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Hurt and Heal - Oujay's + Iced's empire edittion


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Can we change the rules once more? ASL likes shitstorms, he's only watching anyways, of course he'll go around changing it as he pleases, because he's not the one in the middle of the shitstorm.

Not that I mind being in it, I just don't want BK or some of my other friends arguing. Please, we should get it back how it was and avoid all possible arguements, please.

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If you're going to change it back to 2 : 3, you might as well make it 1:2 as you be doing the exact same thing. By doing 3:1, you are dealing more damage than you can heal, therefore dealing more damage.

Also Soul shit storms have phases. Yours is currently small, it will, most likely than not grow, depending on your actions. By insulting me to "go back my cave" you are starting another shitstorm that could possibly happen if I excelled it to that degree.

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Ether - 35

Soul - 83

AstraLunaSol - 80

Amelia - 85

Blasied - 85

NinjaMonkey - 66

Crash - 82

Masamune Wielder - 82

Mousefire - 18

Furetchen - 8

Personally, I like it better as Eclipse and Resire. You can either halve one person's health (doesn't work if person is at 1 health) or you can hurt someone by 5 and heal someone else by 5.

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Also Soul shit storms have phases. Yours is currently small, it will, most likely than not grow, depending on your actions. By insulting me to "go back my cave" you are starting another shitstorm that could possibly happen if I excelled it to that degree.

It was a joke. But even if it wasn't, a shitstorm isn't going to happen since you would have already countered with another offensive, now there, that would be the start of one, yet, you withdrew instead.


Ether - 35

Soul - 83

AstraLunaSol - 80

Amelia - 87

Blasied - 85

NinjaMonkey - 66

Crash - 82

Masamune Wielder - 82

Mousefire - 15

Furetchen - 8

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Is that why you're you have bothered to type that, type at the FE4 THREAD & Oujay's? How nice :rolleyes:

It's only fun when you're not part of it, yeah, because it's fun watching others.

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Ether - 35

Soul - 83

AstraLunaSol - 82

Amelia - 87

Blasied - 85

NinjaMonkey - 66

Crash - 82

Masamune Wielder - 82

Mousefire - 17

Furetchen - 7

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Is that why you're you have bothered to type that, type at the FE4 THREAD & Oujay's? How nice :rolleyes:

It's only fun when you're not part of it, yeah, because it's fun watching others.

Because now I only have basic functions. Not a full keyboard. Also from what I've learned from several hurt and heals, if you participate and kill someone else on the list, SOMEONE will try to kill you no matter what.

Now since Amelia changed it to 3:2 this H and H will take only longer, when we could've ended this quicker by dealing 2 points of damage.

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Ether - 35

Soul - 83

AstraLunaSol - 82

Amelia - 87

Blasied - 85

NinjaMonkey - 66

Crash - 79

Masamune Wielder - 82

Mousefire - 17

Furetchen - 9

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Because now I only have basic functions. Not a full keyboard. Also from what I've learned from several hurt and heals, if you participate and kill someone else on the list, SOMEONE will try to kill you no matter what.

Now since Amelia changed it to 3:2 this H and H will take only longer, when we could've ended this quicker by dealing 2 points of damage.

Two cammels and a tiny car

Then it's a challenge, it's not like you are playing.


Ether - 35

Soul - 85

AstraLunaSol - 82

Amelia - 87

Blasied - 85

NinjaMonkey - 66

Crash - 79

Masamune Wielder - 82

Mousefire - 16

Furetchen - 6

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