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Radiant Dawn Unit Hurt/Heal

Redthir Jerdisheim

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I just find it weird how you want to change it now when it should have been change a long time ago. That's why I say just let it play out to its end. That's the fair way to play the game.

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That's because the last preposition was made when we were hurting Mia, you know, since we were on advantage we didn't take that request, but now that you are in advantage, I do believe you are not letting it happen because you fear we'll turn sides.

Edited by Soul
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So basically you didn't want to change it then, because that would have screwed us, but NOW you want to change it because not changing it would screw you personally.

That's pretty childish and unfair, tbqh.

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Why? Just because isn't a reason, so all I know is that you want to be on advantage, it just would be fare enough seeing as there are only five characters left, and it will take forever to kill everyone of them or even heal them to that high number, just look at why most others gave up on this.

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The advantage is that you are not letting that happen because you want Mist to win, and honestly, I never really hoped Laura would win this, it's satisfying enough she got to the top 5. And you're not thinking this reasonably enough, everyone excluding Laura and Elincia are in-between 150 points, it's obvious you're preventing this to let Mist win with this.

There are five characters, and it will take forever to kill them all if we don't do it right, think of it well, more people are going to give on this and it will just be you guys alone healing forever.

Another reason why I'm bringing this up now is because there are five left, you know, the usual Top 5 since there are no Top 6.

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I don't expect Mist to win. Like you with Laura, I'm surprised she's lasted this long. And I don't fear people turning on me, I expect it since other than Laura, she's less popular than the other girls. So you can quit being paranoid and thinking I'm against you.

I still say let nature take its course on this one.

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You don't expect her to win when three people are healing her at such a high number? Really? :facepalm:

I brought this up now because there are 5 characters left, you know, the usual Top 5 since there is no Top 6, it's obvious NM is going to disagree since he's still butthurt I killed Vika, I am not being paranoid, you are only proving my point on further because all three of you have an advantage. I don't think you'd be saying the same if Mist was dead by now, you would barely even be playing.

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No I don't expect her to win. If Laura dies first, I honestly expect her to be the next target.

So really, stop with the paranoia. It began with retarded rules, it continued with retarded rules, just let it end with retarded rules especially since we're in the homestretch.

And your exaggerating the help Mist is getting. It just three people. Others have been focused on healing Neph and Elincia.

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I'm in favour of changing it to hurt 2/heal 1, though it doesn't really make much difference either way to me. It'll just take forever with the current rules.

2nd May 3

Laura 80

Elincia 76

Nephenee 158

Heather 138

Mist 152

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I support changing it to Hurt 2/Heal 1 as well, 'cause like above poster said, it's gonna take forever.

Laura 78

Elincia 78

Nephenee 158

Heather 138

Mist 152

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