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What the fuck is this "Pandora Hearts" shit

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I said: Shut up already with the stupid tit-for-tats.

No u.

Meh. There's naught I can do to stop you guys. But at least I tried. :( :( :(


You just love to tick me off, don't you. At least I was willing to apologize and accept punishment even when not needed. You're just ticking me off for the fun of it now. I really don't see how you're any better than me at this point.

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I said: Shut up already with the stupid tit-for-tats.

No u.

Meh. There's naught I can do to stop you guys. But at least I tried. :( :( :(


You just love to tick me off, don't you. At least I was willing to apologize and accept punishment even when not needed. You're just ticking me off for the fun of it now. I really don't see how you're any better than me at this point.

You act much too innocent. You purposely did it to tick off ALS and brought many people in the conflict. Don't start acting like the peacekeeper now.

Topic derailed.

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I said: Shut up already with the stupid tit-for-tats.

No u.

Meh. There's naught I can do to stop you guys. But at least I tried. :( :( :(


You just love to tick me off, don't you. At least I was willing to apologize and accept punishment even when not needed. You're just ticking me off for the fun of it now. I really don't see how you're any better than me at this point.

You act much too innocent. You purposely did it to tick off ALS and brought many people in the conflict. Don't start acting like the peacekeeper now.

Topic derailed.

Actually, I only started to try and tick off ASL once he decided to go judgemaster on me. I was ready to leave peacefully, but I guess I'm too vindictive for that. :( Anyway, you should probably read the whole thing from the very beginning before you assume that you know everything about that. You're the one who decided to kill me, remember. I was content just to leave on my own, but you just had to take sides and keep egging me on like that.

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I said: Shut up already with the stupid tit-for-tats.

No u.

Meh. There's naught I can do to stop you guys. But at least I tried. :( :( :(


You just love to tick me off, don't you. At least I was willing to apologize and accept punishment even when not needed. You're just ticking me off for the fun of it now. I really don't see how you're any better than me at this point.

You act much too innocent. You purposely did it to tick off ALS and brought many people in the conflict. Don't start acting like the peacekeeper now.

Topic derailed.

Actually, I only started to try and tick off ASL once he decided to go judgemaster on me. I was ready to leave peacefully, but I guess I'm too vindictive for that. :( Anyway, you should probably read the whole thing from the very beginning before you assume that you know everything about that. You're the one who decided to kill me, remember. I was content just to leave on my own, but you just had to take sides and keep egging me on like that.

Revealing true form. I read it. Distinctly, revealing true form translates to ego talk.

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You could've just left and NOT reply. >_>

I know, but I've got too much of a fragile ego to take an insult like that. I admit that I didn't do a great job handling the situation and was provocative at points, but I was intending to make one last post to bid everyone in Haru's empire farewell. As I was no longer part of the empire system, I was of the opinion that rules and stuff no longer applied. In fact, I was actually considering a separate thread about my adventures in a new land, but I guess that's not going to happen unless someone can come up with 30K and a Valkyrie staff.

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You could've just left and NOT reply. >_>

I know, but I've got too much of a fragile ego to take an insult like that. I admit that I didn't do a great job handling the situation and was provocative at points, but I was intending to make one last post to bid everyone in Haru's empire farewell. As I was no longer part of the empire system, I was of the opinion that rules and stuff no longer applied. In fact, I was actually considering a separate thread about my adventures in a new land, but I guess that's not going to happen unless someone can come up with 30K and a Valkyrie staff.


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As if that hasn't been said already...

True, but you act as though there's a major problem with that. I like it when things aren't taken haphazardly and halfway. It's how I was raised.

Well let's just say your feelings will be hurt even more with each post you make.

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As if that hasn't been said already...

True, but you act as though there's a major problem with that. I like it when things aren't taken haphazardly and halfway. It's how I was raised.

Well let's just say your feelings will be hurt even more with each post you make.

Do you mean to say that I have to become a cold, heartless, and emotionless person who cares not for anyone else's feelings? If you are, I'll take my chances.

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You have a fucked up idea of what flaming is. It was to help her, not to be a bitch.

You two have an equally fucked up idea of what helping people is, how about being a little more nice with it?

No one except little kids will ever learn if you attempt to be nice

Well, they might, but if they did, they'd probably already have learned.
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