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The Official Empire Thread


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Rein, I'm a civilian of Oujay's...I tend to hang out there and now I'm slowly getting use to the madness that is FE4.

As for joining an empire, I can do without the roleplaying, politics, and stats...I rather just listen to music and chat with people.

Most of my friends belong to Oujay's anyhow...

(btw, historically, i don' t know if there was ever an aristocracy that actually worked out...I'll watch yours from the side lines).

lol, it also took me a second to realize what the ^^ meant...not use to that notation.

Edited by Hatari
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^Considering everyone who's part of it is considered one of the more major citizens, and the idea aristocracy itself is pretty reasonable, it may turn out well. And the Greeks had a rather good one for a while, considering most other places were monarchies or tyrannies.

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Get parity like me. It's half as good.

That might actually be better for me, but only if it also cancels weapon bonuses. Otherwise, I don't need it.

Ans why does Nihil have to be off limits anyway? I'd forgo every other skill for the right to use it.

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Because Nihil is a cheap ass skill, you might as well say no skills on the statsheets if that is the case. Only Emperors get it. Or leaders and the like.

Also for the postcount/activity thing for Leadership stars it all depends on the quality of the posts as well.

BTW BK's Magic is now 25.

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