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I almost threw away $135


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So I graduated from High School earlier this year in Spring. It was fun, stuff happened, etc. I got a lot of money in cards from relatives at that time, but I tossed all the cards into a corner of my desk, forgetting the money was still in them.

About a month ago I cleaned off my desk, which had gotten pretty messy with papers and stuff. My cards were there as well. At first I'd decided to throw them out with a lot of other things, and actually ended up putting them in the trash. However, I changed my mind and decided to keep them. And hot damn is it a good thing I kept them. While looking for a disc I checked the pile of graduation cards and happened to open one. Inside was $50. After one "Holy shit!" I opened the next and the next until I'd gotten through all of them. At the end I counted $135 in cash that had been sitting on my desk for over half a year. Thank God I chose to keep those cards.

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And remember kids, always pay attention or like in this case, almost paying your money to the garbage. :newyears:

On a serious note:

Man, that sounds quite bad...good timing.

Edited by Soul
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This just in. I found another 20 in an old pair of pants. I have no clue how long that's been there.

Perhaps you might want to look a little more before throwing some of your stuff away...this has happened to me before, of course, not something as serious as money.

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When I was aught but a wee lad, I got five bucks. Which was like, the most money I ever had. I then promptly lost it in my little cardboard toybox. Since then, I've not let so much as a penny out of sight.

the end

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With your $155, you have enough cash to buy nine copies of Sarah Palin's book and still have enough left over to send them by mail to all your friends.

Alternatively, $155 is enough to buy a low-end firearm. You should get a Mosin-Nagant and a bunch of ammunition. If you're in college you can keep it in your dorm room.

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