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Will there be any new skins fo rthe site?


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I was looking around on the front page and I saw something called "skin selector" but only "serenes forest" is available. Dont get me wrong i do like how the site looks already but will there be any updates to the skins list anytime soon?

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I was looking around on the front page and I saw something called "skin selector" but only "serenes forest" is available. Dont get me wrong i do like how the site looks already but will there be any updates to the skins list anytime soon?

Dammit, I just explained that this board is for Site Content, not about the forums.

I'll go for a reddish version of the current skin.

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Only Vincent can answer that, but I do agree with you MaSu. As cool as this one is, the same thing every time can get rather dull. Like CGV's avatar and sig.

And Knife, I would consider this a part of the site, so I'll leave the topic here for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You have to make the skins if you want them, and it's not that easy.

Well, there's probably custom-designed ones, but I'm not sure about using those.

How hard would it be to make a gray scale version of the skin? If you told me how I would do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How hard would it be to make a gray scale version of the skin? If you told me how I would do it.

Harder than you think. Well, it's not as hard as creating a skin entirely. But otherwise, it's really time consuming.

But, if you wanted to know: Just take a gray pallete. Match them to the greens used on the site. You can then replace their hex codes manually.

Or you can copy to notepad or something and use the replace all command or something.

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  • 4 months later...

How is taking a skin made for this type of forum "willy-nilly"? There are members who don't like the current one.. 15 seconds to please them, is it really that big a deal if it isn't custom for SF? People have been asking since July, a custom skin obviously just isn't happening.

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What I meant was that we're not just going to grab some random skin that doesn't fit SF at all. There's no point to it, except just to please a minority of people who don't prefer the default skin. If there's to be another skin, it'll have to at least look like it fits the site, even if visiting guests couldn't see it. It would just look tacky.

And, just because people have been asking for one since July doesn't mean that it will never happen. People have lives outside of the site, so they can't always spend time doing stuff for the site. Not only is Vincent in university, but he has to keep the mainsite updated too. I'd argue that the forums are the lowest of those priorities for him.

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So something the same colors of the main site, even though it wouldn't be default or viewable by guests. I don't see the point in it, but that eliminated every single skin that exists being as none have the same background as the mainsite.

Everyone will just have to deal with puke green I guess. <_<

Edit, unless someone wants to spare 10 minutes for minor changes? I might be willing to find one, but I am not editing it for this site, not my job.

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Generally you are right, but it seems like the administration wants every skin to follow the same color scheme. Seems pretty weird to me too but it's not like we can do anything about it.

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Not once did I say that we wanted "every skin to follow the same color scheme." I said that the skins would need to follow the same motif and be representative of the fact that the site is Serenes Forest, meaning you have to take into consideration that 1) Forest colors suit the site and 2) Herons live in the forest, so they're game as well. (e.g. Making a character-based skin of Roy wouldn't fly, because doesn't suit SF. Making a skin about one of the Herons, or even the Hawks or Ravens? That would probably be acceptable.)

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I am thinking darkening some of the greens and adding some blacks, and perhaps replacing the heron's with Raven's.

That's my input in it. It would definitely make it more aesthetically pleasing to me at least. I'd even be willing to put some work into it if I got the go-ahead and someone gave me a copy of the forum's pictures to edit on my own (if I can ever figure out how to do everything I was doing in photoshop in GIMP). <<<< Why I haven't made my own banner/avatar btw.

Best case: it could become a secondary skin (my old forum had a "light" and "dark" skin themselves)

Worse Case: it completely gets discarded.

*shrugs* I'll be here, even if I despise the color scheme (I usually have multiple windows up so I don't actually have to look at the site for long periods of time, headaches and all).


Edited by KaiserPhoenix
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I don't know how outdated this discussion is in the eyes of the Admins (ie whether it's still a relevant concern or not), but I have Adobe CS3 and such, and I'm planning on working on some FE fanart this break anyway, so I could definitely whip something up. The only thing is I was gonna go for a FE5 sorta theme probably, but In figured since the forum's a Fire Emblem site and not a FE9/FE10 site, it might still be appreciated regardless?

Let me know what your thoughts are on this, but I definitely don't mind helping out, though I don't know how to code...

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