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Freohr Datia

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Seph isn't a troll... >3>;;

He might not have been, and he might not be to you, but he is most certainly a troll. I strongly disagree with your opinion. Just because you have a crush on him doesn't change the facts.

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I don't have a crush on Seph. P:

I don't think BK is a troll either. After all, he did used to be okay with RP, did he not?

Maybe I'm just getting irate with the word troll being passed to everybody who pokes fun at people insultingly. /shrug

Death? Now I dunno about him.

Edited by Lovely Sonata
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Seph isn't a troll... >3>;;

But yay, you have more closet spaaaace. :D

Soluna by the way.

Trust me, he's a troll. The transformation is subtle at first, but in the end, it is absolute.(Mass Effect quote :lol: )

If you don't want him to be a troll, try rehabilitating him, with tender love and care that only an underaged girl can provide :)

Soluna? Got it, though I'm terribly confused on that one still.

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*read pages 13-15*

Seph, you're the biggest troll I'll ever meet on this forum. Didn't think anyone could be Death.

BK, a troll is a troll, and doesn't deserve praise of any kind. Now please stop hugging all over Seph so my snipers can line up their shots. You're in the way.

Schiggy... ... ... :lol:

Soluna(Sonata?), I have more closet space now :)

Bunny, there's no point in continuing. I know what you're trying to say, but, there's a point where noone will listen to it anymore, partly out of labeling you a certain way. In your case, philosophical madman, close to my current rank actually, and trust me, with morons quoting you, you don't want that.

Hikarusa, what people find as disgusting is up to them. Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean it's the only one, nor the right one. Lotta people like watching anal sex, male on male. Do you think that's appealing? Well probably not, but neither do I. Guess what, though? They DO like it, and whether or not they're wrong doesn't matter, unless you're going to become an overlord over this.

Lastly, for the love of leggings, would you trolling SOBs end this stupid posting spree? This thread had some potential until you guys showed up and started dicking around. If you hate RP, write a book about it, but don't bombard random topics with it. So what if he started some fights? You do the same thing to retaliate and justify it with "pedophobia"? I don't have words to describe how utterly stupid that is :facepalm:

;_; How could you say such a thing? Seriously though, I only began once he began purposely(Don't deny it, he admitted it himself) began attacking threads I posted in.

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I don't have a crush on Seph. P:

I don't think BK is a troll either. After all, he did used to be okay with RP, did he not?

Maybe I'm just getting irate with the word troll being passed to everybody who pokes fun at people insultingly. /shrug

Death? Now I dunno about him.

Hence the strikeout. I know that you've got your BF here, and I'm not trying to get between or disrupt your relationship. I was merely trying to provide a harmless bit of fum.

I don't think that BK is a troll either. I think that he really dislikes that I do not accept the world as it is. I am an idealist; he's a pragmatist, and we clash. A bit more often than I'd like, but still...

I think you're spot on with the troll thing.

Death is pretty much the epitome of troll, from what little I've heard of him.

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Trust me, he's a troll. The transformation is subtle at first, but in the end, it is absolute.(Mass Effect quote :lol: )

If you don't want him to be a troll, try rehabilitating him, with tender love and care that only an underaged girl can provide :)

Soluna? Got it, though I'm terribly confused on that one still.

I think he'd punch me if I did that. Anyone would, really.

Why? o3o;;

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;_; How could you say such a thing? Seriously though, I only began once he began purposely(Don't deny it, he admitted it himself) began attacking threads I posted in.

Just please tell me this? Guilty or not, hasn't this bullsh*t gone on long enough? I don't see people retaliating against Death, though that would probably be a little harder because he couldn't take a nuclear bomb with a ten second countdown timer seriously :facepalm:

I'm confused because your name reads Lovely Sonata, yet... wait a bloody second! Sonata is a character from the Samurai warrior series isn't it?

Edited by Phoenix
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Hence the strikeout. I know that you've got your BF here, and I'm not trying to get between or disrupt your relationship. I was merely trying to provide a harmless bit of fum.

I don't think that BK is a troll either. I think that he really dislikes that I do not accept the world as it is. I am an idealist; he's a pragmatist, and we clash. A bit more often than I'd like, but still...

I think you're spot on with the troll thing.

Death is pretty much the epitome of troll, from what little I've heard of him.

I'm actually in between. I don't support revolutions unless I have a reason to.

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Just please tell me this? Guilty or not, hasn't this bullsh*t gone on long enough? I don't see people retaliating against Death, though that would probably be a little harder because he couldn't take a nuclear bomb with a ten second countdown timer seriously :facepalm:

Just to tell you, hitting your head against a surface of any kind can result in a bloody forehead. ASL headdesked and yeah...

Shitstorms can never go long enough. You wouldn't want to know and wouldn't understand. And Death is Death.

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I'm actually in between. I don't support revolutions unless I have a reason to.

Yes, and I'm the high-minded (admittedly naive) idealist. In any case, you almost have to be at least somewhat delusional to think that you can change the world (or even something like this site). Still, we all need a tiny shroud of hope to keep us going, falsely placed or no.

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Yes, and I'm the high-minded (admittedly naive) idealist. In any case, you almost have to be at least somewhat delusional to think that you can change the world (or even something like this site). Still, we all need a tiny shroud of hope to keep us going, falsely placed or no.

"Be the change you seek in the world," or something like that. Then influence others. That's how change goes, not through clashes but diplomacy.

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"Be the change you seek in the world," or something like that. Then influence others. That's how change goes, not through clashes but diplomacy.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" is the quote (As far as I can recall...)

And yes, I could stand to be a bit more open to compromise, and less to clashing. I admit that. Still, I do believe that you could benefit as well.

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So I read this drama thread.

And have come to a conclusion that I am a part of Friday Night Lights.

Somebody please kill me.

Well, select your preferred method of death first, then I might be able to accommodate.

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You really are retarded.

That is a very unattractive person. You should feel bad for thinking she is cute, hot, or sexy.

Well, she's not ugly. But I wouldn't say she's that attractive either. Maybe a little better than average, but not much.

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You really are retarded.

That is a very unattractive person. You should feel bad for thinking she is cute, hot, or sexy.

I've never seen an attractive pucker :(

But I could post another one of her and laugh while you try to post a response without letting your boner hit the keyboard :lol:

Actually, my thing with her is her legs. Proportionally, they're about 30% longer than average :]

Edited by Phoenix
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Hence the strikeout. I know that you've got your BF here, and I'm not trying to get between or disrupt your relationship. I was merely trying to provide a harmless bit of fum.

I don't think that BK is a troll either. I think that he really dislikes that I do not accept the world as it is. I am an idealist; he's a pragmatist, and we clash. A bit more often than I'd like, but still...

I think you're spot on with the troll thing.

Death is pretty much the epitome of troll, from what little I've heard of him.

Oh, I know. :D

Not many people accept the world as it is anymore. It's always that people want CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE. Not much of a problem with that if it's for something good. :U


At least he's kind of amusing sometimes. :3

I'm confused because your name reads Lovely Sonata, yet... wait a bloody second! Sonata is a character from the Samurai warrior series isn't it?

soluna was my previous name and longest.

Y-you do know you CAN change your name, right? o3o;;

Sonata? That's Yukimura Sanada. Sonata is sound. O:



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