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Aum Staff


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I have the aum staff, but I can't use it in the endgame. Is there a specific requirement about it? (Elice has it).

Additionally, can it be used to bring back the decoy that you sent off?

Edited by Hatari
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Oh, ok...so yeah, I couldn't have used it, even if I wanted to, since the only person who died was the decoy (Jagen).

Aww, I wonder why we can't use it to bring it back...how evil of IS.

That is why I hack to door keys. :)

OR, if you are doing a marth solo (of the prologe) Because Marth is your only character, the door that you need to open with the decoy stays open atomatticly. :) You can then revive them later. :D

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That is why I hack to door keys. :)

You need to understand that not everybody plays with hacks and honestly it's not impressive to do something via hack since anything is possible with hacks. This is normal gameplay we're talking about, besides if you're talking about this just for bragging purposes I have to say you're not doing a very good job at it.

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That is why I hack to door keys. :)

Hacking a Door Key in the Prologue 4 is probably the worst choice you can make. Why? Because if the game notices you haven't lost a character by the moment you end the Prologue, it won't let you recruit Shiida. And Shiida is much better than Jagen or Gordin (The most likely choices to die in Prologue 4).

You can't revive the decoy with the Aum staff because, if I remember correctly, the game doesn't take the decoy as dead, just as a character that you can't use anymore.

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Actually in normal you want both Gordin and Jeigan dead in the prologues so then you also get Norne, who is way better than Gordin.

I normally kill Frey & Jeigan, and hack in a door key. I then revive them later with the Aum staff. (Around chapter 11~)

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It's actually called "Aum". A good idea would be to ignore Bryan. He probably isn't any good if he has to hack.

Actually, I could beat Hard Mode without breaking a sweat, I just prefer to hack & do stuff I wasn't meant to do. I have always been very good at FE, I am better than all of my FE playing friends. :/ I mean, i'm no expert, there are tons of more people that are better than me.

And if I ever get on WiFi, (I just lost my game :( ) I wouldn't use a hacked team. I don't hack multi player games. I think it is wrong.


you hack alms staves too I'm assuming?

I only do when I play on an emulator.

Edited by Bryan
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Ah, lol.

I've been facing hacked teams and it's not fun. Makes me cry.

Because you're seeing a lot of green on the other player's team, right? Let me tell you. Defeating a hacked team is plausible on WiFi, not a lot of them (hackers on WiFi) are very good players. They can be defeated by a good team equipped with forged weapons, provided that they don't freeze your game that is. (Should one use Imhullu, securing the fort is the only chance of victory though.)

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Because you're seeing a lot of green on the other player's team, right? Let me tell you. Defeating a hacked team is plausible on WiFi, not a lot of them (hackers on WiFi) are very good players. They can be defeated by a good team equipped with forged weapons, provided that they don't freeze your game that is. (Should one use Imhullu, securing the fort is the only chance of victory though.)

A hacked character with Imhulu and maxed movement makes it practically impossibly if not impossible as they can take the gate on their first turn. Also they can hack multiple Imhulus.

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Not even the all green stats. It's more so having a team of falcon knights where every single one of them has a iote's shield and that royal lance.

I faced Meteor's non-hacked all pretty green team, got slaughtered.

I currently only have an average stat team with very few forges...

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(How often is anyone using a sage with an Imhullu tome gonna go for the fort? I did say that several of the people who hack aren't very good.)

Full falcoknight team with Iote's Shields and Gradivuses? I'm pretty sure I didn't run into a team like that, but that must suck if you're not prepared.

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yeah it was bad...I don't run from WiFi battles, I just die, and die I did, really fast.

I had no sniper and Merric was dead quickly.

Yeah, I need to get a clock abused team in really quickly, my omega (average stat team) does well...but not against teams that are clock abused or hacked.

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Because you're seeing a lot of green on the other player's team, right? Let me tell you. Defeating a hacked team is plausible on WiFi, not a lot of them (hackers on WiFi) are very good players. They can be defeated by a good team equipped with forged weapons, provided that they don't freeze your game that is. (Should one use Imhullu, securing the fort is the only chance of victory though.)

You may have forged weapons, but what about fully forged weapons? And what about making their units have 99 HP and yours having 1? If the hacker knows what he/she is doing, you really don't stand a chance. On a side note, hacking boots is lame.

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