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the yemeni situation


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which is more important to you guys, invading iran or invading yemen? iran is a bunch of islamian terrorists but sean hannity and glenn beck are always like yemen is terrorism too so we obviously need to invade both of them but i'm just curious which one you think we should invade first

no democrats in this topic please

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Don't call it Yemen, the contemporary state is hailed as a peaceful compromise solution to an old conflict but in actuality the old North Yemeni aristocracy have controlled it from the start and the imams and the bedouins have practically overrun the whole country since then.

Invading Iran would likely make things worse, even with Iran as weakened and overextended as it is this year. But if America invaded Yemen and put things to rights, then maybe the old Republicans could rise up again!

Maybe they could use poison gas on old North Yemen....

Edited by FreeKnt
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Don't call it Yemen, the contemporary state is hailed as a peaceful compromise solution to an old conflict but in actuality the old North Yemeni aristocracy have controlled it from the start and the imams and the bedouins have practically overrun the whole country since then.

Invading Iran would likely make things worse, even with Iran as weakened and overextended as it is this year. But if America invaded Yemen and put things to rights, then maybe the old Republicans could rise up again!

Maybe they could use poison gas on old North Yemen....

so we should invade yemen first is what you're saying

i like your style

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wat we nede 2 do is invaed the whit house and thro out that islamic muslim socialist traitor who is all the problems causing in the god bless the united states of america because he is not right people did not build the united states and he is destroy and terrorist u kno

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wat we nede 2 do is invaed the whit house and thro out that islamic muslim socialist traitor who is all the problems causing in the god bless the united states of america because he is not right people did not build the united states and he is destroy and terrorist u kno

Obama isn't a terrorist, he's the opposite.

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wat we nede 2 do is invaed the whit house and thro out that islamic muslim socialist traitor who is all the problems causing in the god bless the united states of america because he is not right people did not build the united states and he is destroy and terrorist u kno

Obama isn't a terrorist, he's the opposite.

man its like you've never watched an episode of hannity


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wat we nede 2 do is invaed the whit house and thro out that islamic muslim socialist traitor who is all the problems causing in the god bless the united states of america because he is not right people did not build the united states and he is destroy and terrorist u kno

Obama isn't a terrorist, he's the opposite.

man its like you've never watched an episode of hannity






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wat we nede 2 do is invaed the whit house and thro out that islamic muslim socialist traitor who is all the problems causing in the god bless the united states of america because he is not right people did not build the united states and he is destroy and terrorist u kno

Obama isn't a terrorist, he's the opposite.

man its like you've never watched an episode of hannity






clerly ur parents were not very heterosexexual and had bum sex in front of you and never read u the bible and and never teached u 2 do a lynch becuz they wer dum and u r 2 so no1 wants ur opinion u dumass stop bing so dum

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We have a need to invade someone to begin with?

American world hegemony is slipping. It's nothing that can't be remedied with a bit of force, bring the ones who want to create a new order down to size. It's an example, see. The less serious offenders will rush to get back in line and it will remind the faithful allies that grand ambitions can be dangerous.

That's the way we've run the world for fifty years and it works.

Edited by FreeKnt
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