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FE Tier List


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Tier list FAQ

This tier list is based on preference--if you like a game better than another it goes higher in the list. Personal experience means everything with this system.

The list is for easy mode, hard mode, whichever difficulty you enjoyed playing the most.

Instead of suggesting changes to be made to the list in the first post, post your own lists. There's not much point to debating a preference list. :)

Anyway, here's my list:








The NES FEs are unranked because I've never played either for more than a couple of minutes. FEs 9 and 10 are unranked for the same reason. I put FE5 at the top for the complex system, the challenge and the atmosphere, and FE3 at the bottom because I could never "get into it" fully. My stalkers might be surprised to see I ranked FE11 high despite the fact that I never talk about it here, that's because I'm still in the middle of my first playthrough on H5. So far it's been great, a lot harder than I expected from my experience with the earlier games.

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FE9: I just had the most fun playing this one. It was well put together.

FE7: This got me through a lot of car trips, what can I say?

FE4: Classic SNES. It covers all the bases.

FE6: Fun, but ultimately a little thin.

FE8: Got tired quick, and I overplayed it because I had no other choice.

FE10: This game had two difficulties--pathetic, and annoying. Totally not worth the effort.

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FE2: personal favourite

FE3: fun, but too easy

FE5: just a nice game in general

FE6: started to like this more than FE4 for being balanced and hard

FESD: love H5

FE4: Ardan is cool

FE7: nothing special here

FE8: ditto

FE10: i got this game a while ago but never got around to playing it

FE1: never finished it

shit, forgot feds

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FE10. I've liked it a lot, even though here was no character development. I guess it's because it was the first FE game I played.

FE11. No character development as well, but quite fun, and it throws Wolf, Zagaro and Barst ready to break the game.

FE8. Pretty fun, even though it is a bit easy. Mainly because imposing challenges on myself is fun for this game.

FE4. The large maps annoyed me, and your characters get too broken, especially the second gen.

FE7. Rather meh, and I found it too easy.

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Little to no fluff Tier:

Shadow Dragon

Fluff that doesn't deviate from the actual game Tier:

Genealogy of the Holy War

Thracia 776

Path of Radiance

Still the best selling FE Tier:

Mystery of the Emblem

"My first Fire Emblem :D" Tier:

Fire Emblem (US)

Wannabe-FE1 Tier:

The Binding Blade

Plastic Dog Tier:

Sacred Stones

Covered in fluff and flashy doodads Tier:

Radiant Dawn

Full of 8-bit RPG annoyances Tier:



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Frequent tier:

Thracia 776

Still play tier:

FESD H5 (because normal mode is shit)


FE3 book 2


Will play again and eventually beat:

FE Gaiden

Not willing/unlikely to play:





Never playing ever again:

FE3 Book 1

Never playing at all:


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Still the best selling FE Tier:

Mystery of the Emblem

I thought FE7 was the best selling FE game.

If I was to rank the FE games, it would probably go something like this for me:

FE 4 (Mostly due to it's story and music. Doesn't have the best gameplay, but it does have pretty damn good gameplay with a unique system found so far only in this game [The Two Gen System])

FE 10 (This game has the best music and graphics of the series. Loads of characters, a great level of difficulty, a nice story, and great animations make this game a lot of fun)

FE 9 (I don't think I really should need to say why this game should go here)

FE 11 (If you are just looking to mess around and have a lot of fun, this is the game for you. Reclassing is a lot of fun, gameplay is fast, and the music is great. Some of the gameplay mechanics are lacking, but the other gameplay aspects sorta make up for this. This game is a true example of how a game can be good just based on gameplay alone with a decent story)

FE 6 (This game pretty much finalized to the form of FE gameplay we have been using since the game came out. Great gameplay, a multitude of characters, and a nice difficulty make this game a lot of fun)

FE 7 (Not much to say about this one, just that it's not as good as those mentioned before it due to subpar music, a small cast of somewhat uninteresting characters with poor character design (There are exceptions to this, but not that many), and pretty easy game play)

FE 5 (Nice Gameplay and Music, but bad graphics, a lack luster story, and a difficulty that is really more annoying than hard make this game placed here)

FE 2 (Good music, NES graphics, and decent gameplay get this game placed here)

FE 8 (Too easy, lackluster music, and a small cast of characters in a game with so many classes make this game pretty bad)

FE 1 (See FE 2, just that this game has worse gameplay)

FE 3 (Absolutely terrible graphics, and bad gameplay make this game pretty damn bad. Good music and story though)

This is all just my opinion though.

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FE3 Book 2





Haven't played 5 down aside from Book 2 of FE3. Oh yeah, don't expect to play FE2 and 1... ever. Same with Book 1 (a game where Roshea is good? Uh...).

You know I still have to play FE10 HM again. >_>;

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Mine is

All time fave: FE7, it never gets old for me.

Want to know more about it: FE4, large maps still annoy me, and some characters can get broken, but I like the way different pairs bring about different results. Too bad that I.S. decided to waste a perfectly good plot here by making it two parts instead of three.

First FE game I ever got: FE9, ah good times. Now if only I got my Wii back.

Not a fave, but still enjoyable:

FE6: Pretty fun, although some things are lacking for my tastes.

FE11: Reclass is good, too bad about the lack of character development.

Not likely to play for even a long time:

FE10: Too unbalanced, maybe even too rushed. And I got tired of it very quickly.

FE8: Too easy, and nothing all too special either.

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Sure, okay.

FE7: Amazing, changed my life.

FE10: Spectacular, truly enjoyable.

FE9: Very good, a bit on the easy side.

FE8: Easy, but still enjoyable and with a lot of fun extras.

FE4: Fun, but overall not my style.

FE6: Okay, mostly annoying.

FEDS: Meh. I could never get into it.

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Jugdral tier:

Thracia 776

Genealogy of the Holy War

Tellius tier:

Radiant Dawn

Path of Radiance

Akaneia and wannabes tier:

Mystery of the Emblem

Sword of Seals

Are Marth and Roy in this game? tier:

Sacred Stones

Blazing Sword

Not played/finished:

Tear Ring Saga (likely going to be just under Jugdral)

Shadow Dragon

Dark Dragon and the Blade of Light


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Top Tier

Mystery of the Emblem

Thracia 776

Shadow Dragon

Just about everything else Tier

Path of Radiance


Blazing Sword

Sword of Seals

Genealogy of the Holy War

Sacred Stones

Dark Dragon and etc.

Never Played

Radiant Dawn

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Chuck Norris tier

Genealogy of Holy War

Thracia 776

Pretty damn epic tier

Radiant Dawn

Shadow Dragon

Sacred Stones

Path of Radiance

Blazing Sword

Sword of Seals

Mystery of the Fire Emblem

Wut ( Never Played )


Dark Dragon

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Yeah, my order of difficulty. XD

FE10 is my favorite game of all time! It bettered everything I loved about PoR ('cept the support system, I don't use it), the characters, music, storyline, etc. Even Ike! RD Ike is the coolest Ike ever! x3 It was also the hardest game I ever beat. Darn game pushed me to my limit. o.o

FE9 was tough too, but not quite as hard. Still an awesome game. It's my second favorite game of all time. <3

FE8 and FE7 are almost the same for me. FE7 is just a bit easier really since it just gradually gets more difficult. FE8 is pretty easy up until you choose between Ephraim and Eirika and then all of a sudden it gets hard. ._.

Also, FE9 was my first game, then 10, then 8, then 7. I haven't played 11 enough to add it.

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I have only played 6-11, and they are in order from most difficult to easiest (for me).

I swear I counted the squares:

Radiant Dawn


Shadow Dragon

Sword of Seals


Blazing Sword

Path of Radiance


Sacred Stones

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Top Tier

FE10 - The first one I've ever played, so I consider this one to be the best. It generally lacks a lot of balance though.

High Tier

FE 9 - It does start off real boring, but it is much more balanced between the units than in FE10.

FE 7 - My personal favorite, but I don't consider it to be the best (If that makes any sense at all). A blast to play

FE 8 - I also like this one. I only Tower abuse after I beat the game. This one is really short.

Mid Tier

FEDS - Reclassing was a nice attempt, but its the only thing that keeps me playing the game.

Low Tier

FE 3 - Storyline was very good, and it was just fun to play.

FE 6 - Seize, Seize, Seize got really boring, and it had nothing to keep me playing, unlike FEDS

FE 1 - See FE 6, only its graphics were bad. Music was okay though

Bottom Tier

FE 4 - Two Generations were cool, but it just seems like its to much of a chore to play. Also really short

FE 5 - See FE 4, but without the second generation.

Loli Tier

FE 2 - I just think its too wierd with the class promotion system.

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