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The quality is kind of poor but I guess you have no better means available. :(

On 3-12, did one random Halberdier just turn on battle animations against Nolan? o_o

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The quality is kind of poor but I guess you have no better means available. :(

On 3-12, did one random Halberdier just turn on battle animations against Nolan? o_o

If you press the A button right before the battle, you can override the map animation (or no animation) command and watch the full battle animation.

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I guess the animations were turned on because I picked the Wiimote for a second and pressed A when I shouldn't have. Stupid me.

Anyway, I got to 3-6 and managed to get 45 kills in 6 turns. The goal is 46. FML

I'll probably skip 3-6 and go directly to 3-12.

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I guess the animations was turned on because I picked the Wiimote for a second and pressed A when I shouldn't have. Stupid me.

Anyway, I got to 3-6 and managed to get 45 kills in 6 turns. The goal is 46. FML

I'll probably skip 3-6 and go directly to 3-12.

If it's any consolation, it took me 8 playthroughs to realize that fact. I don't know if anyone else here knew that, either.

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What I meant was that I knew it was 46, but I only managed to get 45 in 6 turns.


3-6 in 6 turns (Normal enemy phases)

After a lot of extra planning I managed to get that extra kill that I needed. My original strategy used only Micaiah, Sothe, Jill and Nolan. This new one adds Zihark to the mix.

I'll hopefully have 3-12 by tomorrow or Monday.

EDIT: Before I move on to 3-12, I need someone to answer these questions:

1) If a character ends 3-6 in best biorythm, and ends 3-7 in worst biorythm as an enemy, what biorythm will it have in 3-12? Best or Worst?

2) If I kill Jill or someone else as an enemy in 3-7 and his or her biorythm is Best at the moment I killed him/her, will that character appear with the same biorythm in 3-12?

EDIT 2: I think I got it figured out. If my plan is correct, I'd need to kill Jill at turn 5 in 3-7, while Nolan gets killed at turn 7. This should give both of them either Good or Best Biorythm. The only problem with this is Jill, since Haar doesn't attack her, and the hawks won't make it in time. I removed Nihil from Nolan in 3-6 so I should be able to Stun him with Haar.

Edited by Krad
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Getting both Nolan and Jill to be on Good or Best biorythm was harder than making this. You can see me in the reflection because I recorded this quite early while I usually record during the night.

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*Returns after 3 weeks*

I'm quite surprised that you shaved a turn on 3-6. When I mapped out the initial + reinforcement enemies on graph paper a while ago, I recall ruling out a 6 turn based on enemies available on the map, so I guess I miscalculated somehow. Well at least this gives further motivation for a playthrough with a beefed up dawn brigade army.

I also hope that you held onto your saves and have an SD card :D I don't mind making some new videos, but the biggest obstacle is all the playing I have to do just to get there.

For anyone who's wondering where I've been, my videogame obsession has almost completely shifted towards Guitar Hero. Right now I'm working on FCing the Guitar Hero 5 setlist (expert mode obviously), and I already have 15/84 FCs. It's very unlikely that I'll do any forum based activity here aside from videos since I stopped enjoying that for quite a while.

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I don't have the 3-12 save any more, but I do have the 3-6 one(with both Nolan and Jill at level 20/5). From there I can easily get a 3-12 save again, the only hard part is killing both Nolan and Jill at a certain turn in 3-7. I could probably have it on Sunday. And yes, I do have an SD card.

I'll probably start working on 1-5 soon. I still believe a 2 turn is possible, the only problem being the mage at the top right corner (which could be solved by having Volug rescue a mage on turn 1 and dropping her on turn 2), and the priest near the boss (no idea at the moment).

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So I tried doing a 2 turn of 1-5 today, and managed to kill every enemy by the end of turn 2...aside from the priest.

That god damned priest.

Ilyana needs 4 shoves to reach him. Sadly, I can only shove her 2 times (with Laura and Leo) on the first turn since I also need to shove Micaiah twice (with Meg and Aran) so she can move far enough to reach the mage in the top right corner if she's rescued by Volug. Edward and Nolan can't shove her any further, since they both have to kill certain enemies on turn 1, and Sothe has to climb the ledge to drop on the other side on turn 2.

I think I found a way to get her to reach the priest (even though this would only work if the boss moved, and I'm not sure if it happens in EM).


Which brings even more problems: I need her to gain 9 levels in order to promote, but her heal staff only gives her 4 levels with 40 EXP, and I can only buy another one on 1-4, which means I would need to make her heal 44 times in 2 chapters and then 46 times in 1 chapter. This also bring the problem called Master Seal. I only have 1, and I absolutely need to have Ilyana promoted.

So until I manage to find a way to get Edward 4 levels with both STR and SPD, 5 levels with STR and SPD for Nolan, 4 levels with MAG and SPD, and 5 more levels with anything for Ilyana, 8 levels with MAG and SPD for Micaiah (I had all of these levels done in my current attempt) plus 9 levels with MAG and SPD for Laura, I'll probably put the 1-5 2 turn on hold.

On unrealted news, I got the save file with 3-6 and 3-12 done.

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So I tried doing a 2 turn of 1-5 today, and managed to kill every enemy by the end of turn 2...aside from the priest.

That god damned priest.

Ilyana needs 4 shoves to reach him. Sadly, I can only shove her 2 times (with Laura and Leo) on the first turn since I also need to shove Micaiah twice (with Meg and Aran) so she can move far enough to reach the mage in the top right corner if she's rescued by Volug. Edward and Nolan can't shove her any further, since they both have to kill certain enemies on turn 1, and Sothe has to climb the ledge to drop on the other side on turn 2.

I think I found a way to get her to reach the priest (even though this would only work if the boss moved, and I'm not sure if it happens in EM).


Which brings even more problems: I need her to gain 9 levels in order to promote, but her heal staff only gives her 4 levels with 40 EXP, and I can only buy another one on 1-4, which means I would need to make her heal 44 times in 2 chapters and then 46 times in 1 chapter. This also bring the problem called Master Seal. I only have 1, and I absolutely need to have Ilyana promoted.

So until I manage to find a way to get Edward 4 levels with both STR and SPD, 5 levels with STR and SPD for Nolan, 4 levels with MAG and SPD, and 5 more levels with anything for Ilyana, 8 levels with MAG and SPD for Micaiah (I had all of these levels done in my current attempt) plus 9 levels with MAG and SPD for Laura, I'll probably put the 1-5 2 turn on hold.

On unrealted news, I got the save file with 3-6 and 3-12 done.

Why can't you just abuse 1-4 like crazy? Or did you need money for other things and can't afford to buy multiple heal staves? You could get her to 20/20/1 if you had enough money and patience. 20/20/20 actually. Surely it isn't too expensive to get her to 20/1.

There is no limit in shops to how many of a single item you can get, just in the bargains.

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You should confirm that the boss moves before doing anything as crazy as heal abusing Laura to third tier in 1-4. Also, you gonna PM that save to me or upload it somewhere? Would be much appreciated obviously.

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You should confirm that the boss moves before doing anything as crazy as heal abusing Laura to third tier in 1-4. Also, you gonna PM that save to me or upload it somewhere? Would be much appreciated obviously.

I know they move in HM. No clue about NM. Why does it even matter? I suppose they are more accurate than their mooks, so there are fewer wasted turns where the player unit dodges and Laura can't heal anything. There are multiple locations on the map at which you can safely heal abuse with Laura whether you are using the boss' attacks or other laguz. If you can set up the timing right (in terms of transforming and untransforming baddies) and use one or two player units that are 3RKOd along with two enemy laguz, you could even make sure Laura can heal every single turn.

As for getting Laura to third tier in 1-4, I'd have to assume that it's unnecessary for his purposes. As such I'd probably recommend against going that high anyway. Also it's 800 gold for every 440 exp, which gets pretty pricey if you want a third tier Laura.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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About the boss moving, I was referring to the boss of 1-5. However I think I found a way to kill the curate and the boss without needing the boss to move.

I dont' need Laura to be third tier. I only need her to get enough levels to slap a seal on her for the extra 1 move and the ability to counter. I already made her waste her first staff entirely, and I'm currently on 1-4 wasting the two staffs I bought. Edward, Nolan and Micaiah have already gotten every level they need, so I just need to get both Ilyana and Laura promoted during this chapter.

And the cost for taking Laura to third tier is too much for me at this moment, considering next chapter I need to make 3 forges (Edward, Ilyana and Sothe), all of them with +5 mt and some with +Hit.

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Ilyana manages to miss too much with 90% hit rates, so I wanted to give her a forge to erase that chance.


If I had made Edward get 1 more speed, he would have been able to double the Myrmidon and not require the critical. It still worked, though.

By the way, while I was abusing Laura in 1-4, I managed to get an enemy Tiger to get SS strike. Seriously. However, for some reason his attack was stuck at 27, even though SS strike should have given him 32. It would have been hilarious to see a 32 attack tiger attack my units. OHKOs Edward, Laura, Micaiah and Ilyana, while he 2HKO's Nolan and Sothe.

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Ilyana manages to miss too much with 90% hit rates, so I wanted to give her a forge to erase that chance.


If I had made Edward get 1 more speed, he would have been able to double the Myrmidon and not require the critical. It still worked, though.

By the way, while I was abusing Laura in 1-4, I managed to get an enemy Tiger to get SS strike. Seriously. However, for some reason his attack was stuck at 27, even though SS strike should have given him 32. It would have been hilarious to see a 32 attack tiger attack my units. OHKOs Edward, Laura, Micaiah and Ilyana, while he 2HKO's Nolan and Sothe.

I don't know if that would happen on NM or HM. I heard somewhere that wexp is doubled on EM, and from the speed Vika was gaining strike the one time I played EM, I happen to think it's probably accurate. It was over a year ago, though, that I last played EM, so who knows?

(Of course, eventually the tiger would hit SS strike on NM, if you let him attack 150 times. Considering it takes that long just to get Laura 16.5 levels, I suppose even on NM you'd still get SS strike for the tiger.)

That's odd, though, that he's stuck at 27 mt. I wonder if he'd be stuck at 29/31 mt on HM, rather than reaching 34/36 mt. It's possible it's only EM where they aren't allowed the full mt of their weapon.

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It's possible it's only EM where they aren't allowed the full mt of their weapon.

In EM, most of the 3-6 tigers are at level 14 or lower, so they're A strike. If memory serves, level 14 or lower is A strike, 15 to 29 is S strike, and 30+ is SS strike for generic laguz. I think this must be true since there are level 14 dragons in 4-5 EM and they only have A strike, while the level 15 ones have S strike.

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In EM, most of the 3-6 tigers are at level 14 or lower, so they're A strike. If memory serves, level 14 or lower is A strike, 15 to 29 is S strike, and 30+ is SS strike for generic laguz. I think this must be true since there are level 14 dragons in 4-5 EM and they only have A strike, while the level 15 ones have S strike.

Yeah, I know all that. But enemies build wexp just like player units, so when you abuse with a laguz they just keep building strike. Look at the guy's picture. It's like a level 2 tiger with SS strike, but he said they only got a 15mt weapon rather than a 20mt weapon.

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Yeah, I know all that. But enemies build wexp just like player units, so when you abuse with a laguz they just keep building strike. Look at the guy's picture. It's like a level 2 tiger with SS strike, but he said they only got a 15mt weapon rather than a 20mt weapon.

Maybe the game isn't programmed to let enemy laguz get more might than their S level? (Excepting Dheginsea). I don't think that there are any level 30+ generic laguz, and maybe the designers never bothered to allow them to go past S strike might?

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Maybe the game isn't programmed to let enemy laguz get more might than their S level? (Excepting Dheginsea). I don't think that there are any level 30+ generic laguz, and maybe the designers never bothered to allow them to go past S strike might?

That's one possibility. The generics aren't allowed. But I can't see how or why they'd bother to program it. In the picture, it literally says SS, so one would think that the simplest way of programming it all would result in them getting 20mt tiger claws. So for whatever reason they had to program it to specifically stop the things from powering up even when they hit SS.

(Nailah appears as an enemy in 3-E and has SS strike. Hence Dheg's not the only exception).

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That's one possibility. The generics aren't allowed. But I can't see how or why they'd bother to program it. In the picture, it literally says SS, so one would think that the simplest way of programming it all would result in them getting 20mt tiger claws. So for whatever reason they had to program it to specifically stop the things from powering up even when they hit SS.

(Nailah appears as an enemy in 3-E and has SS strike. Hence Dheg's not the only exception).

Well, yes, but she's recruitable and had been an ally before in 1-8 and 1-E. Just saying.

By the way, has anyone noticed that when Ena appears as an NPC in 3-E, she's got S strike, but she reverts to A strike in 4-1?

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