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Camus the Sable

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Do they find him later?

Im sorry for the questions i still havent finished the game and this is killing me

Edited by Kai
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Nope. He isn't mentioned in the story anymore.(At least in this game)

In FE3 book 1, Camus was the enemy on the gate, while Lorenz was on the woods. IS just decided to be dicks and move him to make people believe he is recruitable.

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Do they find him later?

Im sorry for the questions i still havent finished the game and this is killing me

If you don't mind spoilers, then go ahead and read:

He finds you under the name "Sirius" and joins your army in the continuation of the story (Fire Emblem 3, Book 2 for SNES)

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Unfortunately Mr. Badass himself cannot be recruited in FEDS. He does, however, have his epic music to make up for it.


If only his music played a few more times...

If he DID join, he'd be a beast in H5.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you don't mind spoilers, then go ahead and read:

He finds you under the name "Sirius" and joins your army in the continuation of the story (Fire Emblem 3, Book 2 for SNES)

He was also "Zeke" in FE2.


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If only his music played a few more times...

doesn't the music play when you fight Michalis? (Minerva's Brother)

i can't remember.....

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  • 1 month later...

LOL. In the BS Fire Emblem games(lol in case u guys didn't know, its in General FE), Camus was liek, an epic GOD.

His growth rates were like 90 HP and 60 everywhere else. And he doesn't suffer from the "3 RES growth" crap everyone else in FE3 suffers.

But its quite weird. The game dialogue shows that ALL his weapons were eventually broken because he faced 1337 an infinite amount of soldiers. How did he manage to repair Gradius, considering how Hammerne craps out on broken weapons?(And its only wielder is making out with a thief in Marth's army)

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