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My revelation

Freohr Datia

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That's just confusing someone's externalities with what they really are. You can't be George Bush, only he can. It's not that George Bush was President, but that the President of the US from 2000 to 2008 was George Bush.

How could you have been him in one way without being him in every way? This world has been as it was and always will have been what it was. The "opportunity" only existed until it became obvious who it was meant to be.

Having a job is an opportunity, but not having it is also. Not being you means I can be me.

But both are trying to be the same thing. They are going to be disappointed.

But! The point is George Bush is deemed a failure at his job and Al Gore failed to get the same job.

It's the dynamic appearance of a single job that twists the world around it. Al Gore may deem himself as a failure for his loss that lead to the nation as it stands. And Those that voted for Gore and truly hated Bush will feel as if they were failed.

The difference only exists, however, because of the time elapsed. It's still happens.

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Why is that? Is it because they die after they kill someone? Or is it because they are no longer human after doing so?

Both of those reasons.

The only slaughter aftewards...no particular reason of killing other than just doing it like a wild animal or a natural disaster, it happens.

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Both of those reasons.

The only slaughter aftewards...no particular reason of killing other than just doing it like a wild animal or a natural disaster, it happens.

At first I thought you were mistaken, but yeah, it makes sense. You can't be a murderer and expect to be feel like a human afterwards. You may be fine on the inside, but you'll slowly be eaten away on the inside.

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A person does not stop being a person because of an action. That is stupid. All people who kill people are people and will remain people. Liking to kill would not cause a person to cease being human. A brain swap with a bird, however..

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A person does not stop being a person because of an action. That is stupid. All people who kill people are people and will remain people. Liking to kill would not cause a person to cease being human. A brain swap with a bird, however..

Not literally.


You said jealous.

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That reasoning is absolutely broken.

What if you kill somebody in self-defense?

I think that he means murder as in the legal definition of murder. Obviously, if you use deadly force to save your life or someone else's, you may feel bad inside, but I don't think that it's nearly as bad as taking a life without reason.

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I think you might begin to see the reason why now, Phoenix...

I know what you're getting at, but I'm in no way interested in focusing on the different levels of things I already consider wrong. By the way, your version is slightly more extreme than mine :lol:

Here's what I really mean:

Someone is murdered by being tortured and then torn apart, slowly, and painfully.

Someone is murdered by being shot in the head at point blank range.

In the case of gay sex, and child sex, both lead to the same thing, sex outside of normal bounds. I'm more concerned with the end, not the means, that's why I stated it like that.

It's all a matter of tone, which is not always difficult to detect. That post was pretty obviously humorous. Your post was not. You also put yourself out (shortly afterwards) as someone who tries to convey your POV as seriously as possible.

That's why I use these :mellow:

It lowers the frequency of misinterpretation.

I'm more interested in conveying my point, as clearly as possible, not necessarily as seriously as possible. I mean come on, when you're arguing with these guys, what's the point in committing that much energy?

Just know this, I would never post something in a haughty or high horse tone. No matter what anyone else says. That's not my style, and this is just the internet. I don't have any need to go that far. I will gladly call out a dumbass once in a while though :D

How do you think a gay person would feel if they took your statement that there's no significant difference between them and a pedophile? Even if they don't take it seriously, they aren't going to look on you kindly as a person who could ever accept them as they are. Part of this may be due to the constructed concept of "sexuality" which may be oppressive in its attempt to "liberate" people's sexuality by allowing more generalizations to exist. However, I think it is true that your viewpoint seems even more generalizing and even less accepting.


I know how someone would feel, especially if they misinterpret what I'm saying, which they will. Unfortunately, I'm not a liberal. I'm not interested in saying everything in a politically correct way that'll make everyone like and accept my opinion as a valid one. I'm not trying to get elected for congress. F*ck that. <_<

Sooner or later we all say something that offends someone, but that's not always our fault. When I was younger, a catholic friend of mine got scared because I said the word "Hell" in an explanation of something. He said his mother taught him that people would go there just for saying it... ... ... :facepalm:

If a gay person is offended by my equation of pedophilia, and homosexuality, there's nothing I can do about that, but explain to them this to them:

"I don't hate you, I simply don't approve."

I'm not going to ignore or avoid gays just because they have one practice I hate.

Think about this. RP is an atheist, right? Well I'm not. If I was guilty of what you're implying, I wouldn't even talk to him at all, because I couldn't accept him as he is. I accept everyone I can(when they're acting sanely at least), REGARDLESS of beliefs and practices.

Joey says I'm an ignorant bigot for not liking/accepting gay sex, or something to that effect. That's borderline when it comes to pushing an ideal. If I don't agree with you, I must be ignorant?

Noted: If two people have a disagreement, the first one to call the other one ignorant is the one who's right... ... ... Fair enough -_-

I agree with you on the distinction between individuality and sexuality. A person is not their sexual preference, any more than their preference for sandwiches. It's possible to hate gay sex without hating people who participate in it. I believe you.

However, I do think that your hatred of gay sex is ludicrous and perhaps even worthy of scorn.

You must have me confused with a radical Christian activist or something.

I'm in no way so hateful of gay sex, that I'd try to interfere with people doing it. Stating my opinion was not an attempt to put gays down, or encourage them to stop. I'm far past the days where I wanted to change other people. I'm even further past caring. It's a waste of everybody's time.

People should do whatever they choose, but don't be surprised if at least one person has a vastly different opinion about it. If anyone's gay around here, that's fine, do your thing, just don't send me any pictures, and we're good, no discrimination, no put downs, not a single negative attitude towards you.

AND LASTLY, to anyone who disagrees with what I've said....

Have clip, on the house :D


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Think about this. RP is an atheist, right? Well I'm not. If I was guilty of what you're implying, I wouldn't even talk to him at all, because I couldn't accept him as he is. I accept everyone I can(when they're acting sanely at least), REGARDLESS of beliefs and practices.

Well, I do thank you for that. And as long as you're not trying to force your beliefs on me, I really don't care what you choose to believe or not believe. That's a decision that each person must make on their own.

Joey says I'm an ignorant bigot for not liking/accepting gay sex, or something to that effect. That's borderline when it comes to pushing an ideal. If I don't agree with you, I must be ignorant?

Again, I don't care that you personally don't like something like homosexual activity. As long as you allow people be themselves and don't try to force your beliefs on other people, I'm more than willing to simply disagree with you on one particular issue and move on.

In other words, I'm not asking you to become a bleeding-heart liberal like me. Being tolerant of other people and other people's opinions is enough as far as I am concerned. (Of course, my views on that are probably due in large part to growing up in one of the most socially conservative parts of America, but still, that's what I truly believe on the matter.)

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