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Epic Wins, Epic Fails


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Well, I figured that instead of having one for each game, we might as well have one for all the FE games together.

Epic Fails:

Sigurd is attacked by 8 enemies, each with 2 hit. They ALL hit and Sigurd dies. There's only a .00000000000256% chance of this happening, or 1 in 39,062,500,000,000, so I figure that it won't happen again. GUESS WHO GETS HIT BY SEVEN OF THEM AND GETS KILLED BY AN ARCHER(with 10 hit)? Sigurd. That time, there was a whole .00000000128% chance of that happening, or 1 in 78,125,000,000. Together, that's a whole .0000000000000000000032768% chance of it happening. Or 1 in 305,175,781,250,000,000,000. That's ONE IN THREE HUNDRED FIVE QUINTILLION, ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE QUADRILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE TRILLION, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY BILLION. In comparison, the chances of them missing every time is 66.5%. That's 20,285,406,261,623,032,279,076.9241 times more likely to happen. About 20 sextillion times more likely to happen. This is pretty normal, too. Same thing happens to Alec, although it isn't quite so ridiculous (it's usually around a 1-2% chance for him) and Fin and Cuan have the same problems with hit. Fortunately, my blessed Lex could actually take all 12 hits or whatever that Sigurd kept getting hit by.

I guess the game kinda made up for it with an epic battle with Dew. He did 1 damage per round in the arena against a guy who OHKOd him, and he won. Of course, as it turns out, because of the guy's hit, he, on average, only got rid of <2% of his HP per attack, while Dew did 2.5%. It was still awesome, though. And then the second time I did this same battle, Dew lost... It wasn't even close.


I wrote this right after I'd ragequit FE4 because of this. It's been a while though. Don't really remember much, just remember that it was ridiculous.

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FE5: Mareeta attacks a dracoknight that captured on of my units with 99% hit and she missed all of it...

FE6:Saul gets critted by a paladin with 2% and was close to finishing the leve.. Dieck had 91% to hit a merc he missed and died

FE10:Aran threw a javelin with 88% on an archer from a ledge he missed and gets hit by 44% with 1% critical he got critted and died. Ike gets critted by a 3% thunder sage when I was so close to finishing the level and he died.

Edited by Patchouli
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Wins: Two of mine involved Final Bosses getting ORKO'd by someone whom you'd least expect to take them down. (But that doesn't mean they had help doing it.)

FEDS: Sage!Caeda ORKO'ing Medeus with a forged Thoron tome.

FE7: Lyn, fully supported, and with some help from Nils, ORKO'ing the Fire Dragon.

FE4: Levin!Tinny ORKO'ing Ishtar with a Thoron tome. (Details are a bit sketchy on this one however.)



FE4: Not realising that Bridget and Finn had a love growth that would inevitably happen without them even being remotely next to each other.


I can't remember anything else at the moment though.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I guess I'm kind of bumping this, but I don't want to make a new thread just for this.


My current Lv20/3 Ike (FE9 / Hard Mode) is the crappiest Ike I've ever had. Ever.

HP: 41

Str: 22

Mag: 3

Skl: 14

Spd: 12

Luk: 9

Def: 9

Res: 12

That's right. Ike is capable of getting ORKO'd by some of the stronger random enemies. And he was wearing the knight band for, like, all the time. He downright fails this time around. I'm totally looking forward to fighting Ashnard. :awesome:

Oh, and to add insult to the injury, all characters I'm using in my current playthrough except Ike, Soren (9 Str with Lv20/7) and Tormod (10 Str with 20/4) are so horribly Str-screwed that none of them can reliably ORKO random enemies. Sometimes not even with a forge. Soren is Mag-screwed the same way. My only dude who reliably kills crap is Tormod (who also somehow got so ridiculously Def-blessed that's he's almost immortal). Yay?

Edited by Raymond
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-Rutger doublecritting Idoun doing a total of 66 damage with Durandal. He was 20/12 at the time. Though, Idoun was the easiest boss ever and Rugter had a 60% crit chance against her.

(Although I started from the savestate again so Roy can deal the final blow for optimal ending)

Likewise, Eirika crits Demon King. But instead of 60 something% she did it with 4%.

Each time I play Shadow Dragon, Abel decides to randomly bless himself in a stat. First time it was 8 points in luck, which isn't that good save for avoid and crit avoid, but second time through he gave himeself 7 extra HP above his average (I didn't use any statboosters for that), coming out with the highest HP out of my three Cav->Paladins, as well as an additional 5 luck. Currently, him and Barst are tied for highest STR on my team, and both at the same level too. And Barst certainly wasn't STR screwed.

Colm+Shamshir=Conducting mass murder in the Ruins. That includes a Dracozombie Boss.

Fir gaining STR 4 levels in a row.

Chad held off the massive bandits reinforcements in CH14 on his own, no supports, with only an iron sword until it broke when I managed to move Dieck back for some axe leveling. (And as expected of Dieck, he slaughtered the remaining bandits in a couple of turns)


On one of those axe infestation chapters, I had Rutger single-handedly fend off a chokepoint because there were too many reinforcements. And he used up all the vulneraries I had available because those goddamn hand axes keeping on hitting him. With < 20%. At least he gained a lot of levels and critted the boss, but that's besides the point.

That one time where I didn't check range of Dracozombies, I accidentally placed Gerik into the range of two of them. I ended up restarting an entire Ruins run because Gerik>my time.

Eliwood got so SPD screwed that he ended up with 11 effective AS wielding Durandal. I regret stuffing all those Body Rings and Speedwings down Canas's throat because Eliwood gets doubled by Fire Dragon. At least I let him have the last hit after I pretty much got Hector to own it.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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In FE4 Julia killing Julius with a 60% hit chance at 10 HP and Julius with 100% hit rate

In the Lagdou Ruins Knoll didn't get hit by a 70% hit rate that would've killed him

Again in the Lagdou Ruins, I forgot to heal Amelia, and she got targeted by a Dracozombie and it missed at 62%, which would've killed her


In FE4 Levin got killed by Deetva's Pegasus Knight squad and each of them had 18% hit rate

That's all I can think of right now.

Edited by luigi bros
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1. Any time Ike has criticaled or Aethered for me at the right time in FE9, which is a lot, making it win. ;D

2. Boyd doing Colossus archer style in FE9. That is epic.

3. Aether. <3

4. Killing the Black Knight with two Aethers in a row when he was able to double Ike in FE9. Woo.

5. Having a practically invincible Eliwood in FE7 cause he either dodges a hell of a lot or gets hit and dodges at the last second.

6. Counter killing a bad guy in FE9. I'm serious. This happened. XD


1. Having a completely RNG screwed Ike in normal mode and only finding that out when I go up against the BK (different file than the BK battle described above)in FE9.

2. Almost finishing a defending chapter. Last turn, enemy phase. Then...Ike dies. I screamed in my head. Again, this was FE9.

3. Having an accuracy screwed Oscar. He totally misses a lot for me in my current normal mode file, even against sword guys. >_>

Edited by Eternal Bond
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Almost losing to the Fire Dragon twice on my first FE7 playthrough, then watching Canas double, then crit the sonofabitch with Luna for a total of 100 damage. CANASSSSS

Soloing the Demon King with SM!Marisa. Yeah. Alright, Tethys danced for her, but nobody else did any attacking.

In a related playthrough of FE8, killing the Demon King with a TRIANGLE ATTACK!



An Eirika that didn't roll Strength A SINGLE TIME until FIFTEEN. Str 4 doesn't go very far in the Desert, just so y'all know.

Everything I ever tried to do with Soren. That guy never does anything for me.

Deciding the first time through FE7 15x that I HAD to kill all the pirates except Dart en route to Fargus. Also, deciding that the second time after I inevitably failed. And the third. And the fourth.

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Since I'm playing FE7...

Win: Lyn on my current FE7 file. Maxed STR, SKL, SPD, 13DEF and 21RES, no RNG abuse, and not even 20/20 yet? Yesplz. 92 Dodge from Hector support is nice too.

(promoted) Sain and Oswin at a chokepoint with Hand Axes/ Javelins =A lot of dead enemies. All in one turn. (C25Hector)

Lucius being a tank of godliness ORKOing and dodging everything despite having not even 2/3 Lyn's dodge. With only 33 HP.


Fail: Lucius's defense NEVER grew. Except promotional bonuses. But otherwise it didn't move up one bit.

Sain's SKL. Everything else on him turned out amazing. JUST SKL. I want those crits dammit.

Eliwood's SPD. I don't know what is it, but on both his mode and Hector's mode he decided to screw his SPD for me. There was a time where for about 7 levels he didn't grow any at all. I was pretty pissed at him. Durandal kills his AS already.

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18 LCK.


Levin against the Thracian dragon knights in chapter 5. They have about 8 hit on him. He gets hit by all of them and dies.

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