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Why does MIcaiah never gain speed or HP?

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I mean she hardly gained ANY speed and HP in any of my playthroughs of RD, including the one I started yesterday. It's no wonder she sucks so bad. The only thing she's good for is Thani bombing. That's it. Otherwise, she's useless and can often get beat in one shot.

I don't get when people say Micaiah is good. She is by far NOT good. Speed and HP are vital stats. HP and defense work together, kind of. If one of them is horrible enough, the other often means squat. Speed? If she's so slow, she'll never double and enemies are likely to double her later, which makes her even more vulnerable even if she had more HP.

I know saying she never gains these for me is personal experience, but this happens every single time, so I'm assuming Micaiah generally has bad speed and HP. Which is why I think she sucks.

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It drives me crazy too. I have a problem that I HAVE to use the Lords. I just protect her and hope for the best. Of course I play Easy Mode so it's easy.

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Micaiah is good in HM because what she does throughout the game is invaluable.Her chip damage allows frail DBers to not take counters,her sacrifice allows her to be awesome offensively with Wrath,and later on she gets staves just in time for the most BS enemies in the game,DB's part 3 tigers.Coupled with the fact that you never have to choose between her and someone else,she keeps herself useful throughout the whole game.2HKOing everything is pretty good when most of the team is doing equal or worse becuase no one can double.

In easier difficulties,she isn't as useful,but she is never bad,persay.

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Micaiah's good because of Thani + healbot in Part 3. Considering how Laura isn't that good at healing, Micaiah's your one epic healer. She also chips pretty damn well in Part 1 (or outright kills for cavs and armors).

Admittedly, she isn't awesome, but she's still good. Not very, but still good.

If a unit isn't doubling on Easy Mode, you know that unit is crap. And guess what Micaiah doesn't do?

And Easy Mode is a cakewalk which Sothe can solo, while on HM she contributes a lot more on EM, mainly because she's a lot more useful, unlike on lolEM,where forced only is already sufficient for every single chapter, lol.

Edited by Luke Fon Fabre
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Here's some food for thought.

I'm gonna say Micaiah > Elincia.

Micaiah is a pretty cool gal in part one,with Thanibombing to nuke the toughest enemies directly out of existance,as well as take a massive chunk out of your average everyday enemy.This is important since not being countered in the DB is awesome,as it allows the team to live longer,since your frontliners have an extra hits worth of HP for E.Phase.

Micaiah also has sacrifice,which gives you a pseudo healer,since laura can only move once per turn until Rafiel shows up.

Sacrifice also synchs well with Wrath,since it lets her get to low enough HP,and she won;t be tanking hits anyway,while Wrath grants her a ~50% chance of blicking anything.

Micaiah also has one of two Mt boosting affinities in the DB,the other being loleo.The boost in MT is notable in that it can help people avoid counters by needing less damage on an enemy to OHKO it.

All of this happens before Elincia even shows up.She appears in 2-P,and the only thing she does is keep marcia alive,if she is even used since Neal/Haar can do fine without her once he shows up.

Elincia is great in 2-E,no doubt,as she has Amiti and Physic staves,so she is a prime contributer no matter how we approach the chapter,however,one chapter can only be given so much weight.

In part 3,Micaiah appears again for 3 chapters,and provides healing/powerful chip against the most WTFBBQ enemies in the whole fucking game,3-6 tigers.The ability to fully heal a unit like Volug with mend is pretty big here,since Volug is the only character besides BK who can take two hits without rather high investment,and Micaiah's high Mag allows her to do this,while laura needs the more expensive recover staves.

Micaiah provides more long range healing in 3-13 and 3-12,which is especially important in 3-13 because we get to fight more WTF tigers,except they get authority stars now!

Then part 4 comes along and Elincia can actually do stuff again.

And...she's not that great to start...she is 2-3HKO'd by most of the map,and there are several crossbows that OHKO.Offensively,35 Physical attack isn;t that great,and she doubles because of Amiti.Her offense picks up at --/--/8,since it lets her to Quad most of the map,however,even with paragon,she likely doesn;t reach this until near the end of the map,if at all,so she is rather mediocre here.

In 4-5,she is better,since she flies and can take out on of Izuka's guards for Tibarn,but she likely doesn;t gain very much Exp on this map.

Compared to Micaiah,who perform quite similar to her usual.in 4-P,she reduces the Paladins to single digits,and allows anyone to kill without a counter,which is cool,and she can clean up anything left alive after enemy phase if you so desire,and she still has healing utility.

In 4-3,she is a mage in the desert,which means she gets full move when most people have 2,and still provides good chip while easily keeping out of danger due to low move enemies.She also has restore for all of those status staves,and has the highest chance of picking up hidden items aside from Sothe,with triple his mobility.

For 4-E-1,she needs to be level 12 to double the majority of generals,and she probably isn;t quite there yet,even with paragon.Whereas Micaiah chips with Thani and leaves these guys in shambles,and considering how hard they are to kill,that is quite a contribution.

On 4-E-2,Micaiah snipes Levail with purge,so Ike can smash the BK faster.Advantage Micky.

On 4-E-3,Micaiah is invincible with Nosferatu,and deals enough damage to allow units to kill easily after her enemies,while Elincia kills one thing on P.Phase and then draws hits because she can't counter.To note,Micaiah is now invincible for the rest of the game,except against Ashera.Micaiah also has the liberty of saying,"hey,i'm the best Fortify user on the team,aside from Lehran,who is only available for a few turns in 4-E-5."

Fortify is important in 4-E-3 and 4-E-5,due to stupid dragons and Ashera,and is likely the only unit in Endgame who will have access to Matrona,and one of two who can touch Ashera Staff.This is cool because it allows two full heal blasts instead of just one,provided another Staffer is in play.

Elincia is notable in 4-E-5 for having some of the best possible offense against Auras,but this is far from overriding Micaiah`s superior Endgame staffing.

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To be honest, I find Elincia more useful than Micaiah. Elincia can't be hit at all when you first use her, which is a huge plus. And she has Amiti and can heal without having to give up HP. Plus, she's an airborne unit, so she's not affected by terrain much if at all. I also think she is awesome, unlike Micaiah, but that's just me.

Really, as I said, Micaiah is only good for Thani bombing. I never use her Sacrifice ability because it devours her already horrible HP.

Edited by Eternal Bond
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"Healbot"? Wrath? It's not the most ideal of things to use Wrath when she's getting onerounded by most things in normal mode.

If she gets one-rounded at full HP in normal mode already, why care? Does it really matter if she gets ORKO'd at full HP or at 1 HP? I don't think so. However, if staying at 1 HP allows her to actually have decent offense, why not go for it? It may cost her HP, but it effectively doesn't lower her durability much if at all.

Edited by Raymond
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There are very few enemies leaving her at 1 HP =/

I said most will oneround her, that means killing and BOOM, it's over.

Why train her as a healer? I actually bother training Laura seeing as her Spd averages are pretty good if it weren't for her caps, her durability is the same as Micaiah exept she gets doubled by everything in her joining chapter unless you train her.

My ideal tactic is making Micaiah use Sacrifice and then heal her with Laura, I don't finish the chapter until she heals everyone, but this depends if it's not a "Kill the boss" chapter.

Micaiah should be trained for what she is, a mage and not a healer. How else would she be getting Rexaura later on then if she can't build a decent Light rank? All you do is take advantage of a skill that isn't too useful on her due to the fact she is getting oonerounded by most things.

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There are very few enemies leaving her at 1 HP =/

I said most will oneround her, that means killing and BOOM, it's over.



Also, if she's getting one rounded by everything in the endgame anyway, what use does she have outside of Thani potshots and Psychic? Yeah, screw Light Magic.

Edited by Ninji
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I read that, I just wasn't paying attention when I wrote what I said.

But my main point is that Micaiah shouldn't be used as the main healer of the group even in Part 3. Laura has enough Mag to heal from afar, also.

Light magic isn't as fail as FE9, and just pay attention to how well her Mag grows...she tworounds most things, and she onerounds mounted and armoured units.

Edited by Soul
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Micaiah is forced for most of Part 4, anyway. It doesn't make any sense to train Laura to do the exact same thing Micaiah.

Oh, and Laura will probably be, like, Level 11 in Part 3. She'll be worse than Micaiah in almost every way.

And derp, she sucks anyway. Her combat is good because of Thani. Nothing else.

Edited by Ninji
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Not if that is the function most tend to give her when she can actually be reliable on combat. You could leave the healing Laura, I don't think she would be that underleveled by Part 3.

She DOES tworound quite a few things with an Ellight in Part 1, but that chance will be coming low seeing as most of you only train her with Wrath. Laura loose by caps, yet, at the same level they aren't too different, Laura will cap Mag & Spd, her Spd will get higher by only 2 AS.

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FE9's light magic isn't THAT bad. Rhys can do quite a bit of damage with just one strike using a Shine, making him a good finisher since he doesn't double anything.

However, I will agree that FE10 improved on it. We have more varieties now and more light magic users.

Edited by Eternal Bond
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Not only that, but Rhys himself sucks at using it, he gets slowed down by Shine and barely getss passed 10 Spd. At least Micaiah grows AMAZING only gets slowed down by Ellight in part 1.

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Why are you even using Ellight? Compared to Thani, you have to buy it, it has 3 less mt and 5 less hit. You also get 2 free Thanis, so you have 90 uses out of it. There's no real reason to ever use Ellight with Micaiah.

Edited by Krad
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Not if that is the function most tend to give her when she can actually be reliable on combat. You could leave the healing Laura, I don't think she would be that underleveled by Part 3.

She DOES tworound quite a few things with an Ellight in Part 1, but that chance will be coming low seeing as most of you only train her with Wrath. Laura loose by caps, yet, at the same level they aren't too different, Laura will cap Mag & Spd, her Spd will get higher by only 2 AS.

She's one-rounded by everything, OHKO'd by some, even, and you're claiming she she's reliable in combat.


Give up.

Seriously, you aren't good at this.

Not only that, but Rhys himself sucks at using it, he gets slowed down by Shine and barely getss passed 10 Spd. At least Micaiah grows AMAZING only gets slowed down by Ellight in part 1.

that doesn't even make sense grammatically, let alone gameplay-wise

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