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Hey guys. A small minority would remember me from FESS, but I decided to try to work myself back into the fandom of Fire Emblem - bit by bit. Hope to stick around for a good while.


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Ah, Comrade Gilly, of course I recognize you! Post some facts about yourself and I'll tell them back to you--from memory of course! The times we've had together. Remind me of them so that we can reminisce.

Welcome to the forest. There are a number of old FESSers here, even if they aren't all immediately recognizable.

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Ah, Comrade Gilly, of course I recognize you! Post some facts about yourself and I'll tell them back to you--from memory of course! The times we've had together. Remind me of them so that we can reminisce.

Welcome to the forest. There are a number of old FESSers here, even if they aren't all immediately recognizable.

Thunk00? Man, it's been too long. How's tricks?

Hello Gilly. :newyears:

Heya Bananas~

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Holy shit it's fucking Gil'ead!

I didn't remember that Gilly is the same as Gil'ead until just now. I must have been drunk or something.

So sorry about that insincere welcome. I actually do know you.

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