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RNG Question

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Do the FE games use RNs when a unit has 100% hit?

I'd say that they do, but since it's impossible to pull 2 digit numbers higher than 99, it's irrelevant, since they will necessarily always hit. Same idea in reverse for a 0 hit.

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to add to this question, I have a question. How come in the GBA FEs and FE9(I think), levelups are pre determined based on what you do to get that level up. In fact, the only way I know how to stat abuse in the gba games is save before you level up in an arena, and reload and try to fight somebody else if you get a bad level up

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to add to this question, I have a question. How come in the GBA FEs and FE9(I think), levelups are pre determined based on what you do to get that level up. In fact, the only way I know how to stat abuse in the gba games is save before you level up in an arena, and reload and try to fight somebody else if you get a bad level up

You can RN abuse.

By RN abusing you can find if the RN is >50, or <50 not so sure about equal and comparing to the growths to find out the real chance of leveling a certain stat.

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to add to this question, I have a question. How come in the GBA FEs and FE9(I think), levelups are pre determined based on what you do to get that level up. In fact, the only way I know how to stat abuse in the gba games is save before you level up in an arena, and reload and try to fight somebody else if you get a bad level up

It's because the RN's in the GBA aren't truly random. Instead, it uses pseudorandom numbers that come in a predetermined list. A seed number is then chosen to determine where the game begins reading from that list. However, that seed is saved along with the game, so you're drawing the same RN's each time. As for FE11 (and 10, I think), the seed number is chosen based on the system internal clock, so it will reset each playthrough. I'm not sure what PoR does though.

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As for FE11 (and 10, I think), the seed number is chosen based on the system internal clock, so it will reset each playthrough. I'm not sure what PoR does though.

Which means they're still pseudo-randomly generated, just using a different algorithm...

As far as I know, rand() functions that various programming and scripting languages have generate numbers pseudo-randomly, even. Generating a truly random value using a computer is more complicated than people think : o

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As far as I know, rand() functions that various programming and scripting languages have generate numbers pseudo-randomly, even. Generating a truly random value using a computer is more complicated than people think : o

Usually, generating truly random numbers involves either atmospheric noise or radioactive decay and some algorithm that turns that into a number. At least, that's how I would go about doing so.

And yes, I know that the numbers in FE10 and 11 are done via pseudo-random generation; I was just saying why they would generate different RN's each time you load a save as opposed to the GBA titles.

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Pikaroom has a section on FE5's RNG (in Japanese).

I haven't looked at it much, but it seems to employ 64 random number maps, as opposed to the GBA FEs that use 1, which might explain the increased randomness.

Edited by VincentASM
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More specifically, whenever the in-battle map fades in from anywhere (beginning of chapter, battle with animations on, unit stats, etc.), the RNG is reset to one of those "random number maps" based on the frame at which this occurs. Beyond that detail, and the fact that it's used a few times outside of battle (including the same path drawing algorithm used in the GBA FEs), the RNG is identical to FE4's.

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