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Discussion about the worst classes!


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Are you crazy? What if they're happen to be units that can attack with 1-2 Range. That would set your units to a position where they're unable to attack at a 2 range. Quit finding excuses. Theres no way your units can be your shield for Snipers.

uh, that's kinda where the whole strategy thing comes in. Checking the map before you start the fight and seeing what enemy has what weapons is the whole point in strategizing your moves. Sometimes things go wrong and yeah I get attacked by some cavalier with a javelin, but one or even a few units that I can't attack back on the enemy phase, I'll take 'em out with my awesome team on my phase so they don't fuck with me again :D

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There are no skills in FE6 and 7. And who says I'm making excuses? Just because I can make a sniper perform amazingly in battle doesn't mean you're right and I'm wrong. I said nothing about shields. The other units are where they are for a reason. Everything is done for a reason.

Also, ever seen the Edit button?

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And assassins have low strength because they have lethality. Who the hell needs strength when you can kill in a single shot? (Actually iirc, Matthew, Legault and Colm didn't have strength problems at all. They could usually kill enemies without Lethalitizing them)

You shouldn't be relying on the RNG to pull a Silencer. I heard chances of them ever activating Silencer is occasionally.

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You shouldn't be relying on the RNG to pull a Silencer. I heard chances of them ever activating Silencer is occasionally.

I don't rely on RNG. RNG usually screws me over anyway, but if I have to I take a chance on an enemy, I will sometimes try to rely on a critical or a silencer. And if it doesn't work, I usually have a back up plan so no one dies

And I know this a little off topic, but I don't even remember when this topic was created... weird...

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There are no skills in FE6 and 7. And who says I'm making excuses? Just because I can make a sniper perform amazingly in battle doesn't mean you're right and I'm wrong. I said nothing about shields. The other units are where they are for a reason. Everything is done for a reason.

Also, ever seen the Edit button?

You can't ever perform Snipers in battle with you units protecting them. That's a waste...

Also, Silencer is a worst skill ever. Despite the fact of its usefulness of OHKO...

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Who said I spend time guarding them? I plan my strategies with them already protected. It's second nature. I'm not like, "Oh crap! Sniper needs someone to protect it! I almost forgot!" It's already done.

I don't "perform" units. My units themselves "perform" well or bad.

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Honestly, this is what you said.

Put 'em BEHIND your other units, or is that too tough for you?

Regardless, of how you play. Snipers are in fact really bad class. Their only redeeming feature is that they can have sure shots. Thats is. You might think Snipers are good because of their caps and growth. But the fact that they can't attack at melee is bad. They might be good in some occasions. They require aids. Its still bad because it can still hurt your tactics rating.

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Honestly, this is what you said.

Regardless, of how you play. Snipers are in fact really bad class. Their only redeeming feature is that they can have sure shots. Thats is. You might think Snipers are good because of their caps and growth. But the fact that they can't attack at melee is bad. They might be good in some occasions. They require aids. Its still bad because it can still hurt your tactics rating.

I know what I said. Read it again. I didn't contradict myself.

But honestly, at least respect others opinions. You're talking like what you are saying is absolute fact. It's not. Snipers can be good if you use them correctly, same with any other class. I know how to use them correctly and so they rock for me. Figure it out and you may see the light as well.

And it won't hurt your tactics rating. Combat, perhaps, but not tactics.

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This discussion is pointless. See why we don't have debate forums? Keeping snipers out of enemy range isn't nearly as hard as you make it out to be. Same with Nino. Either that or I'm extremely good at this game. Pick one.

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Even if you keep them from enemy range you probably won't make them attack anyways. So whats the point of avoiding the enemy if you won't use them in battle. Even if you decided to them in battle the enemies will gang up on them.

I'd end it if you say Snipers aren't awesome class. Cause they're not they never were.

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They require aids

I know this is a serious discussion, but that me lawlz

Even if you keep them from enemy range you probably won't make them attack anyways. So whats the point of avoiding the enemy if you won't use them in battle. Even if you decided to them in battle the enemies will gang up on them.

I'd end it if you say Snipers aren't awesome class. Cause they're not they never were

Well we're used to the maps and reinforcements, so we know that to expect so they don't get ganged up on

And I was gonna agree with on this last post, but I just cant agree with that last little comment. Not after Rebecca, Will, Neimi, Rolf, Shinon and Leo (yes, even him) have saved my ass on numerous occasions

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The point is, Snipers have good growths, thats their only one of their redeeming cause for having lack in melee which is still bad. Rebecca, Will, Neimi, Rolf, and Shinon. Admittingly, I actually like Snipers/Marksman in FE10 because of the Double Bow which have a range of 1~2. Thats awesome. If only Snipers actually have that feature I would have taken that to consideration.

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A lot of mages have to avoid big crowds, as they can be pretty wimpy, and Soren, who is a pretty damned good Sage leveled, is perfectly capable of being one-shotted by a wyvern is PoR. At the least, Snipers are neither alone in having to avoid crowds, nor are they even in more danger when being swamped than some others can be.

Not saying mages suck. I generally love them. But nearly every class has weaknesses, and every class has ways to work around them and be effective. Besides, there are only so many units that can just unleash the fucking fury on a whole map.

Edited by Dr.Dorian
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I believe somebody, somewhere, said that Snipers are in terrible danger when being swamped. I brought all that up saying that Sages, who are considered great, are less able to take hits than archers are, and are not too much faster than most archers. Therefore, Snipers are not alone in fearing crowds. And if you don't worry about spacing Sages properly to protect them, I don't see what you find so bad about archers.

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I feel as if though I'm repeating myself. They're only screwed if they're being ganged up by melee units. Even if you re-frame them from attacking whats the point? Your basically keeping your distance away from the enemies and theres no way you can attack them. Even if you did Snipers will lure enemies into melee. That is where they're screwed unless a worth wild unit rescues them. Yes they have good growths, and good stat caps, but their purpose in battle is bad in any circumstances.

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You are repeating yourself. You are also ignoring that Snipers can be sturdy enough to take a few hits, and fast enough to doge. It's not the end of their world if they get hit. You said earlier that assasins are not very good because they have to rely on the rng to get a critical kill. Do sages not have to rely on the rng to be able to doge things? Yes, they are fast, but more than 2 hits from a melee unit of about equal level, and they will almost certainly be seeing spots.

Also, was that last thing you said about Sages or Sinpers? It seems like it wold apply to, iddaknow, both of them. It seems like if you decide to either use snipers or sages, it would be trade-off between either being able to one-round a lot of things and being in a deep hole if they happen to get hit for sages, and generally taking longer to kill some things, and require different, perhaps inopportune spacing, but being able to take some hits for snipers. Seems to me like both are viable choices and can work well, since both classes tend to have, as you said, fairly good stats, and neither have exceptional chances of operating to the best of their ability without support.

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