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The Lord Of The Rings


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One of the good things about the movies that they threw in was Elves at Helm's Deep. Gave a real sense of the Free Peoples standing against Saruman, rather than just a siege.

Books were too longwinded. There's about 2 chapters dedicated to honouring Boromir's memory, 1 chapter of Frodo riding around to see everyone. The movies cut down just enough to make it epic. Still, both have their merits, but I'm inclined to agree that this is one of the few movie series' as good as the books.

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Arise, arise, Riders of Theoden!

Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!

spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,

a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!

And to ruin! And to the world's ending!


Edited by Teh Great Auk
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One of the good things about the movies that they threw in was Elves at Helm's Deep. Gave a real sense of the Free Peoples standing against Saruman, rather than just a siege.

Books were too longwinded. There's about 2 chapters dedicated to honouring Boromir's memory, 1 chapter of Frodo riding around to see everyone. The movies cut down just enough to make it epic. Still, both have their merits, but I'm inclined to agree that this is one of the few movie series' as good as the books.

I'm going to take a stand here man.

I loved the movies, thought they where awesomely awesome, but they certainly were not better than the books.

The books were not too longwinded, they were descriptive. If you look at the time he was writing in, the books are actually fairly fast paced. Basically, it requires you to actually dedicate some time to it, but it is certainly not too longwinded. Consider its length compared to the length of many other books now released. The difference is I can zip through 2000 pages of Harry Potter in about the same time it will take me to read Fellowship of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings is written in a much more complex way, and it takes longer to read it.

The movies had to cut down on a lot of that stuff or else they would have been beyond obscenely long, but the loss of the material still has an affect.

Also, you know what else was an amazing book?

The Silmarillion.

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Main characters deaths were epic. The most epic death was when the elf(can't quite remember his name) who was at Helm's Deep died.

BUT BOROMIR'S DEATH MAN! That death even happened in the book!

Some guy suggested that in all dictionaries, instead of having a written definition of hero, they should just play the clip of Boromir's death.

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if you liked the lord of the ring books, another series you may like is the morgaine saga(not the morgaine from king arthur, someone completely diffferent). It is a four book series, the titles being: The gate of ivrel, the well of Shiuan, the Fires of Azaroth, and the Exiled Gate. Amazing series. The author is C.J. Cherryh

Edited by Luminothe
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