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Fayt Zelpher

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G'Evening, ASL. Anything in particular you'd like?

I just went here to chill a bit....

*drops 5000 gold on the table* Yeah keep this too.

Customers are the ones I reffered to as "animals".


May I have a word with you... >:)


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With me? Hm...? I just steped in here, and you, the owner, wants a word with a guy like me? Alright.

Well, come over here for just a minute... >:)

This is a BUSINESS, sonny, and around these parts, we treat our customers with respect and dignity. So if you don't want me to chase you to the ends of the universe with an unlimited supply of giant ice needles, I suggest you not call our customers 'animals'.

Got that?

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You'll never believe what I just picked up from the supermarket! A Fimbulvetr air dryer for the bathrooms and for above the stovetop(it gets pretty smoky)

You got a giant ice spell for THAT? Well, Cocytus is a bit overpowered...

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Well, come over here for just a minute... >:)

This is a BUSINESS, sonny, and around these parts, we treat our customers with respect and dignity. So if you don't want me to chase you to the ends of the universe with an unlimited supply of giant ice needles, I suggest you not call our customers 'animals'.

Got that?

Hehe, just as I thought, tough guy. *lifts up RP*

Listen, you don't know who I am, and I suggest it stays that way unless you don't want this place to end up in my hands. Oh wait, that actually might be a good thing.

*drops RP on the floor*

Is this what you consider good service, sir!? *points at Dracohon stealing hamburgers and ASL drinking soda without paying*

Have fun *leaves*

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