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China Doesn't want Obama to meet the Dali Lama


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Long story short, China doesn't want Obama to meet the Dali Lama since they would consider it being the U.S. meeting with a terrorist/guy they don't like since he's from Tibet. India doesn't like him either.

Article: http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/china-warns-barack-obama-that-meeting-dalai-lama-would-hurt-relations/19341118

Should Obama meet him? (He plans to do so anyway) Or is China just being a spoiled child?

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China's really pissed about the Taiwan arms sales so maybe Obama should delay it till they get distracted by something else.

That was my thoughts.

As much as I don't like Obama, I don't want him to die, because Biden would be awful!!

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Where does the Dalai-Llama get the funds to travel around all the time anyways?

As for the economical threat, it can happen, even if it doesn't come from the government. Just ask the French retailer Carrefour. We Chinese are kinda touchy on the patriotism part.

As for the Tibet matter...

During the only "independent" part of Tibet's history, it was a "small, religious, and independent nation" (their terms, look it up on wiki). Just like countries like Oman and Yémen, who are both obviously awesome countries.

I am Chinese so my views on the subject might be biaised.

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By having our President meet with the Dalai Lama we are recognizing him as an authority figure - in other words, there is the implication that the United States supports Tibet becoming a sovereign nation. We already do this for Taiwan, because we love rubbing on our Chinese buddies. The geopolitical reasons are obvious - decrease Chinese possesion, ergo decrease Chinese power. Nevertheless, it seems foolish to take such provocative actions towards a country which we are heavily invested in, considering the HUGE STEAMING PLATE OF POO our country is already having difficulty dealing with.

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GKSB and Catastrophe_2 said it best.

I've always been ashamed that both of the only two significant political parties in my country support separatists that have no historical precedent or pressing need for their own country (Kosovo, Tibet, etc.) while completely ignoring or condemning people who need an independent government, or at least a different one, in order to live with dignity and safety (South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Pridnestrovie, Eritrea, Somaliland, etc., etc.).

It's nothing but a double standard and it often goes completely against the principles of freedom, human rights, respect between nations and all those other things we claim to pioneer and protect.

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