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I want the bonus to go to Nasir in FE10, not Ena because she sucks. And for that to happen, I have to use Nasir.

Nasir won't get anything unless you feed him statboosters. And why would you? He's invincible against the spirits in 4-E-4 with his base stats and Ashera isn't going to attack him in 4-E-5.

And Ike had 60 HP. He can't have 61. This is not RD.

Edited by Krad
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I know it's not RD. And if Ike can't have 61 HP, then he had 60.

And he's not? Well, we'll just see about that. It's too late for me to reconsider erasing my file though, since I already did.

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El Ray: As I said, I started over because I WANT to beat the Black Knight, plus Ike couldn't last five turns in that battle anyway. I want the bonus to go to Nasir in FE10, not Ena because she sucks. And for that to happen, I have to use Nasir.

Have you beaten the Black Knight before? If so, it reeeeallly isn't that important to beat him again so I wouldn't stress over it, especially like you are. Even though my ego will never allow me to not defeat the Black Knight, but surely that's just my problem

And transfer bonuses are wasted on the dragons. You're better off focusing on Ike, Mia, Gatrie, Soren, Ranulf, Jill, or if you must, Sothe.

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Okay then, he had 60-61 HP in my easy mode playthrough.

El Ray: As I said, I started over because I WANT to beat the Black Knight, plus Ike couldn't last five turns in that battle anyway. I want the bonus to go to Nasir in FE10, not Ena because she sucks. And for that to happen, I have to use Nasir.

Isn't there an option to let Ike just simply escape or does that only apply to Mist?

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Isn't there an option to let Ike just simply escape or does that only apply to Mist?

There is. The very first time I played, I didn't even bother to try to fight the BK because I didn't want to risk redoing the chapter, seeing how I got a ton of incredibly epic level ups there, so I simply had both Mist and Ike escape the very first turn.

Restarting the whole game just because of this is pretty exaggerated if you ask me. My current unpromoted Lv20 Ike (Hard mode) has 7 Def despite wearing the Knight band for, like, all the time; what am I gonna do once I get to the BK? Not fight it, that's for sure. :huh:

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And transfer bonuses are wasted on the dragons. You're better off focusing on Ike, Mia, Gatrie, Soren, Ranulf, Jill, or if you must, Sothe.

Gatrie isn't worth it when he only gets Str, Skill and Def, his Spd is higher in FE10.

Ranulf can only get an Str transfer if you cap his Str.

Jill is already good, but ut won't bother her.

Sothe is the same...wanting him to get higher stats is a waste when he is already good, you're also wasting BEXP on a character that won't promote when you have better options.

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Nasir is still better than Ena though, and I find I'll have an easier time with the end of the game if I have him instead.

Plus, he isn't even my only reason. I like beating the Black Knight because it's the canon event and I would seriously feel like a bastard if I forced Ike not to beat him when he really should. It just feels weird for him not to do it, you know?

And I want as many characters as possible to receive the bonus in RD, no matter how much they get to be used.

EDIT: And yes, I've beaten the BK once before the first time I beat the game.

Edited by Eternal Bond
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The funny thing is, Aether usually does constantly activate in that chapter, just when Ike gets to the BK, he stops Aethering. I'm always thinking "Damn it, Ike, what are you doing?! Aether him, not the lowly weaklings!" xP

Still, eventually, he does manage to Aether once or twice against the BK and kick his butt.

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Nasir is still better than Ena though, and I find I'll have an easier time with the end of the game if I have him instead.

Plus, he isn't even my only reason. I like beating the Black Knight because it's the canon event and I would seriously feel like a bastard if I forced Ike not to beat him when he really should. It just feels weird for him not to do it, you know?

And I want as many characters as possible to receive the bonus in RD, no matter how much they get to be used.

EDIT: And yes, I've beaten the BK once before the first time I beat the game.

Nasir's advantage over Ena is pathteic. The only use you will really have for Nasir in FE10 is white tide.

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Who doesn't die?

And also, I had Ike defeat Ashnard first time I beat the game. I thought that was actually supposed to happen, so yeah. Plus, I thought Ike and Aether were the most epic things in the game. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy crap, YES. I beat the Black Knight on my easy mode file. I'm very happy of this because he was able to freaking DOUBLE poor Ike and destroy him the first turn when I finally reached him because of that damned Luna again. Second time around, Ike Aethered him twice in a row and finished him. No Lunas this time either. Hee hee. :3

I'm thinking of giving up the normal mode though. I can't seem to do very well here at all, yet in my easy mode file I have tons of usable, classed up characters. How can I do so well in easy mode, but poorly in normal mode? Normal mode can't be THAT much more difficult.

Perhaps I should just send my RD disk to NoA and get one where easy mode files will work in the data transfer. That is, if that's still possible.

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Normal mode can't be THAT much more difficult.

It isn't. EM just gives you way too much EXP. NM gives less EXP, but it's still a lot. On EM I am able to have a promoted Oscar by chapter 9 without any abuse.

And if I'm not mistaken, NOA isn't fixing RD discs anymore. I tried to send mine around September 09, and I was told that they stopped doing so.

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Well that sucks. Looks like I'll never do the data transfer then.

And normal mode does give less exp, but I'm getting very little compared to what I got in easy mode. Not to mention my last normal file...

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You can still get lots of 20/20s on NM, it just requires incredible patience. You can abuse on bosses such as ena, bertram, and haffedd for EXP. I don't think muarim recovers health, but you can use him to level all staff users to 20/20 (that way you only have to bring one to each battle from then on, upping the # of other units you can get to 20/20) providing you bring enough heal staves into battle. I can give you some more tips if you think you are interested.

If you really care about transfers, you can do a lot on NM. It will just take a long time. Even on EM I only had the patience to get about 30 of my chars to 20/20 - if I had planned a bit better and been more dedicated though, you could probably get more. The only annoying thing is that it's pretty much impossible to abuse levelups w/ battle saves in this game. I had planned to copy my FE9 data between my memory card and a friend's, but copying the data doesn't seem to work (only moving it does).

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To level staff users, I just heal any time someone isn't full on HP, no matter how much they're missing. xP

And it does work to an extent.

Also, I think my chances of beating my PoR easy mode file has just gone down the drain too. Ashnard doubles Ike as well, and poor Ike can't survive two hits. And he has 55 HP, which is a bit above the average for Ike, right? Tibarn could only barely scratch Ashnard, but at least he could survive because Ashnard can't double him. Perhaps I should have gone with Giffca again...still, Tibarn is awesome.

But I think my Ike is speed screwed. His speed is 23. Is that bad?

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But I think my Ike is speed screwed. His speed is 23. Is that bad?

That's his average for about Lv20/7 or Lv20/8, assuming he never held any +Spd bands. So if your Ike is a higher level than that, then yes, it is bad.

However, remember that Bryce drops a speedwing if you defeat him. You could have Ike use it to avoid having him get doubled by Ashnard. That's exactly what I did on my HM runthrough with my epically RNG-screwed Ike, and it worked.

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Uh...I don't know what you mean, but my Ike is maxed out (level 20). I maxed him out when he was Ranger class too.

And yeah, I was thinking about that Speedwing. I remembered getting it. I also found a guy that dropped a Physic staff, which is nice cause I had to constantly abuse the one Rhys already had. xP

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Uh...I don't know what you mean, but my Ike is maxed out (level 20). I maxed him out when he was Ranger class too.

He was saying that 23 speed is what Ike has on average at level 20/7 or 20/8. You can see Ike's averages here.

And can't you use Nasir against Ashnard? It is very easy to kill Ashnard with Nasir + Royal.

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