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Sorens wifi tournament rules and settings

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a game like FEDS requires strategy, players play most optimally and seek the most effecient and possible ruthless approuch to things. I decided for future tournies i would start a "clause" stystem, this may be similar to the pokemon one I don't know I don't play pokemon.

All my future tournaments will be using these rules and this system, i will always provide a link in here. Some clauses will be taken out of some tourmants while others may not. This is simply to see a comprehensive rule set

Clause # 1 (map 3 clause)

Map three will be banned in entirety.

Reason: It provides to much advangtedge to player 1. Player one may bock cell holes or possible the gaps connecting to other segmens of map that will always result in a considerably favorable advantedge for player 1.

Clause #2 (first turn attacking)

Player one may not attack on turn one.

Reason: on maps 1,2 its possible to premptivly strike player 2 and kill 2 of their units befor a retaliation may occur this setting a 5-3 lead making it extremely difficult for player 2 to win

Clause #3 (stall prevention)

time will be set to 3 minutes

Reason: so stalling doesn't occur and tournament matches may finish

Clause #4 (excessive stalling)

if you continually wait for timer to reach 0 without your oppenents consent you will lose next match

Reason: Time restrictions and respect for other players

Clause #5 (counter pick map clause)

loser of the previous game will get to chose next legal map, either player may switch teams however winner must state they are switching teams, loser however does not

Reason: to allow loser favorable conditions in next battle

Clause #6 (matches and finals)

Double elminination ,all sets between players will be 2/3. All grand finals will work as standard double elimination in loser must beat winner in 2 sets to win

reason: preferance

Clause #7 (card neutrality)

If either player uses dazzel or aprotope they inform the other player of using that card so that the other player may equip corrosponding card, if the other player does not wish to do so they must tell the player using dazzel or aprotrope what card they are using.

Reason: people hate crits and 1hKos, this rule allows for the use of that mode of gameplay and if another player wishes to not the player seeking a neutral battle doesn't gain an unfair advantedge.

Clause # 8 (FOW)

Fog of war will be turned on

Reason: to provide balenced combat and not port raping and adv to player 1 consistently. (as P1 would be able to kill enemy mage and prevent all alternative warp)

Clayse # 9 (card counter picking)

loser may switch their card after losing, they do not have to state they changed it.

the following are more likely to be optional rules rather then forced


the following will more then likely be optional.

Clause # 10 (sorens gay map 6 tactic,)( i started this don't claim otherwise)

either player may not plug the middle hole of map 6 laberinth before turn 3.

Reason: it essentially takes 2 units off your enemies and can be baited however teh blocking player will always remain in a neutral or advantedge position. note this is usually done with a high mobility unit and warping

Clause # 11 (opening neutral match)

either player may ask for neutral match meaning dazzel and aprotrope cards for first match

Reason: preference and neutrality, this rule will be optional to those in tournaments

Clause # 12 (RNG cap)

Only 35 stats may be capped per team (including HP)

Reason: so meteor doesn't rape us all

Clause # 13 (swarmcaps)

swarm may not be forged

reason: forge swarm is broken

Clause # 14 (xane protection)

you may not kill an untransformed xane until turn three.

Reason: This is to allow players using xane time to position or transform into correct unit, if they transform before turn three you MAY ATTACK THEM.

Clause # 15 (3unit class rule)(this will most likely NOT be used)

You may only have 3 units of a class

reason: in conjunction will aprotrope certain teams *coughmeteorcough become almost imposssible to defeat do to highest overall average stats and with no weaknesses against certain weapons.

Clause # 16 (aprotrope multi weakness or AMW)

if you use 4 or more units that are weak against a paticular kind of weapon you may not use aprotrope card. Meaning if i use a Pali and my 2 horsman team i cannot use aprotrope, in other words if you have three units of the following classes general, dracoknight, falcon knight, Horseman, Paladidn, or manakete you may not use Aprotrope,

Reason: many teams consisting of classes weak against weapons have no weakness when using aprotrope, A 5 pali team for example has somone immunity to everything not DA in which case will still not get slaughtered, This allows players NOT using max stat high tier class teams to defeat those that do.

Clause # 17 (support rules)

support teams with 4 or more supported units may not be used in no brave/forge rulsets.

reason: we can't hit them lol

Clause # 18 (no hacking)

no hacking

reason: obvious

clause #19 (no clock abuse)

no clock abuse may be used however this will be hard to proove

reason: unfair teams

I am done for rules now and will add more later

Alternate game sets and their clauses

Level 1 gameset

all units are level 1,jagan banned, wifi shop allowed, reclas allowed, no forges allowed

no braves or forge gameset

no forges are braves used in this rulesest

UU Match

Banned Classes: SM, HM, Sn, Zrk, Pal, and Dra.

NU Match

Banned Classes: SM, HM, Sn, Zrk, Pal, and Dra.

Additional Banned: Sag, Sor, Thv, War, DvDra, and FKht.

Limited Forge Clause

Forges cannot exceed +/- 4 degrees.

no forged brave ruleset

all forges may be allowed except braves.

No 27<spd/30def Class:

all units with greater then 27 speed and those with 30 def are greater are banned

If somone wishes to suggst a clause to rules let me know and I will add it because with this system i never have to use it so fire away

Edited by BlacknightSoren
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Announcing card/team changes seems kind of lame to me, but I guess I don't have to participate in games that use those rules. I don't have any experience outside of RNA play, so I can't really comment on any clauses that are meant for that playstyle. However, if I had my way, the "standard clauses" would be like this:

- best of 3

- no stat cap

- p1 may not attack on turn 1

- p1 chosen at random for match 1

- first map chosen at random

- if map 3 ever comes up, rehost

- loser becomes p1, chooses next map

- card/team changes allowed between matches, unannounced

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Only thing that isn't mentioned is player order, who goes first, who goes second and what about counterpicks?

That being said, to be honest, I don't think there is a real fair rule set for fire emblem.

With RNG abuse, it is possible to make about 3 teams that would give a player an unbeatable counterpick. Luckily most people haven't constructed these teams, but they do exist.

The only way to make matches fair is to ban RNG abuse. But considering most people want to play with RNG abuse, this is probably never going to happen.

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I agree with you sylvan you and I are the only people who don't RNG, I know we both abuse Dynamic growths (which is naturally in the game) but i don't consider it cheating. I personally do not approve of RNG because it breaks the game AA itself is ridiculous but i have a feeling it was put in the game to be abused for wifi which is why i use it.

Edited by BlacknightSoren
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Also I guess if rules were to be made these two pop to mind:

-No hacking

-No clock abuse

Hacking is obvious as to why it should be banned. Clock abuse may not seem obvious, but you can get guaranteed crits on 1% chance. Of course I've never tested this, but I'm sure its possible. (if wifi works the way single player does, you can seed a large number of your own crit/hit rates with clock abuse before entering a match)

why is there a no forged swarm rule in particular? You can't forge swarm without hacking, so it may as well be a no-imhullu rule as well.

Edited by Sylvan
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oh cool. i wanted to see some clause like things to be made.

well here's my opinion on some of them.

Clause #5, 9.

i don't like how winner gets to change. isn't it counter picking? if the winner changes then the loser can't really counter pick. also these clauses are pretty much the same thing. changing the card is basically changing the team. like if a 2HM + 1Sn + 2whatever team under umbra and under apotrophe can be played completely differently.

Clause #11

we can refuse if asked, right? i like umbra sometimes.

Clause #12

is iffy. there's many ways to get around this. like imagine all paladin team with everything but mag capped. it stays within bound but is definitely just as powerful/intimidating.

Clause #13

is silly. forged swarms is not possible without hacking. just change it to no hacked items, stats, or characters. i feel though that hacked money is sorta fine. i can understand why someone wouldn't want to AA for all that. >_>

Clause #16

i think its worded wrong... you said 4 or more then it says 3...i would put it at 4 or more myself though. that way i can still have 3 falcoknight sisters.

which brings up another thing i want...

another game set.

UnderUsed class game.

like with pokemon and OU/UU.

i've always wanted to see some of the other classes being utilized. like i would exclude <28 spd units and 30 def units. That way falcoknights, heroes and warriors get a chance to be used. possibly exclude sages/sorcerors for bishops. Thieves would be usable still though. they can't kill max def warriors but still kill bishops and sages. Falcos need lance to survive.

if anything we can even introduce a NU class. it would include Heroes, Bishops, Generals, Ballistician, and Marth. unfortunately Heroes and Marth gets exactly 1RKOed by thieves.

also some other forge and weapons game.

forged braves immensely changed the way wifi is played. when i first got this game i was against such ridiculous forged braves. like maybe sticking back to forging in RD or POR. only silver and throw weapons (levin included). thoron, killers, and longbow are another deal though..

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh cool. i wanted to see some clause like things to be made.

well here's my opinion on some of them.

Clause #5, 9.

i don't like how winner gets to change. isn't it counter picking? if the winner changes then the loser can't really counter pick. also these clauses are pretty much the same thing. changing the card is basically changing the team. like if a 2HM + 1Sn + 2whatever team under umbra and under apotrophe can be played completely differently.

Clause #11

we can refuse if asked, right? i like umbra sometimes.

Clause #12

is iffy. there's many ways to get around this. like imagine all paladin team with everything but mag capped. it stays within bound but is definitely just as powerful/intimidating.

Clause #13

is silly. forged swarms is not possible without hacking. just change it to no hacked items, stats, or characters. i feel though that hacked money is sorta fine. i can understand why someone wouldn't want to AA for all that. >_>

Clause #16

i think its worded wrong... you said 4 or more then it says 3...i would put it at 4 or more myself though. that way i can still have 3 falcoknight sisters.

which brings up another thing i want...

another game set.

UnderUsed class game.

like with pokemon and OU/UU.

i've always wanted to see some of the other classes being utilized. like i would exclude <28 spd units and 30 def units. That way falcoknights, heroes and warriors get a chance to be used. possibly exclude sages/sorcerors for bishops. Thieves would be usable still though. they can't kill max def warriors but still kill bishops and sages. Falcos need lance to survive.

if anything we can even introduce a NU class. it would include Heroes, Bishops, Generals, Ballistician, and Marth. unfortunately Heroes and Marth gets exactly 1RKOed by thieves.

also some other forge and weapons game.

forged braves immensely changed the way wifi is played. when i first got this game i was against such ridiculous forged braves. like maybe sticking back to forging in RD or POR. only silver and throw weapons (levin included). thoron, killers, and longbow are another deal though..

I will add that game set

rule 5 is iffy, i probably put it in simply as an optional rule, when i made this i put like 10 down then edited tehm where they should go its possible i missed this.

doesn't rule 16 say 4 or more or am i reading it wrong.

post the exact ruleset you want for optional game type and I will edit my origonal post.

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In the clause 16, the first sentences says 4 or more units. then next sentence mentions a Paladin and 2 horsemen which adds to three. then it says "three units of the following"

and ah geez... make the rules myself? well same rules apply but theirs conditions.

UU Match

Banned Classes: SM, HM, Sn, Zrk, Pal, and Dra.

NU Match

Banned Classes: SM, HM, Sn, Zrk, Pal, and Dra.

Additional Banned: Sag, Sor, Thv, War, DvDra, and FKht.

Limited Forge Clause

Forges cannot exceed +/- 4 degrees.

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Under NU, is Thv supposed to mean Thief? You basically eliminated everything but Generals, Heroes, and Bishops; I feel like that's probably too limited, and Generals are still unlikely to be used because everything else doubles them.

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Ballisticians, fire dragons, xane, bishops, generals, and heroes. and there is a reason it called NU (never used)

generals have there place as they're the only ones who can use brave bows now. Heroes need Sword vs Lance and Axe vs Lance in order to get 1RKOed btw. i feel though that Bishops might be overpowered though. those are the only two that doubles generals and have the second highest spd cap. Bishops might just go UU but then sages and sorcerors should go OU then... and yes Thief is Thv. maybe Thf would be better way to spell it?

like most of the classes in NU are overshadowed by others. Bishops and sages. Generals and Warriors. Fire dragons and Divine Dragons. Heroes are here just because they die to thieves although they can function pretty well otherwise. and ballisticians have a low spd cap but can work more here because of generals and fire dragons. i would put Fkht here too but since they are the only flyer in UU i can't realistically call them Never-used.

if i had to make a NU team. it'd be something like a 2 Heroes, a General, a Bishop, and a Ballistcian. i can also imagine a 1 Hero, 2 Ballistician, 2 Bishop. or a 4 General, 1 Bishop under umbra or fleet feet. Xane can be used better too. 2 Ballistician, 1 Xane, 1 Bishop, and 1 Hero under umbra or gravity. having three ballisticians is pretty deadly on some stages. all Heroes team can work. an all Bishop team though is kinda hax though. Fire dragons still have they're place since no one 1RKOs it and can work with ballisticians.

Edited by geradgerard
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Someone make a list

Or I'll make it, I guess.























Not Promoted:

Everything that isn't promoted.

A general guideline, and a guideline only.

These aren't in order btw.

Opinions? Suggestions?

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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... Why are Ballisticians in NU? They're perfectly usable if there's FoW, so I don't see why they're there.

Moved to Borderline. >_>

I think I should make a thread for this.

Thread made.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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balliticians are crappy unit.

this has been debated before

swarm<balista Pachyderm (lets be honest fully forged isn't much of a liability while swarm can be)

sage any attack up close> balista

sage movement> balista

healing > balista

yes balista have definet uses in FOW however there just isn't any REAL reason to use them

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balliticians are crappy unit.

this has been debated before

swarm<balista Pachyderm (lets be honest fully forged isn't much of a liability while swarm can be)

sage any attack up close> balista

sage movement> balista

healing > balista

yes balista have definet uses in FOW however there just isn't any REAL reason to use them

One thing with Ballista is that they can be forged unlike Swarm, giving a good Hit rate and good Mt.

Sages have more general utility.

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balliticians are crappy unit.

this has been debated before

swarm<balista Pachyderm (lets be honest fully forged isn't much of a liability while swarm can be)

sage any attack up close> balista

sage movement> balista

healing > balista

yes balista have definet uses in FOW however there just isn't any REAL reason to use them

One thing with Ballista is that they can be forged unlike Swarm, giving a good Hit rate and good Mt.

Sages have more general utility.

way to sum up my post in 2 sentences lol

The point I meant was that Ballista aren't crappy at all, if you know how to use them to their fullest extent.

2 Ballista+2 Sages+1 scout would make an amazing team.

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thought of another clause/game mode

No 27<spd/30def Class:

pretty simple. i just would like to see Falconknights fighting Sages just because Sages can't 2HKO them. Warriors and Heroes are our new SM, HM, and Sn. divine dragons can stay but no paladins, dracos, zerkers, sm, sn, or hm.

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