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Best GBA paladin



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  1. 1. who is best

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Soul, Seth really is awesome. For one, he already has two A's in weapon types, has awesome bases with good enough growths to keep those stats up, unlike Marcus in FE6, has the best affinity in the game for supports, and has one of the best availabilities in the game.

You could solo the game with Seth only using an Iron Sword, a Javelin, and probably a legendary weapon, but only for Formortiis and that is STILL a maybe.

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Did you even read properly as to insult me? Try it yourself, get Franz to kill 7-10 enemies himself, screenshot it and show me. Oh, wait...I'll do that myself in a while. And read the edit.

EDIT: Of course, it's easy to insult me but follow the other's arguement while not pointing out a good argument yourself, eh.

You are still missing the point.

Say I have Franz and Seth both kill ten enemies, and Franz gets 300 exp while Seth gets 30 exp. Now, you say that because of this, Seth is 'hogging exp'. But that doesn't make sense, since they both did the exact same thing, except that Seth got less experience from it. You could say that Seth made less efficient use of EXP, but that doesn't really matter, since he's still performing better. We'd have to go to much, much later in the game for Franz to be the one outperforming Seth, and it wouldn't be a significant lead.

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Soul, Seth really is awesome. For one, he already has two A's in weapon types, has awesome bases with good enough growths to keep those stats up, unlike Marcus in FE6, has the best affinity in the game for supports, and has one of the best availabilities in the game.

You could solo the game with Seth only using an Iron Sword, a Javelin, and probably a legendary weapon, but only for Formortiis and that is STILL a maybe.

He's better S-ranked in lances IMO.

We'd have to go to much, much later in the game for Franz to be the one outperforming Seth, and it wouldn't be a significant lead.

Well, that's all I wanted to hear...I thought you were saying he was the absolutely best, even if he were, it is not like the other paladins fall behind, Marcus has to suffer Spd problems in his TWO of his hard modes. Don't forget, FE8 isn't a joke because of Seth, it's because of the enemies even in Hard Mode.

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In situations like this, I put Seth in FE6 on Hard Mode.

He still breaks the game. Completely.

Seth is the only right answer here when it comes to the best paladin on the GBA games.

As broken as he is, he won't 'break' FE6 HM. He would make it much easier, though, if he replaced Marcus.

Since Seth will win anyway i vote FE6 Marcus because he's cool and Seth is boring.

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Seth doesn't help your turn count that much no matter how awesome he is, because FE8 is too easy. Try playing Ch 1 of FE8 with and without Seth and look at your turncounts. Then try playing Ch 1 of FE6 with and without Marcus and look at your turncounts.

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That is exactly what these people are not getting, he makes it TOO easy, the game would still be easy even without him, Marcus on the other hand can be rather useful at early chapter where enemies actually have better stats and come at greater nuumbers.

But I would say Marcus at HHM performance rather well too.

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That is exactly what these people are not getting, he makes it TOO easy, the game would still be easy even without him, Marcus on the other hand can be rather useful at early chapter where enemies actually have better stats and come at greater nuumbers.

But I would say Marcus at HHM performance rather well too.

Fine, one more shot.

You clearly understand that he is much better than everyone for a while. Here's how you determine best character:

Rate units for each chapter. Look at how much better/worse they are than their comrades in each chapter. Look at their overall performance for the whole game. Massive wins in earlier chapters result in a unit being the best by far, even if they are only the "best" for one third of the game. As long as unit A is far closer in performance to the best unit in the later chapters than any other unit was to unit A in the early chapters, that makes unit A the Best. It means absolutely nothing that you think he makes the game too easy. That's the point. He's that good. This makes him the best overall. Get over it.

(note, I'm just talking about fe8 alone, here, since it is harder to compare cross-game)

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Hey, stop it, dammit! You are going through that as if I failed to undersand something you haven't explained to me before, I know what is a great unit, and I never denied Seth was one despite having it against him in the previous topic. <_<

The things you just pointed out are exactly why Marcus is great too, he lands top tier in HHM also, he has much more usability due to the game itself being harder than FE8's Hard Mode and not a complete joke like when it comes to using Seth, his only problem is growing his Spd, because everything else is decent, Marcus could get as much or even more training than Seth because:

A) There are much more enemies, they are also stronger.

B) Fielding him is not really a bad idea when there are times you just need to so your team doesn't get sorrounded by enemies.

C) Like Seth, he also starts out with two A ranks, thing is...he also starts with a B in axes and that gives him WTA against most non-magical units or against bow users.

D) His rescuing utility is actually utility, because some maps are a little big, some, not all.

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Hey, stop it, dammit! You are going through that as if I failed to undersand something you haven't explained to me before, I know what is a great unit, and I never denied Seth was one despite having it against him in the previous topic. <_<

The things you just pointed out are exactly why Marcus is great too, he lands top tier in HHM also, he has much more usability due to the game itself being harder than FE8's Hard Mode and not a complete joke like when it comes to using Seth, his only problem is growing his Spd, because everything else is decent, Marcus could get as much or even more training than Seth because:

A) There are much more enemies, they are also stronger.

B) Fielding him is not really a bad idea when there are times you just need to so your team doesn't get sorrounded by enemies.

C) Like Seth, he also starts out with two A ranks, thing is...he also starts with a B in axes and that gives him WTA against most non-magical units or against bow users.

D) His rescuing utility is actually utility, because some maps are a little big, some, not all.

(note, I'm just talking about fe8 alone, here, since it is harder to compare cross-game)

Never said Seth > HHM Marcus. Others have. Well, obviously, based on the poll others have. Anyway, I make no claims about that. Just about fe8. I mostly take issue with this comment that he makes the game too easy. That's the entire point of being the best. The only thing that could possibly vault a Paladin from another game above Seth is the eaffect they have on turn counts (I've never been able to figure out when to use affect and when to use effect). If fe8 is so easy that Seth only knocks off a couple of turns here and there early, but HHM is hard enough that Marcus knocks out double digits every chapter, then Marcus would have an argument for being superior. Their performance over the rest of the game still matters, though, so it's not automatic.

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(I've never been able to figure out when to use affect and when to use effect).

Effect is usually a noun. Affect is usually a verb. (So in this case you should have used effect)


Seth's effect on turn count is greater than Amelia's.

Seth affects turn count greater than Amelia.

I say "usually" because this is English and there are always strange exceptions. I often just know based on instinct which one to use, but it's one of those things that a lot of people have problems with.

Dictionary.com explains it a bit better:

As a verb affect1 means “to act on” or “to move” (His words affected the crowd so deeply that many wept); affect2 means “to pretend” or “to assume” (new students affecting a nonchalance they didn't feel). The verb effect means “to bring about, accomplish”: Her administration effected radical changes. The noun effect means “result, consequence”: the serious effects of the oil spill. The noun affect1 pronounced with the stress on the first syllable, is a technical term in psychology and psychiatry. Affect2 is not used as a noun.

EDIT: And after reading that, I'm not even sure if I was right in the first place.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Well, then...I'll change my vote for FE7 Marcus, because him, alongside FE7 Marcus & Seth are great when it comes to Hard Mode.

Well, you can delete your vote to make it official. It still says you vote Alan.

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