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I used to be a real idiot


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Check out this Fire Emblem 4 review on GameFAQs that I will have written four years ago in a couple weeks.

I was being completely serious at the time, but now I can't stop from laughing. I insist on calling the Super NES Super Famicom and use the word ROM as a verb, as well as giving false information about the game and asserting that any who say the game is easy "don't know what they're talking about." I think I wrote the review when I was on chapter two or something.

At times like these I'm glad that next to no records remain of the forum posts and other messages I wrote at that age.

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"Though the music in this game is made from beeps [...]" - This was my favorite phrase.

At least it's probably still better than most of the reviews on the site. Would you consider writing a new review to replace that one (assuming GameFAQs permits people to do that)?

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...at least you can read it. Personally, I'm glad all the evidence has been destroyed. FEW was doomed from the start, but I'm convinced the FESS coup was Providence or the FBI.

Edited by Le Communard
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Would you consider writing a new review to replace that one (assuming GameFAQs permits people to do that)?

Unfortunately, I don't think GameFAQs permits that.

...at least you can read it. Personally, I'm glad all the evidence has been destroyed. FEW was doomed from the start, but I'm convinced the FESS coup was Providence or the FBI.

Ah, I remember those days! I couldn't resist searching your old username after seeing that post.

I still have all the PMs you sent me on FEW in my email, FlameofUdun. I'll spare you the details, so let's just say you wrote ":o :o :o :-X" after some of your sentences.

Unfortunately your early posts on GameFAQs are all gone, though there is something from the same era.

It arent katapult they are called Trebuchetes big difference. And the white tree doesnt has any leaves :s But the rest is quite okay i love the armor u got and flags Try to get towergaurds they rock

And so that nobody can call me unfair, here's a post I found about myself in a sticky thread on GameFAQs from just a week later.

From: kyo_kusanagi83 | Posted: 12/10/2005 6:29:44 PM | Message Detail

This is what happens when GFAQs doesn't let natural selection take it's course. You get people like semajdraehs and Thunk00 existing when they shouldn't, and they will endanger GFAQs in the long run.

As I once saw on someone's sig: "With people like him, evolution from monkeys suddenly seems startlingly accurate."

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