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Sprites for my hack


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possible the main character of my hack, idk yet.


probably starting mage(I gotta fix her arm) I think I am at the color limit and have no clue how to fix it with my existing colors.


Will replace Marcus, but as a general

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Well, since they are just recolors, they all basically look fine but that beyard recolor looks like his cape thing's colors don't work together.

well, with Beyard I took the wrinkles off his face to make him look younger, so I am trying to progress into more advanced stuff.

anyways, meet an ugly girl!


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Hey, i don't think she's ugly, I've used that face before for a young character. You gotta fix up that chibi(minimug) and give her blinking frames and normal talking frames like all the others.

yeah....I know the minimug is downright terrible, I simply resized it from the big pic then did some edits to it, but it's still bad, I'll give the other layers a try too.

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I find that if you make the face 50% of the original and then make it 32 by 32, it looks better than just resizing.

Actually, take a 64 x 64 piece of the mug, resize it to 32 x 32, and then, basically take out the face shading, remove the noze, make the "eyes" (vertical lines), and fix the shading to be like the mug...

And though these examples are FAR from being able to mimick the FE GBA styles...

Recolored kid Lilina chibi:


My friend's mug chibi:


Or the chibi I made for the Elincia mug Rexstatic made...


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My first sprite that has a major edit to it. Its good taking that into consideration, but it's still sorta ugly


Another guy. These two will be two starting cavaliers, coincidentally, I used Alan and Lance's original mugs for them, because I liked their simplicity and it was relatively easy to edit their hair.


Starting axe user. This was a simple recolor of what looked like a mug used for a flashback in FE7

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I redid this girl's chibi



Also this will be a chapter 2 archer replacing Dieck. I took somebody else's head and put it on Raven's body so the neck is kinda retarded.

Some feedback would be great, especially for the ones with significant edits.

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DAMN, that chibi is bad, the raven-roland one. And you still have raven's eye frames in there. You also might want to change that skin tone, looks wierd and like you said, redo the neck. And the durban recolor doesn't seem like he'd be a starting fighter, more like a berserker with the no shirt thing.

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DAMN, that chibi is bad, the raven-roland one. And you still have raven's eye frames in there. You also might want to change that skin tone, looks wierd and like you said, redo the neck. And the durban recolor doesn't seem like he'd be a starting fighter, more like a berserker with the no shirt thing.

yeah I think it has to do with the fact that his head is so big. I'll do some edits to it. I didn't think I would need to change the eyes for the faces because the new guy has the same pallete as Raven, so I'd only be thickening the eyelashes

Raves neck is .........

I'll work it out.

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You dont want an archer

You will need an Oguma archtype

Unless you made one already

This will not be the typical suck archer. Also, Lot and Ward will be a merc and a myrm, and thany will be a sister. As for the archtype, This archer should handle that(I have plenty of other units quite capable of making his bad enemy phase obsolete)

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