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Let's Play Fire Emblem 5: In which stealing and kidnapping is A-OK

Dark Sage

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Hello and welcome to Let's play Fire Emblem Thracia 776. I know I promised to this a couple of weeks ago but I had to do a bunch of work and I love video games, Star Trek, and my attempts at starting a Goblin comic collection. So sorry about that.

In this LP, I will write using a narrative from my two favorite characters in the game: Fin and Lara. There will be tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ADayInTheLimelight due to the fatigue system in the game, but these two are the main focus. I will explain the mechanics as it comes along and various story plots and how it fits with FE4.

I'm quite new to this so I'm gonna need a bit of time to figure this out.

Post your team suggestions in the comments.

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Is this gonna be a video LP or a screenshot one? Considering it's FE, screenshot would definitely be better.

A screenshot one. Buying a video camera will break me right now. Plus it offers more creative opportunities.

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I'm going to assume you're playing a ROM, in which case you can get a recording device for free off the net. In any case, I guess it doesn't matter since you were gonna do screenshot anyway.

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Fire Emblem is a strategy RPG, meaning it is not fun to watch someone play, unless the commentator can be really interesting. Don't mean to insult the op, but I've never seen anyone pull it off.

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Ok, but I prefer a camcorder for ZSNES instead of just downloading another Emulator..

Oh yeah, I'm also going to use Salem this playthrough.

This should be very interesting because I never actually beat it, so this should be a lot of fun.

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GO gave me instructions. You can use these for ZSNES.

Step 1: Download this http://www.mediafire.com/?ingj2yq3z5j

Step 2: Extract and install the program called "Xvid"

Step 3: Put Mencoder.exe in where your emulator is like this.


Step 4: Extract and place Virtual Dub anywhere.

Step 5: Open Emulator and load a game

Step 6: Go the the menu (press escape key) then go to MISC--->Movie option

Step 7: Click the record button


Step 8: When you are done press stop go back to movie options and it should show dumping options go to it.


Step 9: Press the start button

Step10: when it is finished a video file called "merged" should appear in where your emulator is

Step11: Open Virtual Dub load the video you just made, go to video, compression, select the Xvid codec.

Step 12:Go to video, framerate and make it look like this. (As in click the change framerate to button and put the number that is in Change so video and audio match)


Step13: Go to file, save as avi, save it and it's ready to be uploaded to Youtube.

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:blink: Thanks! I really appreciate the help man. If I ever feel like doing a video LP, I'll be sure to thank you! :D

Let's see, team so far is:







Keep posting my final team people.

Oh yeah two things. One, all my screenshots are in Paint form and I can't convert them here. The second is that I got a GB ROM and I can do a Pokemon LP when this one is done.

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