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Astra's Lump of Sprites


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Dude, go for it. I need a Lethe to match my Ranulf.

And, I'm digging that guitar design. I still can't tell if you're just going for a cool costume, or if you're costuming as someone else.

Making it. XD

yay for random doodling.






Then a Vocaloid-ish type design.

I really don't know what I was going for either.

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Dude, get the contest started already

I would still love to know where you got the design on the guitar from. Unless it was just spur of the moment thinking.


Spur of the moment, I pretty much just made the head and was messing around with the yellow.

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why the fuck did this get shoved down so far


don't ask at all

Who says yes to a Halloween mug spriting contest here.


Also, the guitar doesn't look like 3D-ish. It looks flat and 2d-ish. Just saying.

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You should have used Joshua's hair for that... "thing".

Eh... Okay, so the hair makes no sense. Probably because of the hat is a bit small. And give him a bit more hair on the left. And lessss pointy. >:

Mouth is a bit high. Also, give him a smile. He looks so sirius! D:

Other than that, I like him. 'Specially that hat, it's so cute~ <3

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Dude, you have no idea how epic this sprite is.

And, yeah. Older Alvis. It would make more sense than the younger one I have now XD

Luka should cosplay as Miku, lolwut

Alright, after a bunch of other things I'll start it.

pfft, Magnet!Luka, search it up

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BUT, if you did, then... I've got nothing XD

So, so, LukaXMiku, wut?

Nothing to sprite? You finished Levin, Arthur, and Claude?

BTW, if you want an Ishtar, ask Vamp to touch up his AMAZING splice of her, to something a bit more customy.



I can't sprite anything naturally scary to save my life. Unless I focus a lot

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Double post, lol


BUT, if you did, then... I've got nothing XD

was directed at me trying to convince you to sprite Luka as Miku, but... Well, the quote.

OHSHI- Arthur, Claude, and Levin, FUCK DX Why did you remind me? XD

He already is evil.

The dude killed his mother, almost killed his father, brainwashed his sister to fight the man she loved, and planned the downfall of everything.

I think he's evil enough.

Edited by seph1212
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