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The Rokkenjima Republic

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Alright, I'm not so sure about this. Explain a few things to me for a second. Do you people even have a Constitution? How can you expect to run a government without legal and theroretical underpinnings--it's like a house of cards built on sand. And not wet sand either.

For starters, you say you have six states--but how can you have states without some kind of Federal Union? Or are you just useing the term, without really meaning it, the way so many Countries seem to do these days.

And what about elections? Are they open? Who has the vote? Landed men? Universal suffrange? Peers of the realm? Does the Hegemon appoint Sentorial candidates, or are the chosen in popular caucus? Who's eleglible to run anyways?

How do you justify your "Republic"? It is popular sovrenty? Or someking of Republican Dictatorship, perhaps even a Revolutionary Empire? Or even Divine Right, for God's sake?

What about impeachment of the Executive? It seems to me like at this point they have unilimited power after their election. How do you keep the Hegemon from just dissoving the the Senate? Or are you some sort of Holy Roman Empire, with the Hegemon being overlord, but Senators retaining some sort of territorial integraty. That would explain the States issue.

What about Taxation? Who holds the purse strings? And Civil Liberties? What are you doing about those?

Frankly, the state of this Republic is rather distressing, and I haven't even scratched the surface yet--that's only what I could think of off the top of my head*. You need some basic insutitional framework, stat--perhaps even a Provisional Governemnt and Martial Law, just to hold down the fort before this entire thing collapses in anarchy and you bring the rest of us down with it.

*I didn't even get into Legal Code, the admisitration of justice, the real buisness of seperation of powers, the Army, local governments, or monetary policy.

Edited by Admrial Daala
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*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>

Ships, dood.

*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>


Wait, were you serious?

Yes I was. >_>

Hence the face. >_>

Oh, so THAT's why you're a member of everything.

Also, I see that gIO's gone Oujay-style and maxed out his units to fuck.

Haru's done it too, ya know. And ALS came like that.

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*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>


Wait, were you serious?

Yes I was. >_>

Hence the face. >_>

Oh, so THAT's why you're a member of everything.

Also, I see that gIO's gone Oujay-style and maxed out his units to fuck.

Haru's done it too, ya know. And ALS came like that.

Haru's aren't MAXED TO FUCK. I got into an argument with BK over that, in fact.

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*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>


Wait, were you serious?

Yes I was. >_>

Hence the face. >_>

Oh, so THAT's why you're a member of everything.

Also, I see that gIO's gone Oujay-style and maxed out his units to fuck.

I have my own reasons, think what you like.

*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>

Ships, dood.

*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>


Wait, were you serious?

Yes I was. >_>

Hence the face. >_>

Oh, so THAT's why you're a member of everything.

Also, I see that gIO's gone Oujay-style and maxed out his units to fuck.

Haru's done it too, ya know. And ALS came like that.

I'm taking them out of play~

I came like that. >_>

The statboosters helped.

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Alright, I'm not so sure about this. Explain a few things to me for a second. Do you people even have a Constitution? How can you exspec to run a government without legal and theroretical underpinnings--it's like a house of cards built on sand. And not wet sand either.

For starters, you say you have six states--but how can you have states without some kind of federal union? Or are you just useing the term, without really meaning it, the way so many counties seem to do theses days.

And what about elections? Are they open? Who has the vote? Landed men? Universal suffrange? Peers of the realm? Does the Hegemon appoint Sentorial candates, or are the chosen in popular cacus? Who's eleglible to run anywyas?

How do you justify your "Republic" anyways? It is popular sovrenty? Or someking of Reblublican Dictatorship, perhaps even a Revolutionary Empire? Or even Divine Right, for gods sake?

What about impeachment of the Exectuive? It seems to me like at this point they have unilimited power after there election. How do you keep the Hegemon from just dissoving the the Senate? Or are you some sort of Holy Roman Empire, with the Hegemon being overlord, but Senators retaining some sort of territorial integraty. That would explain the States issue.

What about Taxation? Who holds the purse strings? And Civil Liberties? What are you doing about those?

Frankly, the state of this Reblublic is rather distressing, and I haven't even scratched the surface yet--that's only what I could think of off the top of my head*. You need some basic insutitional framework, stat--pherpars even a Provisional Governemnt and Martial Law, just to hold down the fort before this entire thing collapses in anarchy and you bring the rest of us down with it.

*I didn't even get into Legal Code, the admisitration of justice, the real buisness of seperation of powers, the Army, local governments, or monetary policy.

In essense, the first couple paragraphs of the Empire act as a constitution. However, I could draft a full one if the need arise.

Like the Holy Roman Empire, the Hegemon is a sort of overlord while Senators retaining some sort of territorial integrity. However, It is also up to the Senators to write legislation: The Hegemon does not write law, but he does sign it into power. On the other hand, Senate does not chose who the Republic goes to war with, although they may or may not send their personal troops with the main army.

Taxes are created by the Senate. They are the one thing the Hegemon does not control. However, The Senators themselves are also subjected to taxes. This helps in keeping taxes from over-inflating to ludicrous amounts. Local Governments vary from Senator to Senator, but all treat their respective Senator as a sort of Governor. Monetary policy otherwise is handled the same as any other legislation.

When administration of justice reaches Federal levels, the Senate itself acts as the Supreme Court, with the Hegemon as the Head Justice. Such judicial proceedings would work in the same manner as the US Supreme Court.

As for the Army, it's currently non-existant. However, troops are being trained and prepared to build one at this time.

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*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>


Wait, were you serious?

Yes I was. >_>

Hence the face. >_>

Oh, so THAT's why you're a member of everything.

Also, I see that gIO's gone Oujay-style and maxed out his units to fuck.

Haru's done it too, ya know. And ALS came like that.

Haru's aren't MAXED TO FUCK. I got into an argument with BK over that, in fact.

Right, like she deserves 15 Lead Stars.

And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

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*Reaches into closet full of Scrying Orbs and pulls out another one*

Now, what to do next... Maybe I should start building a fleet...

*writes in rulebook*


I'm the damn Judgemaster of these empires. >_>


Wait, were you serious?

Yes I was. >_>

Hence the face. >_>

Oh, so THAT's why you're a member of everything.

Also, I see that gIO's gone Oujay-style and maxed out his units to fuck.

Haru's done it too, ya know. And ALS came like that.

Haru's aren't MAXED TO FUCK. I got into an argument with BK over that, in fact.

Right, like she deserves 15 Lead Stars.

And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.


I failed to notice that, unlike Oujay, you didn't have WTFHAX statboosts. Sorry.

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And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

No, but 49 MAG and RES is. Your point is negated.

Anyone with a good swordarm may or may not wreck my shit. You, on the other hand, can take near anything.

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And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

No, but 49 MAG and RES is. Your point is negated.

Anyone with a good swordarm may or may not wreck my shit. You, on the other hand, can take near anything.

You have 79 HP and 29 DEF. One needs 69 Atk and the ability to double you to one-round you. IE in a 1v1, you're pretty much invincible. As is Haru, but I digress.

Besides, you have the goddamn Recover Ring.

So does Haru, genius.


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And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

No, but 49 MAG and RES is. Your point is negated.

Anyone with a good swordarm may or may not wreck my shit. You, on the other hand, can take near anything.

You have 79 HP and 29 DEF. One needs 69 Atk and the ability to double you to one-round you. IE in a 1v1, you're pretty much invincible. As is Haru, but I digress.

It's called Team Work. =P

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And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

No, but 49 MAG and RES is. Your point is negated.

Anyone with a good swordarm may or may not wreck my shit. You, on the other hand, can take near anything.

You have 79 HP and 29 DEF. One needs 69 Atk and the ability to double you to one-round you. IE in a 1v1, you're pretty much invincible. As is Haru, but I digress.

It's called Team Work. =P



Works on us, too. :/

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Frankly, the state of this Republic is rather distressing, and I haven't even scratched the surface yet--that's only what I could think of off the top of my head*. You need some basic insutitional framework, stat--perhaps even a Provisional Governemnt and Martial Law, just to hold down the fort before this entire thing collapses in anarchy and you bring the rest of us down with it.

I agree. It's dismaying to see this kind of instability in the FESSR's near abroad.

Battler Ushiromiya, you seem like somebody who has influence with this Republic. I'd like to offer you an informal proposition, for you to present to the extent government. If the Rokkenjima Republic, having recently cast off the shackles of the Rokkenjima Empire, is willing to extend its friendship in the FESSR we could aid in its development in this crucial period. We at the FESSR, being a revolutionary state, know a thing or two about what comes between a proclamation of sovereignty and a functioning administration.

We have many well-educated experts on bureaucratic efficiency, central economic planning and basic law trained in our universities and hardened by service in our state institutions. We can send some of them to you as advisers to aid you in building your governmental infrastructure. They will be a great help to you in the weighty matters that no Rokkenjiman yet has the experience necessary for, like writing a tax code, organizing a postal service and most important of all drawing up a constitution. And to take their place in time, you will send us your brightest students to be trained in the FESSR.

And economic cooperation is a given. The FESSR and the Rokkenjima Republic should be able to work out some auspicious deals. On your island you have need of our energy resources, and our advanced weapon systems for your military. We could be a great help to you in exploiting the cowrie shells that lie waiting in your reefs, and in building up a modern infrastructure to bring you closer to self-sustainability.

Military cooperation between our countries would just be the icing on the cake. Our army is the best in the world, and with our advisers you will have the resources to imitate its excellence. And once the Rokkenjima Republic permits our Air Forces and Strategic Rocket Forces to build bases on its home island, you'll barely have to worry about defense again.

We in the FESSR are ready to send negotiators to finalize the minutiae of this agreement, this Rokkenjima Republic-FESSR Friendship Pact, as soon as your side allows us. Few countries in all history have had such an opportunity in their development.

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And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

No, but 49 MAG and RES is. Your point is negated.

Anyone with a good swordarm may or may not wreck my shit. You, on the other hand, can take near anything.

You have 79 HP and 29 DEF. One needs 69 Atk and the ability to double you to one-round you. IE in a 1v1, you're pretty much invincible. As is Haru, but I digress.

It's called Team Work. =P



Works on us, too. :/

Because I know I can handle him. >_>

I know.

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In essense, the first couple paragraphs of the Empire act as a constitution. However, I could draft a full one if the need arise.

The need will always be urgent until you have a formal set of principles to guide your lawmakers. If the Rokkenjima Republic insists on not promulgating a constitution or its equivalent, its citizens should best prepare for instability and all the disasters that may arise from that.

Like the Holy Roman Empire, the Hegemon is a sort of overlord while Senators retaining some sort of territorial integrity. However, It is also up to the Senators to write legislation: The Hegemon does not write law, but he does sign it into power. On the other hand, Senate does not chose who the Republic goes to war with, although they may or may not send their personal troops with the main army.

There's a reason the Holy Roman Empire collapsed hundreds of years before its formal dissolution. This sort of polylithic decentralization can ultimately only end in disaster, even on the smallest island.

Taxes are created by the Senate. They are the one thing the Hegemon does not control. However, The Senators themselves are also subjected to taxes. This helps in keeping taxes from over-inflating to ludicrous amounts. Local Governments vary from Senator to Senator, but all treat their respective Senator as a sort of Governor. Monetary policy otherwise is handled the same as any other legislation.

When administration of justice reaches Federal levels, the Senate itself acts as the Supreme Court, with the Hegemon as the Head Justice. Such judicial proceedings would work in the same manner as the US Supreme Court.

You are dividing the executive power too far. As I said, your government is set to castrate itself if you continue to give Senators such an amount of personal authority.

As for the Army, it's currently non-existant. However, troops are being trained and prepared to build one at this time.

No armed forces? You need to organize a militia fast, I won't share too much in this public forum but our intelligence has been seeing ominous signs from the I Like My Cake Iced Empire and Harudoku Empire! Mine your harbors and set up anti-air detachments!

The FESSR can help you with all of these issues and more, if your government will finalize our Friendship Pact.

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And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

No, but 49 MAG and RES is. Your point is negated.

Anyone with a good swordarm may or may not wreck my shit. You, on the other hand, can take near anything.

You have 79 HP and 29 DEF. One needs 69 Atk and the ability to double you to one-round you. IE in a 1v1, you're pretty much invincible. As is Haru, but I digress.

It's called Team Work. =P



Works on us, too. :/

Because I know I can handle him. >_>

I know.


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And 29 Strength AND Defense is NOT MAXED TO FUCK, good sir.

No, but 49 MAG and RES is. Your point is negated.

Anyone with a good swordarm may or may not wreck my shit. You, on the other hand, can take near anything.

You have 79 HP and 29 DEF. One needs 69 Atk and the ability to double you to one-round you. IE in a 1v1, you're pretty much invincible. As is Haru, but I digress.

It's called Team Work. =P



Works on us, too. :/

Because I know I can handle him. >_>

I know.


Luna=Death+my 90 crit rate too.:newyears:

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Luna=Death+my 90 crit rate too.:newyears:


Camtech, get AIM.

I have no idea how because I'm a newb.

Luna=Death+my 90 crit rate too.:newyears:




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