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Everyone has their own opinion of the best Final Fantasy game, I personally think that the Final Fantasy games for the Nintendo and Super Nintendo are the best because their challenging and have a feeling of notalgia, but the new remade ones are really good (Final Fantasy IV DS looks has amazing graphics and the 2 bonus bosses are a nice addition for difficulty).

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I dunno. It's the one with if I remember correctly, the giant green monster with tentacles, the warriors of darkness, and an unbeatable serpant with no defined stats. I killed it before with AR...

Does it involve a sadistic clown named Kefka? If it does, it's FF6, otherwise, it's not.

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I'm pretty sure 'giant unbeatable serpent' is the first version of Cloud of Darkness, ain't it?

And you fight the warriors of darkness after that, but before the final boss. One of the Warriors of Darkness is called Echidna XD

FF6 is my favourite. If I can ignore the story entirely FFTA and the inexplicably named sequels are great too; but gods, the story. Ugh.

Wish I had FFT now.

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I'm pretty sure 'giant unbeatable serpent' is the first version of Cloud of Darkness, ain't it?.

If you're talking about the Nepto Dragon, then no.

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I haven't played much FF games. Never finished FF5. Only completed FF6 from the main series. So while it's my favorite, I can't really compare it to the other big ones like FF7 or 8.

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I question why they made Sepiroth a bad guy when everything about him screams that he should be the hero of 7.

I mean he wields the masamune, a holy sword in japan that could not be used to kill people. He set it up so that holy would activate and stop the meteor from the black materia. His name is a direct derivative of the highest order of angle, seraph for thous that don't know. Also in Final Fantasy Dissida he is one of the two members of chaos's group that actually help the warriors of cosmos obtain their crystals going so far to even say to cloud "remember you could not have found that crystal without my help."

Other than that I have played through most of the FF games, at least I have with all the old ones the more recent ones like X and CC I haven't been able to get my hands on to play.

So far he only goes insane because of the centra ansesters trying to kill the demon who can be considered Satan that he worships.

Omnislash on Hojo was one of those moments you fell real good because you took down a real son of a b**ch

Yes, as Hojo is the cause of everything in FFVII as he found Jenova living in a crater and that he injected some of her cells into his baby while Lucridia was still preganaut and that he he's using the cetra (Presumely Ifalna and Aeris) to fuel up his son with more power even though that Sephiroth despises him. As for me, I usually Knights of Round+Mime the crap out of him.

Edited by Jemnezmy
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