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Guess the Newest Pokemon


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All right, let's archive the guesses

Riolu's third form, calling it.

Mightyena. It's actually obvious... but can't say until it's revealed.


Ugh. I hate Nintendo's fetish with Lucario.

IKR? It probably is Riolu's third form. :/

it's very likely that the new pokemon is some kind of new form of Mightyena.

Gamefreak hasn't been generic enough for me to think this is actually a Lucario evo. As much as I'd like to say Sandslash, it's probably either entirely new, or a Mightyena evo (which wouldn't be too bad).

I thought of it as a Lucario evolution.

Reminds me of a Linoone evolution.

Edited by mousefire
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Mightyena. It's actually obvious... but can't say until it's revealed.



Hmm, who is that in the center and looks out of place compared to all the happy Pokemon? ;D

Wow..... That's a very interesting find. I have to agree with you; it's very likely that the new pokemon is some kind of new form of Mightyena.

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Gamefreak hasn't been generic enough for me to think this is actually a Lucario evo. As much as I'd like to say Sandslash, it's probably either entirely new, or a Mightyena evo (which wouldn't be too bad).

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It's name reminded me of Kaiketsu Zorori (Kids anime about a fox)

It doesn't look too flashy to me, I can accept it as a 3rd/4th Gen Pokemon, but compared to the first two generations it looks horrible. More so the evolution Zoroark then anything, hideous monstrosity it is :/ As a fan of foxies can't say I'm too impressed or that I'm looking forward to improvements in the next series.

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The only reason people like the first two gens so much is because of nostalgia imo

Agreed. I think people need to calm down, stop calling everything they don't like at first glance "gay", and think about all the new game innovations that go into modern games. Honestly, it seems like some people would rather have games like the HG remake look exactly like the original or some crap. I for one am glad that there will be a new game and that there will be HG and SS. The only reason pokefans feel like its too soon for a new game is because this D/P/P is the first game to have WiFi. I've beaten the crap out of Pearl and I feel like it's about time a new one has been announced. Its been like 3-4 years since D/P came out right?

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Well a pure dark type is, at the very least, fairly boring. I'd be highly surprise if, as a movie pokemon, it evolved. I do like the design, as it reminds me slightly of a Hyena. Dislike that it's another two stager, but that's only because most dark pokemon are, barring two. The type should be expanded, because it isn't a bad type, but it just seems to be that they add this pokemon every gen - Doggy dark type that hopes for better things in a later generation.

Just my take on it, though. It is the intro pokemon, so maybe they'll be generous.

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Well a pure dark type is, at the very least, fairly boring. I'd be highly surprise if, as a movie pokemon, it evolved. I do like the design, as it reminds me slightly of a Hyena. Dislike that it's another two stager, but that's only because most dark pokemon are, barring two. The type should be expanded, because it isn't a bad type, but it just seems to be that they add this pokemon every gen - Doggy dark type that hopes for better things in a later generation.

Just my take on it, though. It is the intro pokemon, so maybe they'll be generous.

It wouldn't be so bad if it had access to moves from other types. IIRC, the weakness outweigh the positives when it comes to Dark/mix types. It's been so long since I've used a Mixed dark type pokemon. I think it was Crawdaunt or Cacturne...

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Agreed. I think people need to calm down, stop calling everything they don't like at first glance "gay", and think about all the new game innovations that go into modern games. Honestly, it seems like some people would rather have games like the HG remake look exactly like the original or some crap. I for one am glad that there will be a new game and that there will be HG and SS. The only reason pokefans feel like its too soon for a new game is because this D/P/P is the first game to have WiFi. I've beaten the crap out of Pearl and I feel like it's about time a new one has been announced. Its been like 3-4 years since D/P came out right?

A black/red kitsune isn't gay, it's innovative!

Well a pure dark type is, at the very least, fairly boring. I'd be highly surprise if, as a movie pokemon, it evolved....

Uh dude, they showed its pre-evo along with it.

I'm hoping the dark typing is just a hint. They did the same thing with Chatot (he was shown as pure Flying and was later shown to be Normal/Flying), so it's not impossible.

Edited by Saloma
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