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i do maps ლ(`◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)


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I wanted to show this new map with some new screens for Chapter 4, but I'm currently facing a very annoying glitch that is preventing me from continuing with the hack. Oh well.


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I spy a yied desert. I don't really specialize in maps but it looks very faithful to the original.

Yes, it's the Yied Desert. I tried to be as faithful as I could while not copying the map exactly from FE4. Also because FE4 maps ported straight to FE7 look incredibly empty.

It's alright, but you should really add some skulls at least. And a few trees wouldn't hurt either.

I can probably add a few bones here and there, but I'm not too sure about trees. The Yied Shrine isn't mentioned to be very fertile in FE4, and the original FE4 map has no trees anywhere near it.

And there's some place Patty and Shanan can escape.

I'm curious about the glitch though.

Here it is.

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Since my computer was being retardedly slow today, rather than coding and testing, I decided to go map making again. This time I made a custom map rather than referencing a FE4 map (second map in the game not to come from another FE).



This chapter is for the second gaiden of the game, which will be 6x. The "garden" in the middle is for a very specific purpose, which I won't spoil for the moment.

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I think that map looks really good, Krad. However, I also think there are a few too many doors. I can see that you want to break up the map and put a clear distinction between different rooms, but you can do that just as well with stairs.

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Dat map is trippy... In a good way.


I think that map looks really good, Krad. However, I also think there are a few too many doors. I can see that you want to break up the map and put a clear distinction between different rooms, but you can do that just as well with stairs.

I like Krad. That map=win. Although maybe, like Anou says, replace some doors with stairs.

Alright, I removed three doors, and moved the "stairs" room a tile down. Also fixed a slight error with some shading:


Reminds me of the portculis in 11 with Fred and Kempf.

So maybe you did reference something. :P

I just went with what I thought would work with this map. I also wanted to make a map that both used the minimum width (15) and maximum height (36) at once. Any similarity with Chapter 11 is coincidence. I personally can't see any aside from both maps having a "middle" room (and the excessive doors, I guess).

By the way, this map is used for a location that isn't properly visited during the main game neither in FE4 or 5. It was seen on a map, but barely touched.

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Yied? Tahra? Stop teasing us. :P

Where's the fun in spoiling what it is before I even get to coding that chapter?

More map limit stuff.


43x10. Max width and minimum heigth. This one is based on a small part of Chapter 8 of FE4. I was getting sort of lazy towards the end which you can probably notice in the quality of the roads.

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43 isnt the max width, and 36 isnt the max height. 43x36 is the absolute max, tho, which is 1548 tiles. 1548 is the max (or something close to that). Remember chapter 24 from FE 6? That map's like 50 high, but like 30 wide, which is still under 1548.

Anyways, castle map is alright. It's a little bland, but other than that, no major flaws.

New map is... super bland, but I'll blame FE4 for that. You should de-bland it. Other than that it's, again, alright.

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43 isnt the max width, and 36 isnt the max height. 43x36 is the absolute max, tho, which is 1548 tiles. 1548 is the max (or something close to that). Remember chapter 24 from FE 6? That map's like 50 high, but like 30 wide, which is still under 1548.

Anyways, castle map is alright. It's a little bland, but other than that, no major flaws.

New map is... super bland, but I'll blame FE4 for that. You should de-bland it. Other than that it's, again, alright.

IIRC, FE6 is much more generous with map sizes that FE7 and 8. FE6 apparently allows maps up to 61x80 tiles, while every source I have found about map sizes in FE7 lists it as 43x36.

I can agree with you about the new map being bland. Any particular suggestions about what I may add to it?

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FE6 apparently allows maps up to 61x80 tiles

:o DAMN thats alot... NEW PROJECT 61x80 tile map!!!//shot

Anyway, to liven it up, add some forts, and the river that leads to the sea, you could easily make that a water fall and add more height differences to add more to the map.

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^what he said. You could also add a couple of houses, some more trees and maybe some hills (green mountains), shops, etc.

Also, thats weird. Well I guess FE 6 is more generous with the supports as well, witgh Roy having 10 options and 7 being the max in FE7/8.

So dunno, but I think it's still the total tiles limit and not the dimension.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Still haven't fixed that game-breaking glitch (I've gone from not getting your units back at the beginning of Chapter 4 to getting them back with base stats rather than what they had at the end of Chapter 3), so for now I'm just making maps so when I get that glitch solved, progress would be much smoother.

So anyway, this is Chapter 24 of FE5. Before you ask, yes, that door in the top left corner does have a purpose.

EDIT: Updated the map, and changed the map size from 24x34 to 24x36.

[spoiler=Chapter 9]sauyhh.png

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Working on Chapter 5's map. This is approximately 1/3rd of the entire map.


The map continues to the left, by the way.

Also, another map I'm working on, for a small project.


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Working on Chapter 5's map. This is approximately 1/3rd of the entire map.


The map continues to the left, by the way.

Also, another map I'm working on, for a small project.


OKay now I know what both of these are for sure!

Lenster portion of Chapter 7 and Mareeta's location in 12

I totally need to recruit you for FE5 remake. Since you're better at like everything.

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I totally need to recruit you for FE5 remake. Since you're better at like everything.

I'm flattered, but right now I have my hands full enough as it is.

Also, Chapter 5 map finished.


The left side is supposed to be some sort of "desert area", but since this tileset doesn't have any desert tiles, I used roads. A lot. And yes, that destroyed house tile is supposed to go there. Since this tileset is apparently the only one in the game without a destroyed house, I had to use one of the village tiles.

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Looks good. I don't see anything that looks off right now, except it does look a little weird around Lenster, but that's just cause of the greeness I think.

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Snow map is sexy, though 1 height doors surrounded by 2 height walls look odd. Maybe add staircases in front of all doors, and adjust the opposite walls' heights accordingly? (upper building would be high ground, little buildings would be dug into the earth). Maybe get rid of them? Or leave them.

Also, triple treasure room is a height inconsistency.

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