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Luck Test


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I am unfamiliar with this currency. As such, my guesses may be improperly skewed, but we shall see how things happen.

H, T, T, T, H, H, T, T, T, H, T, T, H, H, H, T, T, T, T, T, T, H, H, T, H.

Are you serious about the yo-yos? Anyway, thanks for giving me an easy to grade pattern.

Edit: @Soul. This is just to see how lucky everyone is. Randomly guess H or T 25 times and I will grade you based on the results of my yo-yo flipping.

Edited by Kinata
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Wow, were having a mathematical argument... about the accuracy of a luck test. Wow.

Anyway, I'm still not convinced that a mixture will make a difference. I'll actually do some calculations tomorrow to confirm or disprove my belief.

The point is, if that information about 90-10 is given, it's more of a guess which one has the better chance test.

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Are you serious about the yo-yos? Anyway, thanks for giving me an easy to grade pattern.

I'm not (although yoyo is sometimes a colloquialism for the Euro).

I hope I counted out twenty-five correctly.

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It looks all interest has been lost in this topic, so I will post the scores. I don't think it's really necessary to post the answers.

Generic Officer: 14

BK/Wist: 12

Me: 11



Thank you everyone for participating.

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Yup. This shows that your luck, like everyone here except Vivek, is about average. Then again, since 13 is considered an unlucky number and no else got it, maybe you're the least lucky person here.

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It would be an even greater improvement to do the opposite of what you already did. Even better, do the opposite of Vivek. Better yet, just type in the correct answer. Too bad you only get one try. Sorry, no refunds.

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It would be an even greater improvement to do the opposite of what you already did. Even better, do the opposite of Vivek. Better yet, just type in the correct answer. Too bad you only get one try. Sorry, no refunds.

I know. I was merely provoking a thought experiment. Of course, give enough posts and scores, I could give you the exact list. ;)

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That's why I specifically said a while ago that I wouldn't post the results until everyone was done posting. No one posted all last night, so I gave the results, and now a couple more people have entered, hurting the accuracy. Consider all results from here on out to be illegit.

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