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Pokemon Characteristics

The Divine Swordmaster

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Yes, that usually refers to the ivs ewhen the highest ivs is in hp it will use one of those. There is also more for other stats. there is like 5 sayings for each.

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It took me a while to understand EVs, and a lot more to understand IVs of pokemon. If you're not a hardcore pokemon player, I suggest you do some research if you really want to know who IVs work.

Basically, whenever a pokemon is encountered, it has IVs in each stat that range from 0 to 31 that affect the stat value and their hidden power bp and type. It is all random, except when you breed pokemon, then there is some ways in which a baby pokemon can inherit the IVs of its parents. Complicated stuff, but its what makes pokemon awesome.

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IVs aren't really that complicated. As soon as you encounter a pokemon for the first time, its IVs are set. The IVs range from 0-31 for each stat. At level 100, every IV adds 1 to its respective stat. They do affect your pokemon at all levels, but its most pronounced at level 100.

That's basically it. They do other like affect hidden power and stuff, but you don't need to worry about that as much.

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