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Ace Attorney Investigations

Dat Nick

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Gonna pick up a copy over the weekend. Can't wait. Edgeworth and Gumshoe as team has been long overdue.

Will I miss anything by not beating the 3rd PW game?

Considering it has the best ending of any AA games, YES.

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personally i had no trouble with case 4 at all :/

A little bit near the end of 3 (that whole haunted house mess) and a lot near the end of case 5 was all, really. And I only needed to consult a walkthrough for case 5 because my life bar was running low (AAI is VERY stingy about refilling your life) and hell if I was going to restart from the next save point just because I miscalculated one thing. My initial guess was still right most of the time, the walk-through was just to confirm I was right.

I think that's a hint I'm more comfortable as a detective than a defense attorney...which suits my current avatar, yes?

Edited by Fred Fuchs
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FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alba is worse than Damon, Manfred and Kristoph combined! i started at around 12 pm with him and it's 2 now and i'm still not done with him

fuck yes! finished at last.

Edited by Halluci_Nation
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Beat the game (not as fast as I wanted to but...), whoo hoo. Palaeno is the best.

Alba is great. He didn't give me as much trouble as Gant, von Karma and Kristoph combined, though. Maybe longer than Kristoph and von Karma, but he didn't give me as much of a challenge as any of those. Or even Engarde. I actually didn't look up a walkthrough for this at all, while I did at least once for the other games.

Alba is still awesome though, and especially his theme. I have no idea how an old man like him can have such ground-shattering confidence, but it's admirable, I guess.

Really great game. I'd definitely place it as second, after the first game. It can stand to be improved (more than just detective work, and some more fancy investigations a la Rise from the Ashes) but still great.

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