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Alright, what's going on here?

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I don't get this. I'm playing normal mode in PoR so I can transfer the data to RD for the bonus exp and such, but somehow Ike is screwed. He can't beat the Black Knight. No way is he ever going to. Not with freaking 46 HP at level 20 lord and dealing only 4 damage to the BK in a turn. He won't last long enough for the chapter to just end without either of them winning either (and I don't want that because then I'd end up with Ena instead of Nasir, who is rubbish compared to the latter), even with Mist there, so somehow I've screwed myself over.

On the contrast, when I completed the game for the first time on easy mode, my level 20 lord Ike had 61-62 HP, and did more the twice the damage he's doing now to the BK. I expected Ike might end up weaker to make the battle harder since I'm doing normal mode, but damn it, not THIS much weaker. He now has almost 20 less HP! WTF. Don't get me wrong, Ike seemed to be uber good and still destroyed everything in his path and even Aethered like crazy (not to mention he Aethered at the perfect time a lot), but once I got him to the BK, he was like a fish out of water.

I doubt this is really supposed to happen, so how the heck did I manage to screw up?

Edited by Eternal Bond
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You didn't. Stat gains are (pseudo)randomly generated unless you play fixed mode. You cannot control which stats rise at what times, all you can do is alter growth rates with bands and such to improve the chances of two particular stats to rise (and that's only minimal, too, only 5 percentage points).

So you just had bad luck. Oh, by the way, I doubt your Ike had 61 or 62 hp on your previous playthrough ; )

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my level 20 lord Ike had 61-62 HP,

This is PoR, where the HP cap is 60. Are you sure you didn't mean 51-52? That's his normal average at that level, and he also can't get 60 HP unless he gets HP in every level except one, or you gave him an Angelic Robe.

You got trolled by the RNG goddess. You also don't need to fight the BK to make a transfer file, since the character you get depending on whether you win or retreat (Nasir and Ena) aren't going to cap anything (Actually, Ena can cap Resistance if you have her get it on every level up. But considering she has a 35% growth at most with a band, it is incredibly unlikely).

EDIT: I take too long typing.

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No, he did. I remember it clearly, and people always tell me my memory is excellent. Of course, Ike could have actually had 60 HP, but I clearly remember it being at least that.

And yes, I know I can't control stat gains like that, but...I still feel like I could've done something wrong. Ah well, I still think that this is very weird...

EDIT: I know I don't have to beat the BK. I said Ike wouldn't last long enough for the chapter to end in retreat.

Edited by Eternal Bond
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But I don't want to end up with Ena. She sucks. Nasir is better. I can tell, because Ena stood no chance against me in chapter 21.

I would also feel like a bastard if I made Ike just up and leave when it's his only chance to avenge his father. Honestly. xP

So, I guess I have no choice but to start over. Oh well, it's a good thing I love this game. <3

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There is nothing you can do wrong for getting RNG screwed, there's only the RNG...unless you meant you didn't BEXP abuse in this run.

In my first run Ike also did bad while fighting the Black Knight...I had to escape since he was just lvl 10 and didn't even have Aether, my Mist didn't have a haeling staff either. It's not that Nasir or Ena are even required to beat FE9.

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But I don't want to end up with Ena. She sucks. Nasir is better. I can tell, because Ena stood no chance against me in chapter 21.

You're playing through NM to get a transfer file for RD. Does it matter if you get Nasir or Ena?

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No, he did. I remember it clearly, and people always tell me my memory is excellent. Of course, Ike could have actually had 60 HP, but I clearly remember it being at least that.

Definitely 60, I don't care how good your memory is, if I hear someone say Ike had 61 Hp the instant conclusion is they might have made a mistake. Your Ike is not breaking cap stats without hacking.

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No, he did. I remember it clearly, and people always tell me my memory is excellent. Of course, Ike could have actually had 60 HP, but I clearly remember it being at least that.

And yes, I know I can't control stat gains like that, but...I still feel like I could've done something wrong. Ah well, I still think that this is very weird...

EDIT: I know I don't have to beat the BK. I said Ike wouldn't last long enough for the chapter to end in retreat.

Did you level him up to 20 in his ranger class?

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But I don't want to end up with Ena. She sucks. Nasir is better. I can tell, because Ena stood no chance against me in chapter 21.

I would also feel like a bastard if I made Ike just up and leave when it's his only chance to avenge his father. Honestly. xP

So, I guess I have no choice but to start over. Oh well, it's a good thing I love this game. <3

There's also the fact that Nasir disappears mysteriously if you don't beat the BK. That would make me feel like a bastard. Too bad that isn't canon, so FE10 never reveals what happened to him in this scenario.

And BK, like I keep telling you, it isn't a glitch. It's an exploit of a poor decision on the programmers' part, which more acceptable than a glitch (Go BEXP abuse!).

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No a biorhythm glitch, Kinata has discovered a way to have Mist kill the reinforcements and Ike kill the BK with 100% success. Ask him about it.

Mist doesn't need the glitch to kill the reinforcements, it's called getting her Sword rank to a B.

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It's for Ike since my strategy requires Ike hitting the BK 10 times in a row. By getting Ike's bio to max and BK's to bottom, it will be easier to get a 100% chance of hitting him.

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The difference between this and a glitch is that it was the programmers' fault, unlike things like the Japanese critical glitch that they had no way of realizing. So I'm willing to use it, just like Boss abuse and BEXP abuse. Abuse good, glitch bad.

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Ike can't have 62 HP. It's not possible based on the caps and growths.

Ike starts with 19 HP. If he gains HP every level up, he has 38 at 20/0. He promotes to 20/1 with 42 HP. 19 levels gives him 61 HP if he didn't have a cap of 60 (which he does). Besides, he'd have a 0.2% chance of that happening anyway.

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Did you level him up to 20 in his ranger class?

Yup, I always make sure to, even on easy mode.

I guess I just did get bad luck this time. I still feel disappointed though, since Ike is my favorite and has never let me down until now. Well, unless I made a dumb mistake like forgetting to heal him, but you know what I mean.

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So, I guess I have no choice but to start over. Oh well, it's a good thing I love this game. <3

Are you serious? You're close to the end but are going to restart the game because you're RNG-screwed Ike can't beat the BK? Beating BK isn't essential to beating the game, especially if all you're doing is a transfer run. Same deal with Ena/Nasir thing. You don't need either of them to beat the final map and Ashnard. It may be a touch more difficult, but nothing too unmanageable.

On this note: I've actually never gotten Ena in all my PoR PTs. Think I might purposely not defeat the Black Knight just to see how it's like next time I play.

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Ike can't have 62 HP. It's not possible based on the caps and growths.

Ike starts with 19 HP. If he gains HP every level up, he has 38 at 20/0. He promotes to 20/1 with 42 HP. 19 levels gives him 61 HP if he didn't have a cap of 60 (which he does). Besides, he'd have a 0.2% chance of that happening anyway.

Okay then, he had 60-61 HP in my easy mode playthrough.

El Ray: As I said, I started over because I WANT to beat the Black Knight, plus Ike couldn't last five turns in that battle anyway. I want the bonus to go to Nasir in FE10, not Ena because she sucks. And for that to happen, I have to use Nasir.

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