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And I thought everyone aside from a few complained about bland/generic characters...or anything for that matter >_>

She's bland, but she's a pretty face and she's kind. What the hell else is needed?

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Black Soldier would like Priscilla if she was on a pegasus instead of a pony. :P

That made me laugh.

Doesn't take a Pegasus for me to like an FE girl >_>

It helps a lot for me, but not needed.

Edited by Black Soldier
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I think they felt their social positions were all that prevented them from being with her. (Yet around a 20 years estimate before FE7 social positions never bothered Madelyn and Hassar, nor do they bother Joshua and Natasha.)

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Well, let's look at it this way. One is brainwashedly in love with a red head, and one is a red head, so how can they lose?

Priscilla x Ishtar thread.

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