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This chapter never fails to annoy me... I'm playing on hard mode mainly using Edward, Jill, Volug, Sothe, Laura, and Micaiah. Sothe has two beast killers with him.

None of my guys have the defense to take on two hits from a tiger. Laura and Micaiah don't stand a chance against any enemy, and somehow the NPC priest always seems to die on the enemy's first turn.

Any advice?

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Yes. Make sure you keep supported units together. Keep Tarvos on Nolan for more defense, Lughnasadh on Leo so maybe he can double tigers or avoid being doubled by cats. Normally what I do is:

Send Sothe, Nolan, Aran up.

Send Leo, Edward, Zihark, and Jill to the right.

Give Laura the physic staff that I bought before this mission

Then I either take it slow or move quickly depending on how good my people are.

Don't forget to get the brave bow with Sothe which is here:


(blue dot is Brave bow)

Normally the AI is quite helpful for me, and also RNG gods(Low % crits ftw?)

If this doesn't work, you can just set up for defense in the corner, and direct the allies to hold up in front of you. But you'd be missing out on exp.

Edit: I completely failed to look at the characters you had. You should probably wall up the north side with your good people, and don't advance any to the right, have Volug over there for increased sight, and Jill ready to fly out and kill. You'll probably want the skill beastfoe on Jill if you got it in part 1

Edited by core34510
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Well that's part of the problem. Nolan and Leonardo are my weakest units. Nolan and Aran are constantly getting doubled, and Leonardo can't stand a single blow.

The only units who are really good for this chapter for me are Sothe and Edward, who I've been training the most. All my other characters do fine against non-transformed units, but miserably fail when attacked by two or more tigers.

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Well that's part of the problem. Nolan and Leonardo are my weakest units. Nolan and Aran are constantly getting doubled, and Leonardo can't stand a single blow.

The only units who are really good for this chapter for me are Sothe and Edward, who I've been training the most. All my other characters do fine against non-transformed units, but miserably fail when attacked by two or more tigers.

Which makes the obvious solution to set it up so no one faces two attacks before they can heal.

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This chapter never fails to annoy me... I'm playing on hard mode mainly using Edward, Jill, Volug, Sothe, Laura, and Micaiah. Sothe has two beast killers with him.

None of my guys have the defense to take on two hits from a tiger. Laura and Micaiah don't stand a chance against any enemy, and somehow the NPC priest always seems to die on the enemy's first turn.

Any advice?

You could do the sothe w/ savior and rescue micaiah strategy. Then have him stall turns waiting in the bottom left corner until the BK arrives to save your ass.

Of course, this is assuming that you don't mind the fail brigade getting cexp gimped. :/

Edited by Blutsauger
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Without Nolan, Zihark or even Aran, you're seriously handicapped here. But let's see...

Volug is your most durable unit. If he still has Wildheart on him, take it off. Give Jill a robe if you haven't already. Give either Eddie or Sothe Wrath/Resolve or Resolve/Vantage, unless Eddie can hold all three. I don't think he can in second tier. Keep your support pairs together, this is one of the chapters in which support bonuses are most noticeable (at least it is for me). If you have Beastfoe, and I scoff at you if you don't, I'd recommend sticking it on Miccy so she can kill things in one shot and get some well-needed experience. This will also help keep the pressure on your units down. Keep Laura well back to heal with Physic, but not too far back if she's supporting someone. Don't have Eddie use anything other than Caladbolg or Wind Edges for this chapter. Sothe should use his Beast Killers a lot, but don't be afraid to use a knife to attack from 2 range if you have doubts.

There. It's simple advice and most people do a fair bit of this stuff anyway, but I hope it helps somehow.

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If you're really having trouble beating the chapter you can have Sothe with Savior Rescue Micaiah and run to the bottom left corner (unequip him). Then have the BK kill everything when he shows up.

Of course you'll miss out on Exp for your DB members, if that's important to you.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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