i noticed something with me:

I lose:I get laid


Story is getting at the peak of its epicness! And Branded as bait is awesome! Probably one of the only ways to give him a somewhat important part in the story seeing as he was added so late. And i was totally in agreement with knife when he said "You've got to be kidding.........." about joining. HE JUST CUT ME!

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