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FE4 Efficiency Playthrough


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This is probably my 4th / 5th playthrough, and I won't be using all the cast, I'll leave those that I don't like in the castle. Credits to dondon for the stats.

Planned Pairings:

Aideen x Azel

Ayra x Lex

Lachesis x Beowulf

Sylvia x No-one

Fury x Claude

Tiltyu x Levin

Brigid x Holyn


Turn 1:

I move Sigurd up to the forest and kill the fighter, while Alec and Noish move just out of a second fighter's range.

Sigurd counterkills that bandit on enemy phase.

Turn 2:

Lex and Azel arrive. I send Azel into the forest to kill the brigand from 2-range, while Lex waits on the spot where he used to be. Alec and Noish team up on a brigand, and Noish gets the kill and the village. Sigurd ORKOs the Hand Axe fighter and charges forward.

Sigurd counterkills three bandits on enemy phase and gets attacked by the Archer, only one of them hit him though. Lex is attacked by a bandit, it misses and Lex counterattacks.

Turn 3:

Cuan, Fin and Ethlin arrive. Noish and Alec hit the incoming Hand Axe bandit twice, it lives with 18 HP. I move Azel onto the church to ORKO the Iron Axe Brigand, while Lex kills the weakened brigand and cantos off. Fin, Cuan and Ethlin charge forward, while Sigurd blicks an Archer and charges forward too.

Ethlin is attacked by an Archer and the Hand Axe brigand on the enemy phase, the Archer hits while the Hand Axe brigand misses. Sigurd counterkills two bandits and is attacked by one wielding a Hand Axe. Azel is attacked by the Hand Axe brigand and brings it down to about 1/4 of its health.

Turn 4:

Sigurd kills off one of the bandits guarding the castle with his Iron Lance, and cantos' to the gate where he equips his Steel Sword. Cuan hits the Archer with his Steel Lance and Fin finishes it off, both charging forward. Ethlin hits the Hand Axe bandit while Noish finishes it off. Lex kills off the Hand Axe bandit and cantos down, while Azel moves away from the church. Alec and Noish move toward the castle.

Sigurd is attacked by a whole horde of enemies and survives with 2 HP. Fin is attacked by a Hand Axe bandit which thankfully misses.

Turn 5:

Alec moves down and attacks the Hand Axe bandit while Noish follows suit. Fin finishes it off. Sigurd kills off the boss and captures the castle, recruiting Midir. Midir gets a lucky Charge activation and ORKOs the Archer, while Cuan moves down near to Sigurd.

Midir lures the Fighters away as they all attack him. He counters the Hand Axe fighter, and leaves it with 1 HP (Charge activated).

Turn 6:

Alvis arrives. Alec finishes off the Hand Axe fighter, while Fin and Cuan finish off two more and canto forward. Ethlin rushes to heal Sigurd, and Sigurd takes care of another Fighter blocking the bridge. Midir rushes forward and attacks the fighter, leaving it at 8 HP, and guards the castle. Azel and Lex move down.

Midir is attacked by an Axefighter who misses, and Ethlin dodges another fighter and does an incredible 8 damage back.

Turn 7:

Alec kills off the fighter at the entrance of the castle, and cantos forward. Midir runs out the castle and hits the Brigand at the village leaving it at 8 HP. Ethlin hits the bandit and cantos off, Noish follows up but leaves the bandit at 4 HP. Noish uses Canto to guard the castle. Fin runs off to the village, kills the brigand and cantos to get the Speed Ring. Sigurd kills off the brigand hitting the village and cantos into Alvis' range. Cuan, Azel and Lex move into Sigurds' leadership range.

Lex is attacked by an Archer and a Fighter, he counters the fighter leaving it at half health. Azel cripples another fighter that attacked him, and Cuan does the same. Alvis gives Sigurd the Silver Sword and runs off, presumably to avoid sapping EXP. Noish gets attacked by a bandit and kills it on the counter.

Turn 8:

Azel moves into Ethlin's range and kills off the bandit, while Ethlin fixes up his wounds. Lex kills off the bandit that Azel weakened and cantos off to save the Village, while Cuan procs a Continue and kills off an Archer. Sigurd takes down another bandit and cantos away, so that Azel, Lex and Ethlin get the leadership bonus. Midir moves into the range of one bandit to lure it away from Azel, while Alec, Noish and Fin follow behind.

Ethlin gets hit by the Archer, putting her at 1 HP. Midir is attacked by a fighter, which misses, and Ethlin dodges another fighter due to Prayer.

Turn 9:

Midir and Fin take down one bandit. Azel finishes off a weakened bandit while Cuan and Fin take down the Archer. Sigurd moves forward and kills the Archer and blocks off the bridge, while Ethlin rushes forward to heal Cuan.

Sigurd counterkills 3 bandits on enemy phase, while a Hand Axe fighter tries to hit Ethlin... at 0% hit.

Turn 10:

Noish, Alec and Fin work together to kill off the Hand Axe fighter, while Cuan procs a Continue and kills off one remaining Archer. Ethlin heals Sigurd, and Lex weakens a fighter so Sigurd can kill him and rush forward to the boss.

Sigurd takes off a chunk of the boss' HP, while the Archer ignores the 1 HP Ethlin and chooses to attack Midir, eating a counter to the face.

Turn 11:

Fin finishes off the Archer, and Ethlin rushes to heal Sigurd, after which he kills the boss and takes the castle.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Sigurd   10.52  41  16  01  14  14  08  13  03
Noish    04.51  33  11  00  08  09  04  08  00
Alec     03.36  33  10  00  09  10  04  08  00
Ardan    lol
Fin      03.60  34  10  00  10  15  09  08  00
Cuan     05.25  35  16  00  10  11  05  11  03
Midir    02.93  32  09  00  07  09  03  07  00
Azel     02.67  31  00  10  07  10  03  02  06
Lex      07.10  35  12  00  10  11  09  12  00
Ethlin   02.43  29  05  08  12  12  09  05  06


I could have finished this faster if I used both Alec and Noish and rushed Sigurd forward, but the latter is very iffy due to the nature of the RNG. Sigurd is 4-5RKOed and will constantly require healing, and seeing as how Sigurd was scarily close to dying at my current turncount, trying to beat it in 9 or 10 turns would mean that I would have to take more risks.

I could have rushed forward at around turn 8 with Sigurd, but I was afraid that Azel would get ganged up on. Seeing as how the FE4 enemies are retarded (Ethlin has higher dodge than Azel and gets 2HKOed all the same), that wasn't really necessary.

Chapter 1

I'm not deploying Ardan this chapter.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   12.52  43  17  01  15  15  09  15  03  ☆
Noish    05.39  33  11  00  08  09  04  08  00  4
Alec     05.22  34  10  00  09  12  04  09  00  6
Ardan    lol                                    4
Fin      06.54  35  11  00  11  15  11  09  00  ☆
Cuan     07.95  37  16  00  11  13  05  11  03  ☆
Midir    03.88  32  10  00  07  09  03  07  00  4
Azel     03.67  31  00  10  07  11  04  02  06  4
Lex      09.98  37  12  00  10  12  09  13  00  4
Ethlin   03.05  30  06  08  12  12  09  06  06  3


Fin gets the Steel Lance while Cuan takes Iron, as Steel lets Fin ORKO near everything on the map while Cuan is still ORKOing / 2RKOing regardless. Sigurd sells off his Steel Sword and grabs a Javelin. Alec gets a Slim Sword, an Iron Lance and a Steel Sword, while Noish gets an Iron Lance.

I let Noish get defeated in the Arena so that Ethlin can heal him for some EXP.

Turn 1:

I move Fin out first, and let Cuan talk to him for a stat boost. The rest of my troops bar Ardan pour out of the castle.

Turn 2:

Aideen and Dew arrive. I stick Dew to guard the entrance of the village so that Aideen can grab the money afterward.

Cuan procs a Continue and kills off a bandit with his Javelin before moving out of Gandolf's range. Sigurd charges into the enemy troop like a crazy mofo while the rest of the team hang back.

Cuan wounds two bandits on enemy phase, while Alec takes another one. Fin and Cuan both get hit for some damage, while the rest of the axefighters try to hit Sigurd with their Hand Axes (but they miss).

Turn 3:

Azel moves down to kill off a weakened bandit with Fire. Fin ORKOs an Archer, while Alec and Ethlin take down another one, Ethlin cantoing diagonally above Gandolf so that Sigurd can crit him for the kill. Lex picks off a weakened bandit while Cuan procs Continue again killing an Archer (^_^). Midir picks off another weakened bandit while Noish softens up an Archer. Sigurd procs a crit, ORKOing Gandolf, and he cantos to the south and equips a Javelin. Aideen moves away from the horde of bandits.

The AI once again ignores Azel who is in range of all 4 enemies and has close to 0 avoid, but instead attacks Ethlin and Midir, splitting their attacks between the two, so neither of them were in danger. Sigurd counterkills two Bandits, while Dew counters the captain and steals his money.

Turn 4:

Azel ORKOs one of the Axefighters, while Fin ORKOs the other one. Midir and Lex take out the two weakened Archers. Cuan and Noish kill the Brigand at the castle, while Alec moves forward to distract Ayra. Dew grabs another 1000G from a fighter.

Ayra hits Alec, and the captain tries to hit Dew again.

Turn 5:

Sigurd misses the ORKO on the boss (;_;), but Alec can still take a hit from Ayra. My troops rush out of Ayra's range leaving her to focus on Alec. Dew steals another 1000G from the fighter.

Ayra misses her attack on Alec, while the captain misses again. Sigurd counterkills the boss.

Turn 6:

Sigurd captures the castle, and the rest of my mounted troops move down. Dew steals another 1000G as usual.

Ayra rushes toward the castle and the captain tries to hit Dew again.

Turn 7:

Elliot's cavalry start to rush towards the home base. Sigurd recruits Ayra, who is healed by Ethlin and moves forward. Alec rushes forward as Dew steals another 1000G from a fighter. The rest of my units rush forward as usual.

Eltshan's units smash Elliot's troops to a pulp while the captain and his fighters crowd around Dew, trying to hit him (>_>)

Turn 8:

Alec rushes into the bandit horde, softening a bandit. Dew steals 1000G and the rest of the troops rush toward the axefighters.

Alec counters 4 bandits on enemy phase and kills 1. The captain prays to the Random Number Goddess and tries to hit Dew, but it rejects his plea. Eltshan's troops kill off all of Elliot's knights while Eltshan personally slaughters him with the Mistoltin.

Turn 9:

Cuan, Midir, Noish and Alec finish off four bandits and the rest of my troops push onward. Aideen talks to Ethlin to give her the Return Staff, while Dew hits the captain again.

Verdane's troops push forward, and the rest of the axefighters attacking back, the captain putting up a valiant struggle - to hit Dew.

Turn 10:

I clean up the bandits and move Aideen so that Azel can talk to her on the next turn. Dew gives Aideen a Warp Staff, while Ethlin heals up Cuan to prepare for the next wave of enemies.

Ayra counterkills two guys with two consecutive Meteor procs, while Fin ORKOs another one. Alec softens up a bandit and gets pelted by arrows, which deal inconsequential damage to him.

Turn 11:

Azel speaks to Aideen for the added lover point bonus. Ayra kills off another bandit with Meteor, and the rest of my troops pick off the axefighters and push forward, taking care to stay in Sigurd's leadership range. Aideen is just out of range of the village, so I plan to have Dew get it.

The enemies don't do any significant damage on enemy phase, missing their attacks most of the time.

Turn 12:

My team scrambles to get some last-minute kills. Ethlin positions herself diagonally below the gate so that Sigurd can critical. Sigurd takes down the boss with a critical and captures the castle.

Jamka and his flunkies rush out. This is a very problematic part and going through the forest wastes a lot of time. I won't bore you with the details and I'll skip this part until I recruit Jamka.

Turns 13 - 19:

Moving through the forest...

I Return Ayra back to the castle, and she clears the arena.

Turn 20:

I lure Jamka with my cavs, and thankfully Lex survives the onslaught. I recruit him with Aideen, and he picks off a bandit before being sent back to the home castle. Sigurd moves up and recruits Diadora, and Cuan, Lex and Fin follow. The rest of the cavs stay back to allow Aideen to gain some EXP from Warp.

Turn 21:

Diadora moves up and Sigurd gives his money to her. Cuan, Ethlin, Lex and Fin move up while Aideen Warps Noish back to the home castle. Midir clears the next two stages of the Arena, buys the Killer Bow and finishes the Arena with it.

The brigand which had finished destroying the village on the left tried to take down the castle, but Dew was standing guard and took 5000G from him.

Turn 22:

Lex picks off a weakened bandit, while Aideen sends Alec back using Warp. Dew chips another bandit, while the rest move forward.

Turn 23:

Sigurd, Cuan and Diadora move towards the last castle, Sigurd and Cuan equipping Javelins. Lex breaks free of the forest and moves to grab the Hero Axe, while Fin and Ethlin are still stuck traversing the 2-move pit of hell.

Sigurd fails to double an Archer on the counter, and leaves it with 15 HP.

Turn 24:

Diadora Silences the Fenrir Mage, while Sigurd and Cuan chip away at the troop. Ethlin follows closely behind. Fin rushes out of the forest but still has a long way to go before he reaches his destination, same with Lex.

Turn 25:

Diadora and Fin each pick off another Archer, while Ethlin sends Diadora back to grind in the Arena. Sigurd and Cuan take out more bandits, while Lex moves further toward the lake.

Dew finally kills the Brigand, while the Archers miss their attacks on Ethlin.

Turn 26:

Diadora finishes 3 levels of the Arena. Cuan and Fin grab a few more kills and Aideen Warps Azel away. Lex gets the Hero Axe, when in reality he happened to stumble upon it while taking a dump (*plop*). Sigurd finishes off the Dark Mage with his Silver Sword and nets the Magic Ring.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   15.64  46  19  01  22  16  10  17  03  ☆
Noish    06.53  34  11  00  09  09  04  09  00  4
Alec     08.33  37  11  00  10  13  06  10  00  6
Ardan    lol                                    4
Fin      08.48  36  12  00  13  15  11  11  01  ☆
Cuan     10.75  40  17  01  12  14  05  12  04  ☆
Midir    07.54  34  12  00  07  10  03  08  00  ☆
Azel     04.51  32  00  10  08  12  04  03  06  4
Lex      12.22  40  14  00  10  12  11  14  00  4
Ethlin   07.41  33  07  08  13  12  09  07  06  3
Aideen   06.20  30  00  14  08  09  13  01  10  1 
Dew      04.51  30  04  00  06  15  14  02  00  3
Ayra     08.06  33  11  00  18  19  04  07  01  ☆
Jamka    08.94  38  11  00  14  14  05  10  00  ☆
Diadora  05.41  28  00  15  09  12  06  03  17  3


Screw the forest. Jamka was very problematic since I couldn't effectively lure him with anyone but Alec, who was lagging behind. Charge + Critical is pure bullshit. He doesn't attack Aideen, but the bandits will crowd around her and pose a problem.

Other than that, this chapter wasn't very hard.

Chapter 2

Diadora is left at the base to grind EXP, while Ardan is the poor scrub who lets Diadora spam Warp. Noish and Alec are also left behind since they start to suck really badly. I need Dew to give Lachesis the Elite Ring, so she can staffspam and hopefully get up to par so that she can promote in Chapter 4.

Lex finished the Arena without breaking a sweat (Hero Axe ORKOed everything), and I got Holyn to join. I'm letting Fin get the Elite Ring, so I'll save the Arena for later.


Sigurd gets the Steel Lance as it has higher Mt than the Silver Sword, and would allow him to ORKO more units. Cuan will get Elliot's Silver Lance later on so there isn't any competition for it.

Ethlin and Aideen switch staffs, as Ethlin will be doing most of the healing at the frontline and Relive heals approximately twice as much as Live. Diadora gets Aideens' Warp. Midir keeps the Killer Bow while Jamka takes the Steel Bow, and Azel gets Thunder (no Magic Ring as he can't afford it). Holyn gets the Steel Blade and Ayra the Skill Ring and Slim Sword. Dew pawns off his Iron Sword so that he can give away all his money to Lachesis.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   17.68  48  21  01  18  17  11  17  04  ☆
Noish    07.53  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  4
Alec     09.63  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  5
Ardan    lol                                    3
Fin      08.48  36  12  00  13  15  11  11  01  1
Cuan     13.27  43  18  01  12  16  06  14  04  ☆
Midir    09.90  35  12  01  07  12  03  10  01  7
Holyn    14.32  42  14  01  18  18  01  13  01  ☆
Azel     05.63  32  00  10  08  13  05  03  06  4
Jamka    11.68  39  11  00  14  16  06  11  01  ☆
Lex      16.22  42  17  00  10  13  13  17  00  ☆
Dew      05.21  30  04  00  07  15  14  02  00  3
Diadora  06.47  28  00  16  09  12  06  03  18  4
Ethlin   07.99  33  07  08  13  12  09  07  06  3
Ayra     10.92  35  11  00  26  19  04  07  02  ☆
Aideen   06.20  30  00  14  08  09  13  01  10  1 

Edited by Aquilae
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You know Diadora with the magic ring can 1HKO most nonmages in the arena and thoses she can't usually can put her into prayer range just if you ever feel like humored enough to see her complete the chapter 1 and 2 arena. Although arena combatants in chapter 3 have too much HP for her to one shot anymore (even with maxed magic due to her bad Shaman caps).

Edited by Brighton
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She also gets prayer from the circlet, which means she can clear all the arenas even if her OHKO gives out. Edit - either you added the prayer stuff in the edit or I missed it.

In fact I wonder if there's a way to maneuver the archers and axefighters from the last wave of enemies in chapter 1 into wiping themselves out trying to attack her with a nice prayer triggered...

In my no-savestate ranked game I had to wait out Jamka and his bandits until they arranged themselves so that I could move Aideen into a talking position with him without any unit tanking a Jamka attack, since bad luck with continue/charge would wipe out anyone and waste one of my three losses.

Edited by chrysalid
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Chapter 2

Diadora is left at the base to grind EXP, while Ardan is the poor scrub who lets Diadora spam Warp. Noish and Alec are also left behind since they start to suck really badly. I need Dew to give Lachesis the Elite Ring, so she can staffspam and hopefully get up to par so that she can promote in Chapter 4.

Lex finished the Arena without breaking a sweat (Hero Axe ORKOed everything), and I got Holyn to join. I'm letting Fin get the Elite Ring, so I'll save the Arena for later.

Noish and Alec are staying behind since they don't contribute a whole lot.


Sigurd gets the Steel Lance as it has higher Mt than the Silver Sword, and would allow him to ORKO more units. Cuan will get Elliot's Silver Lance later on so there isn't any competition for it.

Ethlin and Aideen switch staffs, as Ethlin will be doing most of the healing at the frontline and Relive heals approximately twice as much as Live. Diadora gets Aideens' Warp. Midir keeps the Killer Bow while Jamka takes the Steel Bow, and Azel gets Thunder (no Magic Ring as he can't afford it). Holyn gets the Steel Blade and Ayra the Skill Ring and Slim Sword. Dew pawns off his Iron Sword so that he can give away all his money to Lachesis.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   17.68  48  21  01  18  17  11  17  04  ☆
Noish    07.53  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  4
Alec     09.63  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  5
Ardan    lol                                    3
Fin      08.48  36  12  
Cuan     13.27  43  18  01  12  16  06  14  04  ☆
Midir    09.90  35  12  01  07  12  03  10  01  7
Holyn    14.32  42  14  01  18  18  01  13  01  ☆
Azel     05.63  32  00  10  08  13  05  03  06  4
Jamka    11.68  39  11  00  14  16  06  11  01  ☆
Lex      16.22  42  17  00  10  13  13  17  00  ☆
Dew      05.21  30  04  00  07  15  14  02  00  3
Diadora  06.47  28  00  16  09  12  06  03  18  4
Ethlin   07.99  33  07  08  13  12  09  07  06  3
Ayra     10.92  35  11  00  26  19  04  07  02  ☆
Aideen   06.20  30  00  14  08  09  13  01  10  1 

Turn 1:

Sigurd and Cuan run out, followed by Fin, Lex, Midir and Dew. Ethlin moves into Diadora's range, and Diadora initiates the convo giving her a free Light Sword. The rest of my foot units follow.

Elliot and his knights rush toward Lachesis and her 3 suicidal paladins. Bandits are sent out to loot the villages, meaning I will have to grab Heirhein by Turn 11 if I want the Bargain Ring (not hard tbh).

Turn 2:

The rest of my troops push forward, while Diadora Warps Ardan back to the home castle.

Elliot's troops continue pushing forward.

Turn 3:

Fin and Cuan each take down a Knight while Sigurd and Cuan do the same with their Javelins. I surround the Paladins with my units to prevent them from being overwhelmed. My foot units also advance forward.

Fin counterkills one of the guys on enemy phase, while Cuan is hit by two Axe Knights. Elliot targets Midir, probably the only intelligent decision the AI had bothered to make.

Turn 4:

Lex softens Elliot with his Hero Axe allowing Cuan to take the kill. Sigurd recruits Lachesis while the rest of my units kill off the remaining knights. Midir stays behind.

The Paladins attack with their Javelins, killing one axe knight while the other suicides on Holyn.

Turn 5:

Cuan, Sigurd, Fin, Lex and Ethlin prepare to lure the Armors. Lachesis gets into Dew's range and receives 39950G, while the rest of my units move forward as usual.

Cuan takes a hit from a Lance Armor and hits back with the Silver Lance. The rest of the Armors advance forward.

Turn 6:

Sigurd softens up the Armor Knight boss with his Javelin, and Ethlin moves next to him and criticals with the Light Sword for the kill. I need her to get the Return Ring for money purposes. Cuan softens up another armor while Fin finishes it off, Lex also finishes off another Armor while Midir procs Charge and kills off another one. The rest of my troops advance forward and Lachesis heals up Holyn for EXP.

The Armors start attacking my units, and the Ballistae targets Ethlin even though she has the highest evade among the cavs.

Turn 7:

Midir softens up an Armor Knight and cantos back, and Lachesis heals him. Ayra and Holyn surround him to prevent him from being rushed. Lex softens up an Armor while Cuan, Sigurd and Fin take out the Ballistae and canto forward. Ethlin heals up Lex.

The Paladins take out another armor, while Lachesis, Ayra and Midir are set on by some more.

Turn 8:

Ayra softens up the Priest and Lachesis grabs the kill. Midir kills one Armor and Holyn softens another while Azel kills a weakened Armor with Thunder. Cuan softens up an Armor with his Javelin, while Sigurd hits the boss as well. Jamka gets into position near Anphony.

The Paladins finish off the remaining Armor. The boss hits Sigurd who counters with Javelin, and Cuan softens up the Armor there a bit more.

Turn 9:

Sigurd finishes off the boss and conquers Heirhein. Fin and Cuan move up and Fin gets the Hero Lance from the convo. Ethlin heals up Cuan. The rest of my troops push forward and Lachesis heals up Ayra.

Voltz and his mercs appear and the Armor Knights start streaming out of the castle.

Turn 10:

Levin and Sylvia appear, and Levin kills off two brigands by proccing Continue and Critical. Cuan moves up and chips at the Duke Knight with a Javelin. Sigurd moves up, and Ethlin heals him and cantos forward. The rest of my troops continue moving. Ayra moves toward Anphony.

The Duke and Lance knights attack Ethlin and Fin, Fin counterkills one while Ethlin is left at 11 HP. Voltz and his Mercs start moving.

Turn 11:

Levin moves, gets refreshed by Sylvia and kills a third Brigand with Continue. Ethlin heals Fin, and Fin kills off the Duke Knight, charging headlong into the horde of Armors. Midir finishes off the Lance Knight and cantos to the right, while Sigurd moves forward and Cuan moves to the right. Lex, Holyn and Ayra head towards Anphony while Azel, Lachesis, Aideen and Dew continue moving forward. Diadora warps Ardan to Heirhein.

Unfortunately, Fin doesn't double the Sword Armors (1 speed point away =/), so there are 4 of them left and 3 Bow Armors as well.

Turn 13:

Levin moves up, gets refreshed by Sylvia and chips away at a Brigand. Sigurd and Cuan move up to help Fin, both equipping their Javelins after taking out an Armor each. Ethlin heals up Midir who runs to the right. Fin takes out a Bow Armor and retreats into the forest.

Fin is attacked by the Sword and Bow Armors at ~20 hit rates due to Sigurd's Leadership and the Forest, and all of them miss. Voltz and his Mercs move down again.

Turn 14:

Levin finishes off the Brigand while Sylvia moves forward. Fin talks to Beowulf, who runs off above the castle to get out of Voltz' range. Sigurd chips at the boss with his Steel Lance and cantos away. Cuan runs out of Voltz' range and Ethlin moves closer to Levin. The rest of my team move up as usual, Lachesis moving towards Heirhein and Ardan moving downward to get the Pursuit Ring.

Fin rapes 3/4 of Voltz' team before running out of Hero Lance uses (RAGE), but he still dodged everything thrown at him and was left at 3 HP, enough to ensure another Prayer activation if one of the Free Knights hit him.

Turn 15:

Sigurd chips some more of the boss' health, and cantos to safety. Beowulf moves out of Voltz' range yet again, and Fin takes his Steel Lance and chips at the Bow Armor. Midir moves through the forest to the right while Levin moves to the left with the help of Sylvia. Ethlin Returns him to the base. Cuan moves just out of Voltz' range, ready to help Fin out.

Fin takes out the remaining Free Knights and counters Voltz.

Turn 16:

Cuan procs a Continue on Voltz leaving him at 12 HP, and Fin kills him off. Sigurd attacks the boss with his Steel Lance again, leaving him at 2 HP, while Beowulf rushes down and chips a Bow Armor. Levin clears the Arena and goes up into the valley to wait for Fury. Lachesis heals up her Paladins and Ayra, Lex, Holyn and Jamka are in position near Anphony.

Fin dodges both Bow Shots and Sigurd counterkills the boss.

Turn 17:

Beowulf, Fin and Cuan finish off the remaining Armors and Sigurd Seizes.

Shagall sends out his troops. Holyn lures out the troops near Macedon and counterkills a Swordfighter. Holyn and Ayra both dodge Ballistae shots.

Turn 18:

I move Holyn out of range of the Ballista and Lex diagonally next to him, also out of range of the Ballista to take out the rushing Swordfighters. Sigurd repairs his stuff and moves down, where Aideen heals him and Ethlin Returns him. Fin repairs his stuff and decimates the Arena, selling the Elite Ring afterward. Cuan repairs his weapons and moves down, Beowulf moves down as well. Lachesis buys the Elite Ring and clears two rounds of the Arena. Diadora enters the castle to prepare to Warp Sigurd to Heirhein.

An Archer misses his shot on Holyn, and Lex counterkills two Swordfighters, leaving one at near half health.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   19.41  50  21  01  19  18  11  22  09  ☆
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  5
Alec     09.63  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  5
Ardan    lol                                    3
Fin      19.44  43  15  00  20  20  14  15  01  ☆
Cuan     14.83  44  18  01  12  17  06  15  04  ☆
Midir    10.84  35  12  01  08  12  03  10  01  7
Levin    09.87  35  01  12  12  17  07  08  09  4
Holyn    14.81  42  14  01  18  18  01  13  01  ☆
Azel     06.01  32  01  11  08  13  06  03  06  4
Jamka    11.68  39  11  00  14  16  06  11  01  ☆
Beowulf  09.55  38  14  00  11  11  03  10  00  1
Lex      18.16  44  18  00  11  14  13  18  00  ☆
Dew      05.31  30  04  00  07  15  14  02  00  3
Diadora  14.87  33  00  23  10  15  07  04  25  4
Ethlin   11.30  35  10  08  15  13  10  09  06  3
Lachesis 05.50  28  06  09  10  15  06  07  09  3
Ayra     11.40  36  11  00  26  19  04  07  02  ☆
Sylvia   01.60  28  03  00  04  12  06  01  05  1
Aideen   06.35  30  00  14  08  09  13  01  10  1 

Turn 19:

Azel and Aideen head towards the Bargain Ring village while Dew loots some Gold from another village down south. Fin, Cuan and Beowulf continue to move southward, and Levin northward. Sigurd is Warped to Heirhein by Diadora, and joins the rest of the cavs. Ardan moves toward the Pursuit Ring once more (forgot to move him on the turn before ~_~).

Jamka picks off a weakened Swordfighter while Holyn moves forward into the grass and picks off the Bowfighter. Lex kills a Mage before cantoing back to block the passage. Holyn is almost killed by the horde of enemies, but the Mages decided to attack Lex instead of finishing him off, and he dodged the inaccurate Ballista shots as well.

Turn 20:

Ardan grabs the Pursuit Ring. Lex kills off the Mage while Jamka picks off the last remaining Bowfighter. The rest of the cavs bar Beowulf rush downward. Lachesis moves into Beowulf's range and Beowulf initiates the convo. Levin and Midir move toward their destinations once more.

Ayra dodges two Ballista shots and Jamka sidesteps the Lance Knight's attack.

Turn 21:

Jamka and Ayra retreat out of the Ballista range, while Lex picks off a Lance Knight. The rest of my team continues along.

Jamka gets hit by a Lance Knight, and Ayra counterkills one and weakens another, dodging the Duke Knight's attack.

Turn 22:

Sigurd charges forward and kills a Lance Knight, while Lex is healed by Ethlin and finishes off the Duke Knight. Jamka kills off the last Lance Knight. Dew grabs an Armor Cutter from the south village while Aideen and Azel meet up with Sylvia, and Sylvia refreshes her. Beowulf gets beaten down to 1 HP in the arena so Lachesis can heal him. Levin moves up and crits the random Armor in the Valley.

Levin kills 3 of Fury's Peg Knights on the counterattack, and Lex isn't attacked by the Sword-wielding Cavaliers because of his beastly defence. He softens up the Paladin.

Turn 23:

Levin recruits Fury, who moves to the left, taking care to stay out of the range of the Ballistae and Sleep Staff. Jamka kills one Sword Cav, Sigurd another. Lex softens up the Armor using his Hero Axe and moves out of range of the Sleep Staff. Cuan procs a Continue and kills off the Paladin, while Holyn is healed by Ethlin and kills off another Sword Cav.

Aideen gets the Bargain Ring with the help of Sylvia. Midir comes into range of the Ballistae and Javelin AKs, Lachesis heals up Beowulf again and Ayra stays out of range of the Ballistae.

Midir kills off two AKs with two lucky Charge activations, while only Ethlin gets hit by one of the five Ballista shots, and Holyn kills off the remaining Sword Cav on enemy phase.

Turn 24:

Holyn finishes off the Armor, and Sigurd rushes out and kills the boss and seizes. Fury approaches Sigurd and the rest of my team presses forward.

Zyne's crew appears. Midir kills off another Javelin AK and a Bow Knight on enemy phase, and wounds another Bow Knight.

Turn 25:

Midir finishes off the Bow Knight and cantos off to safety. Sigurd moves up allowing Fury to enter the castle, and she finishes the Arena without breaking a sweat. Lex fixes up his Hero Axe, and the rest of my team press forward. Ethlin guards the castle to restore some lost HP.

Turn 26:

Sigurd moves just out of Zyne's range to bait him into using his Javelin. Ethlin exits and heals up Jamka before continuing forward, the rest of my team following suit.

Zyne takes the bait and proceeds to eat a nasty counterattack. The rest of his troop charges.

Turn 27:

It's a shame Diadora can't promote, as she reached level 20 the last turn. Anyway, Fin finishes off Zyne with the Hero Lance. Sigurd and Lex each take out a Cav, and Cuan and Fury advance. The rest of my team do the same.

Sigurd isn't attacked by anything as he is too godly, while Lex counterkills everything that attacks him. I didn't bother to count.

Turn 28:

Midir softens up an Axe Knight while Fury finishes it off. Lex kills a Troubadour, while Cuan procs a Continue and kills another one. Fin finishes off an Armor with his Hero Lance, and Sigurd pressed on taking out one ballista with his Javelin.

Fin counterkills one Axe Knight while the other enemies attack him. They only take away half of his health.

Turn 29:

Jamka kills off a Bow Knight while Lex kills off another. Fin takes out the Armor, Cuan is able to rush in and aid Sigurd. Sigurd takes out another Ballista.

The Ballista hits Ethlin for 4 damage.

Turn 30:

Cuan rushes up and bops Shagall with the Silver Lance. Azel gets the last Village, and Lachesis scrapes up some more EXP by clearing the Arena. Sigurd finishes off Shagall and seizes.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   20.32  51  22  01  19  18  12  22  09  ☆
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  5
Alec     10.09  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  5
Ardan    lol                                    3
Fin      20.12  44  15  00  20  21  15  15  01  ☆
Cuan     15.47  45  19  01  12  17  06  16  04  ☆
Midir    12.36  37  12  01  09  12  03  11  01  7
Levin    10.85  36  01  12  12  18  07  08  09  ☆
Holyn    15.99  43  14  01  19  18  02  13  01  ☆
Azel     06.01  32  01  11  08  13  06  03  06  4
Jamka    13.10  41  11  00  14  16  06  11  01  ☆
Beowulf  10.37  38  15  00  11  12  03  10  00  3
Lex      22.24  47  21  00  12  14  13  21  00  ☆
Dew      05.31  30  04  00  07  15  14  02  00  3
Diadora  22.77  38  00  23  14  17  08  04  25  ☆
Ethlin   12.50  36  10  08  15  13  10  10  06  3
Lachesis 10.02  30  12  09  13  16  06  08  10  5
Ayra     11.97  36  11  00  26  19  04  07  02  ☆
Fury     09.44  33  11  01  12  20  07  09  09  ☆
Sylvia   02.50  29  03  00  04  12  06  01  06  1
Aideen   06.65  30  00  14  08  09  13  01  10  1 

Edited by Aquilae
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Chapter 2

Lachesis finishes the Arena with some luck from the RNG (I had to ensure that she didn't gain any HP or Def for three levels or the Hero Lance guy would break through Prayer easily). Lachesis sells off the Elite Ring and Sigurd, Fin and Jamka get it and use it for the Arena, selling it off afterward.

The rest of my team clear the arena to the best of their ability.


Lachesis sells the Knight Ring and Thief Sword, and buys a Silver Sword and Ethlin's Return Staff. Cuan gets the Pursuit Ring while Ethlin gets rid of her Return Ring. Fin sells off his Hero Lance and buys a Silver, while Fury takes the Hero Lance and Ethlin's Slim Sword. Aideen grabs the Warp and Libro Staffs. Beowulf takes the Armor Killer.

Dew gives his money to Sylvia and she buys the Knight Ring. Sigurd buys the Magic Ring and Diadora gives her money to him.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   23.78  53  24  06  20  18  13  22  09  ☆
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  1
Alec     10.09  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  1
Ardan    lol                                    1
Fin      23.48  44  21    ☆
Cuan     17.89  47  19  01  12  18  06  16  04  ☆
Midir    14.62  38  12  01  09  13  04  11  01  7
Levin    12.27  38  01  12  13  20  08  08  09  5
Holyn    18.33  45  15  01  21  19  02  14  01  ☆
Azel     07.79  32  01  11  09  14  06  03  06  5
Jamka    18.26  41  13  00  14  17  09  14  01  ☆
Beowulf  11.83  39  15  00  11  12  03  10  00  5
Lex      25.16  48  27  01  14  15  14  25  03  ☆
Dew      05.41  30  04  00  07  15  14  02  00  1
Diadora  23.53  39  03  23  15  17  09  04  25  6
Ethlin   13.38  37  10  08  15  13  10  10  06  3
Lachesis 15.82  31  15  09  13  16  06  08  10  ☆
Ayra     13.77  38  11  00  25  19  04  07  02  6
Fury     12.64  34  11  02  13  21  07  10  09  ☆
Sylvia   02.50  29  03  00  04  12  06  01  06  1
Aideen   06.65  30  00  14  08  09  13  01  10  1 

Turn 1:

Ayra moves out, followed by Lex who gives her the Hero Sword. Sigurd, Cuan, Fin and Ethlin move out, while Noish and Ardan park themselves near the castle, diagonally from each other. Midir and Levin both move into Sylvia's range, and Lachesis takes the third spot, Returning Ardan back. Sylvia refreshes the three of them, Levin and Midir move up while Lachesis returns Noish. Beowulf moves near Lachesis.

The rest of my troops continue forward.

Turn 2:

Lachesis Returns twice for 140 EXP with the help of Sylvia. The rest of the crew continue onward.

The Armors start moving, while the Pirates reach their first villages.

Turn 3:

Levin and Fury head in the direction of the Mages, cutting through the forest, Fury luring them out. Holyn and Jamka proceed to eliminate the Lance Knights, while Lex and Midir take out one Armor, Fin and Cuan take out the leader and together with Sigurd head up to lure out the castle guards. The rest of my team moves up as usual, Lachesis gets another 140 EXP and hits level 20 (^_^)

The mages didn't take the bait unfortunately, and Cuan is ganged up on by a troop of Armors and Bow Knights, leaving him at 8 HP.

Turn 4:

Azel and Ayra each take out a Bow Knight, while Fury takes out the captain. Lex and Midir take out more Bow Knights,

Cuan, Fin and Sigurd also take out an Armor each. Aideen Libros twice with the help of Sylvia for some more EXP. Lachesis reenters the castle. Jamka gets into the Duke Knight's Javelin range, while Holyn stays out of range for now.

Fury and Fin counterkill one Armor each while the rest go for easier targets. Levin dodges the Mage and hits it back, while Holyn counterkills a Lance Knight and Jamka reduces the Duke Knight to 13 HP.

Turn 5:

Fury swoops in and kills off the Mage Leader, while Ayra softens an Axe Armor for Azel to grab the kill. Aideen Libros up Ethlin and Fin with the help of Sylvia. Levin, Midir and Lex kill off Mages, while Cuan kills another Armor and cantos down. Fin softens up Jacoban and Sigurd kills him off with his Silver Sword.

Lachesis promotes and sells off the Return Staff and Elite Ring, and rushes out into the fray to wait for Eltoshan. Jamka and Holyn retreat, the latter going all the way to the top castle. Ethlin heals up Fin.

Turn 6:

Eltoshan and his Cross Knights appear. Sigurd, Fin and Ethlin move down and Sylvia refreshes them allowing them to rush down some more. Levin, Fury, Ayra and Holyn head to the bridge going to Orgahil, while Aideen Libros up Sigurd and heads to the top castle with Azel. Midir goes off to slaughter some pirates, while Jamka moves into range of the Cross Knights to pick some off.

Jamka counterkills one Cross Knight while the other surround Eltoshan.

Turn 7:

Jamka runs away from the horde of impending doom, while Cuan kills one Cross Knight with his Silver Lance. Lachesis kills another and talks to Eltoshan. She equips the Prayer Sword. Sigurd, Fin and Ethlin move forward, the latter staying in Leadership range. Sylvia moves towards Sigurd, while the rest of the team continue moving forward.

The Cross Knights whip out their Javelins, and Ethlin is left with 4 HP, wounding several Cross Knights.

Turn 8:

Jamka, Holyn, Beowulf and Fin take out a Cross Knight each, then Sylvia refreshes all four of them, allowing them to take out four more. Cuan, Ethlin, Sigurd and Lachesis finish off the stragglers, and canto towards the southwest castle. Aideen starts using Warp on Azel.

Cuan kills an Armor on enemy phase.

Turn 9:

Cuan weakens an Armor before letting Sigurd kill it with his Silver Sword. The latter moves into range of the Armors with Cuan and Lachesis following behind. Fin kills off the last armor and Ethlin heals him up.

Sigurd counterkills 3 Armors on enemy phase. The Dragon Knights start moving towards Fury who was heading up to snatch Pirate kills.

Turn 10:

Beowulf and Fin clear the way for Cuan and Lachesis to chip at Shagall with the Javelin and Earth Sword. Sigurd finishes off Shagall and captures the castle. Ayra blocks the path where the bridge would be. Fury veers to the left to help out Tiltyu and Claude.

Brigid counterkills two Pirates on enemy phase, and Ayra kills off 6 Pirates with her Hero Sword.

Turn 11:

Sigurd stores the Thunder Sword and buys the Return Ring, selling off the Res Ring afterward. Fin sells off the Speed Ring and Knight Killer, and buys the Res Ring. Ethlin gives Cuan the Gay Bolg, while Cuan sells everything but the Gae Bolg and gives the proceeds to Ethlin. Beowulf grabs the village while Lachesis follows him.

Aideen and Azel become lovers, so Azel moves up while Aideen Warps him back. Ayra and Lex take out two Pirates, while Levin takes out another. Midir kills off the Pirate attacking the far left village and gets the Restore Staff.

Claude Fortifies, healing Fury, while Tiltyu moves to get knocked into Wrath range by the pirate. Brigid retreats.

Sylvia Dances for Sigurd, and Sigurd warps back to the home castle.

The pirate misses Tiltyu, and Levin kills both the remaining pirates on enemy phase, the boss retreats for some reason.

Turn 12:

Tiltyu finishes off the pirate while Lex, Ayra and Levin advance. Ethlin heals Lachesis and sells off all her equipment, and buys the Elite Ring, Return Staff and Slim Sword. Sigurd and the rest of the team advance forward, while Brigid retreats yet again.

Apparently the pirate boss is retreating to get more troops from the castle, which is problematic as Lex cannot catch him in time. Brigid counterkills three Archers on enemy phase.

Turn 13:

Fury softens up the Pirate, while Tiltyu finishes it off. Lex, Ayra and Levin pursue the pirate boss, and Sigurd advances some more. Ethlin Returns Lachesis and Beowulf for more EXP, while Fin and Cuan head towards the main castle with Ethlin.

Tiltyu gets knocked into Wrath range and kills off the Pirate. The pirate boss moves into the castle.

Turn 14:

Lex, Ayra and Levin stop outside the castle to wait for the boss. Tiltyu snatches another kill, and Brigid retreats some more. Aideen heals up Jamka with Libro and heads toward Brigid. Ethlin returns Cuan and Fin with the help of Sylvia. Beowulf and Lachesis head out to build lover points.

The boss rushes out of the castle and manages to hit Ayra, but eats a heavy counter in the form of Meteor.

Turn 15:

Lex finishes off the boss and cantos away. Ayra and Levin retreat, afterwhich Ayra gets healed up by Aideen. Brigid meets up with Tiltyu, Fury and Claude. Sigurd stops next to the entrance of the castle to wait for Lex to pass the Leg Ring over. Ethlin is refreshed by Sylvia and Returns her as well.

The pirates are out of range and advance forward.

Turn 16:

Ayra and Levin team up on a Pirate while Jamka and Holyn give support. Fury kills off a Swordfighter and stays out of range of the Bowfighter, while Claude heals up Brigid and Tiltyu. Ethlin returns another two times and enters the castle to promote.

Brigid counterkills a Pirate while Fury weakens many more. Ayra counterkills four pirates with Meteor, and Levin kills off one of them.

Turn 17:

Lex sells the Leg Ring, and Sigurd grabs it and cantos to Orgahil. Azel, Levin, Jamka and Ayra clean up the pirates. Fury wipes out the Bowfighter with her Hero Lance and equips a Slim Sword, while Brigid and Tiltyu kill off two more pirates. Claude heals them up. Ethlin promotes and spams more Returns.

Fury weakens another clump of enemies, and Brigid dodges the rest of the shots.

Turn 18:

Sigurd rushes forward while Fury, Brigid and Tiltyu take care of more enemies. Holyn moves in range of the pirate guarding the castle to weaken it for Azel.

Turn 19:

Azel grabs the kill. Fury and Tiltyu clear out more pirates, leaving Brigid a clear path to Aideen.

Holyn weakens another pirate.

Turn 20, 21:

The usual...

Turn 22:

Aideen talks to Brigid to give her the Ichival. I want more EXP for Tiltyu so I'd have to wait for one more turn to throw her into the Arena. Levin starts attacking the boss.

Turn 23:

Azel finishes off the boss. Tiltyu gets warped back and finishes 4 levels of the arena. Ethlin sells off the Return Staff and Elite Ring. Sigurd seizes.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   24.80  54  24  06  20  18  13  18  04  ☆
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  1
Alec     10.09  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  1
Ardan    lol                                    1
Fin      24.11  46  21    ☆
Cuan     19.22  49  31  01  23  18  06  26  04  ☆
Midir    15.56  38  13  01  09  13  04  11  01  7
Levin    15.39  40  01  14  13  23  08  08  09  5
Holyn    19.11  45  15  01  22  19  03  14  01  ☆
Azel     10.55  35  06  13  09  16  06  04  06  5
Jamka    19.23  46  14  00  14  18  09  15  01  ☆
Claude   24.25  37  00  22  15  16  10  06  21  1
Beowulf  12.87  40  15  00  11  12  03  10  00  5
Lex      25.92  48  27  01  14  15  14  25  03  ☆
Dew      05.41  30  04  00  07  15  14  02  00  1
Diadora  23.53  39  03  23  15  17  09  04  25  6
Ethlin   28.31  48  18  10  21  21  14  18  09  ☆
Lachesis 20.87  34  24  09  20  21  09  16  11  ☆
Ayra     18.15  40  12  01  28  21  05  07  02  6
Fury     16.47  35  13  02  13  22  08  11  10  ☆
Tiltyu   09.05  33  02  11  18  13  12  01  10  5
Sylvia   04.20  30  03  00  04  12  06  01  08  1
Aideen   13.15  35  01  14  09  10  18  02  10  1 
Brigid   14.80  42  31  01  23  31  08  14  09  1

Chapter 4


I gave the Elite Ring to those who could afford it. Tiltyu got the Magic Ring, and Brigid the Leg Ring. Lachesis bought an Elfire and a Return Staff. Beowulf got a Hero Sword while Azel got a Wind Tome.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   25.20  54  25  01  21  18  13  18  04  3
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  1
Alec     10.09  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  1
Ardan    lol                                    1
Fin      24.11  46  21  00  22  18  17  17  09  1
Cuan     19.22  49  31  01  23  18  06  26  04  1
Midir    18.40  38  13  02  09  13  04  11  01  7
Levin    19.73  44  01  14  13  25  09  08  09  ☆
Holyn    21.53  47  21  04  25  22  04  16  04  ☆
Azel     16.95  41  06  15  11  17  07  04  06  ☆
Jamka    21.65  48  19  00  16  21  10  18  04  ☆
Claude   24.25  37  00  22  15  16  10  06  21  1
Beowulf  16.15  41  18  00  12  14  05  11  00  ☆
Lex      28.16  50  27  01  15  15  14  25  03  7
Dew      05.41  30  04  00  07  15  14  02  00  1
Diadora  23.53  39  03  23  15  17  09  04  25  1
Ethlin   28.31  48  18  10  21  21  14  18  09  1
Lachesis 23.70  36  26  09  20  21  11  17  11  ☆
Ayra     20.71  40  17  01  34  27  05  07  05  ☆
Fury     19.71  38  14  02  13  22  08  13  10  ☆
Tiltyu   12.81  35  02  17  19  15  13  01  11  ☆
Sylvia   04.20  30  03  00  04  12  06  01  08  1
Aideen   13.15  35  01  14  09  10  18  02  10  1 
Brigid   17.80  44  31  02  23  33  11  14  09  ☆

Turn 1:

Azel moves out and Aideen initiates the conversation, netting a Rescue Staff. Beowulf, Sigurd, Lachesis and Lex move out, and Sylvia refreshes them and they charge forward once more. The rest of my team except for Noish, Alec and Ardan move out.

Turn 2:

Dew moves out and is refreshed by Sylvia, the rest of my team move forward as usual with the exception of Aideen, who reenters the castle, and Azel who heads towards Silesia.

Turn 3:

Lachesis weakens the Brigand with Elfire and Sigurd, Lex and Beowulf each kill off a Wind Mage. Brigid, Holyn and Midir are refreshed by Sylvia, and they proceed forward with the rest of the team.

Beowulf and Lex are weakened by the Wind Mages, while the Bishop heals up the Brigand.

Turn 4:

Claude, Jamka and Ayra are refreshed by Sylvia who cantos upward. Brigid and Holyn move up, the former taking out another Wind Mage. Claude rushes in and drops a Fortify healing the mounts. Midir also takes out another Wind Mage, while Sigurd, Beowulf and Lex help out, Lachesis taking out the Bishop. Dew moves up and steals 5000G. Levin takes out a Pirate and reaches level 20.

Lex gets hit by a Wind Mage, while Beowulf evades the hit.

Turn 5:

Brigid finishes off another Wind Mage while Lachesis moves into the range of the Pegasi, with Sigurd nearby to offer Leadership bonuses. Beowulf kills off the remaining Wind Mage while Lex moves forward. The rest of my team move forward, Levin heading back to the castle.

Lachesis counterkills 3 Pegasi on enemy phase.

Turn 6:

Sigurd takes out one Pegasus, while Brigid takes out another. Midir and Lachesis kill the leader, and Lex steals a kill. The rest of my team advances forward.

Beowulf and Lachesis weaken Pegasus Knights on the enemy phase.

Turn 7:

Beowulf kills one Pegasus and cantos forward. Midir and Lex do the same, and Sigurd moves into range of the Swordfighter and Mage.

The enemies hold their ground.

Turn 8:

Sigurd kills off the Wind Mage and moves directly into range of the Swordfighters, while the rest of my team move on. Levin enters the castle.

Sigurd gets two more kills for his Silver Sword but is hit by two Blizzards from the Mages. The bridge gets raised.

Turn 9:

Lachesis moves up and heals Sigurd. The rest of my team move cautiously, taking care not to expose themselves to too many enemies. Levin promotes and moves out, next to Tiltyu to build lover points.

Beowulf dodges two Blizzards at 15 and 25 hit respectively, but gets hit by another one at 15 hit.

Turn 10:

Sigurd takes out one of the Blizzard Mages, and Beowulf is healed by Lachesis. My team keeps on moving.

Sigurd dodges an Elwind while Dew dodges another Blizzard. Brigid sidesteps the Blizzard from the mage in the mountains.

Turn 11:

Dew grabs more money from a Pirate while Sigurd and Beowulf team up to take down the Magefighter. Brigid kills off the other Wind Mage. Fury enters the castle, ready to promote next turn.

Lachesis recovers some HP by counterattacking an Armor with her Earth Sword.

Turn 12:

Dew, with the help of Sylvia, can drop the drawbridge. Brigid rushes into the fray and takes out an Armor, while Beowulf takes out a Mage. Midir kills the weakened Armor, while Lex weakens the boss so that Sigurd can kill him. Sigurd does just that and Seizes.

I'm going to leave Lex here with Ayra and Brigid with Holyn to build Lover Points, the rest of the units I'm going to send back to the castle. Lachesis heals up Lex. Fury promotes and rushes out of the castle.

Turn 13:

Dew gives Sylvia money so she can afford the Leg Ring. Aideen sells the Rescue Staff. Lachesis sends Sigurd back, and buys the Rescue Staff and the Return Ring after selling Elfire.

Turn 14:

Lachesis sends Beowulf and Midir back with the help of Sylvia. Dew goes to loot more villages.

Turn 15:

Mahnya is dead. Oh no. Lachesis sends Sylvia back, and Returns back as well. Brigid sells the Leg Ring and Sylvia buys it. Aideen Warps Ardan for some more EXP, and Sylvia Dances allowing Aideen to promote.

Turn 16:

Lachesis pulls Sylvia over to the bridge. Pamela makes her way to Thove.

Turn 17:

Claude drops a Fortify, healing the team.

Turn 18:

More waiting...

Turn 19:

Scorpio's troops have finally taken Silesia. Lachesis pulls Sigurd over and Sigurd moves down. Sylvia refreshes them both. Lachesis pulls Beowulf over as well, and Sigurd makes his way down. Fury takes out one Mage. The rest of my team advance.

Turn 20:

Sigurd jumps right into the fray, killing an Axefighter. Lachesis pulls Beowulf over the mountains. Beowulf kills an Axefighter and cantos back, and both of them are refreshed by Sylvia and grab more kills.

Sigurd and company are attacked by a bunch of ranged units on enemy phase, but survive the assault. Beowulf counterkills two Axefighters.

Turn 21:

Beowulf kills off a Mage obstructing the path, while Lachesis weakens the boss with her Earth Sword. Both canto back, and Sylvia refresh them before cantoing forward. Sigurd kills the boss, and Lachesis moves forward and Rescues him. Tiltyu and Azel grab civilians, while Aideen Warps Levin over to Silesia. Levin grabs Holsety and sells off Elwind.

Brigid moves in range of Pamela's group and equips Ichival.

Brigid counterkills 3 Peg Knights on enemy phase, while Levin takes out 2 Wind Mages.

Turn 22:

Sigurd rushes forward, while Lachesis rescues Levin and cantos forward. Levin moves two spaces below her and Beowulf diagonally below her. Sylvia refreshes the three of them, and Lachesis pulls Levin further forward and cantos out of range of the merc troop. Levin moves into the forest and waits.

Aideen warps Azel to Silesia to hold the castle, while Tiltyu grabs another civilian.

Azel survives the assault dealing heavy counters to the Axefighters. Levin counterkills two Bowfighters and a Swordfighter, while the remaining Pegs move towards Thove with the exception of Pamela who tries to slip away into Zax castle.

Turn 23:

Levin kills off Lamia, and Beowulf finishes off one of her Mages. Lachesis rushes forward and pulls Sigurd, and Sylvia refreshes Lachesis, Beowulf and Levin. Sigurd, Levin, Beowulf and Lachesis kill every enemy except the Priest, and canto forward.

Tiltyu takes another Civilian while Ayra and Lex kill two more Peg Knights.

Sigurd eats a nasty Blizzard from the boss. Azel kills off the three remaining Axefighters, while Ayra is targeted by more Peg Knights throwing Javelins.

Turn 24:

Ayra, Brigid and Holyn finish off the last of the Peg Knights. Midir gets the last civilian as Tiltyu cannot reach him. Levin, with the help of Sylvia takes out the boss, afterwhich Beowulf clears a path for Sigurd to Seize.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   26.61  55  25  01  21  19  13  18  04  3
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  1
Alec     10.09  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  1
Ardan    lol                                    1
Fin      24.11  46  21  00  22  18  17  17  09  1
Cuan     19.22  49  31  01  23  18  06  26  04  1
Midir    20.19  39  14  02  09  13  04  13  01  7
Levin    22.65  47  02  23  29  50  09  09  14  ☆
Holyn    21.77  47  21  04  25  22  04  16  04  ☆
Azel     19.80  43  07  16  13  17  07  04  07  ☆
Jamka    22.20  49  19  00  16  22  10  18  04  ☆
Claude   27.65  39  00  24  17  16  11  06  23  1
Beowulf  20.15  43  18  00  14  16  05  13  00  ☆
Lex      29.16  51  27  01  15  15  14  25  03  7
Dew      06.01  30  04  00  08  15  14  02  00  1
Diadora  23.53  39  03  23  15  17  09  04  25  1
Ethlin   28.31  48  18  10  21  21  14  18  09  1
Lachesis 30.00  41  27  09  22  22  13  17  12  ☆
Ayra     21.47  41  17  01  35  27  05  11  05  ☆
Fury     20.53  39  15  09  17  25  08  14  15  ☆
Tiltyu   15.99  38  03  18  20  16  13  02  11  ☆
Sylvia   06.00  30  03  00  05  12  06  01  09  1
Aideen   21.55  37  02  19  14  16  22  04  11  1 
Brigid   20.32  47  32  03  24  33  14  15  09  ☆

Edited by Aquilae
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Chapter 5:


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   30.00  61  25  01  22  21  14  24  04  ☆
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  1
Alec     10.09  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  1
Ardan    04.68  37  14  00  05  05  03  13  00  1
Fin      24.11  46  21  00  22  18  17  17  09  1
Cuan     19.22  49  31  01  23  18  06  26  04  1
Midir    21.49  40  17  02  11  15  04  15  04  5
Levin    25.30  49  03  23  29  50  10  09  14  ☆
Holyn    24.29  50  27  04  27  23  05  17  04  ☆
Azel     21.64  43  07  19  15  19  07  08  09  4
Jamka    26.32  51  20  00  16  24  12  19  04  ☆
Claude   27.65  39  00  24  17  16  11  06  23  1
Beowulf  22.85  44  19  00  23  22  05  17  03  ☆
Lex      30.00  52  27  01  15  15  15  25  03  5
Dew      06.01  30  04  00  08  15  14  02  00  1
Diadora  23.53  39  03  23  15  17  09  04  25  1
Ethlin   28.31  48  18  10  21  21  14  18  09  1
Lachesis 30.00  41  27  09  22  22  13  17  12  ☆
Ayra     24.10  43  17  02  35  28  05  13  05  ☆
Fury     23.19  39  15  10  18  26  09  15  15  ☆
Tiltyu   19.25  41  03  18  21  20  15  02  11  ☆
Sylvia   06.00  30  03  00  05  12  06  01  09  1
Aideen   22.37  38  02  19  14  17  22  04  11  4 
Brigid   23.00  49  35  03  24  33  17  16  09  ☆


Sigurd bought a Light Sword, a Thief Sword and an Elite Ring and brought the Defence Ring out of storage, giving him 7 slots so he can store the Tyrfing. Sigurd must get 20000G by Phinora, so I plan to have him steal G with the Thief Sword, and maybe giving him some from Dew.

The rest of my units prepare for inheritance. Holyn buys a Power Ring, a Hero Sword and a Return Ring while selling his Silver Blade. Beowulf buys the Silver Blade. Lex buys a Pursuit Ring for Skasha to inherit and sell, while Lachesis buys the Relive staff, and sells the Return Ring. Fury buys a Thunder Sword and Slim Lance.

Turn 1:

Levin moves out and gets pulled over by Lachesis, and Sigurd and Beowulf surround a square, Sylvia promptly refreshes them. The rest of my unpaired units try to make pairings, while Dew goes up to steal from a Brigand and Azel and Midir go to deal with the troop of Armor Knights.

Sigurd weakens two Armors on enemy phase.

Turn 2:

Levin finishes off the General while Sigurd, Beowulf and Lachesis each take out another unit. All four of them are refreshed by Sylvia, and Sigurd steals 5000G from a Brigand, while Lachesis and Beowulf take out the other units and move forward. The rest of my troops continue to build lover points.

Sigurd gets the Tyrfing, and counterkills 3 Axe Knights, getting the Silver Sword to 51 kills.

Turn 3:

Levin, Sigurd and Lachesis take out 3 Axe Knights, while Sylvia refreshes them. Sigurd steals another 3000G from the leader. Lachesis rescues Levin over, and he throws himself in the range of the horde of Bow Knights. Beowulf finishes off the leader of the Axe Knights. Azel and Midir take out an Armor each.

Sylvia is attacked by the Axe Knights, and Prayer activates giving her 90% more evasion. Levin annihilates the horde of Bow Knights without breaking a sweat.

Turn 4:

Levin kills off the Swanchika guy with a crit. Beowulf and Lachesis are refreshed by Sylvia, and Beowulf takes out the Armor, and Lachesis rescues Sigurd who steals 3000G and waits on the entrance (Tiltyu needs to gain 1 more EXP to promote).

Claude is attacked by two Axe Knights and dodges one, while Sylvia gets Prayer again. Midir lures two Axe Armors for Tiltyu to kill.

Turn 5:

Tiltyu gets to level 20, while Dew, Midir and Azel grab some more EXP (or G in Dew's case). Sigurd seizes. Lachesis rescues Sigurd, and Levin moves down while Sylvia refreshes the three of them and they make their way towards the barrier.

Cuan and Ethlin arrive.

Turn 6:

Lachesis, Beowulf, Levin and Sigurd move down while Sylvia refreshes them. They move further down.

Turn 7:

Sylvia refreshes both Levin and Beowulf, and they both move down further. Lachesis and Sigurd move down as well. Tiltyu promotes.

Cuan and Ethlin's troops are wiped out, while Beowulf eats a nasty Meteor to the face.

Turn 8:

Levin takes out the boss. Beowulf, Lachesis and Sigurd are refreshed by Sylvia. Beowulf clears a path allowing Sigurd to Seize. Lachesis Rescues Sigurd, and Tiltyu is Warped to Phinora. She moves next to Levin to build Lover points. Sylvia sells the Leg Ring and Sigurd buys it, and fixes the Tyrfing to 5 uses. Aideen Warps Azel to Phinora to defend it.

Turn 9:

I have to glue Levin and Tiltyu, otherwise I can't make the pairing. Levin and Tiltyu get refreshed by Sylvia and move down. Beowulf and Lachesis are lovers so they can be seperated.

Turns 10-12

The team moves through the desert, while the Dragon Knights go after the mounts.

Turn 13:

Sylvia runs away from the horde of Dracoknights, and Levin and Tiltyu guard the mounts from the Dracoknights.

I had to reset a few times for this outcome, but eventually Lachesis dodged enough shots to redirect the hits to Tiltyu and Levin, who had higher evasion.

Turn 14:

Lachesis healed up some HP with her Earth Sword, while everyone else killed off more Dragon Knights.

The Dragon Knights suicided on enemy phase, only managing to hit Tiltyu.

Turn 15:

Lachesis healed Sigurd while Tiltyu healed Levin. Sylvia enters Phinora and sells her Knight Ring and buys an Iron Sword, and knocks herself down to 1 HP so that the Meteor Mages can kill her.

Sylvia dies. Yay.

Turn 16:

More moving through the desert. Ayra buys the Knight Ring so that Lakche can sell it for money.

Turn 17:

Reptor doesn't want to attack Levin for some reason. Anyway, more moving around, but my guys are finally out of the desert.

Turn 18-20

More moving. Reptor's troop charges at the end of turn 20.

Turn 21:

Levin moves into Reptor's range, and kills off a Priest. Tiltyu follows behind him while Lachesis and Sigurd provide bonuses.

Levin counterkills Reptor on enemy phase, and Tiltyu and Sigurd counter some enemies too. Dew gives his money to Aideen, who buys a Speed Ring and a Silence Staff for Rana to sell.

Turns 22-32:

Slow pairings are slow. I finally get all my pairings, and Sigurd talks to Aida to end the first generation.



Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Sigurd   30.00  61  25  01  22  21  14  24  04  ☆
Noish    07.97  35  12  00  09  09  04  10  00  1
Alec     10.09  38  11  00  11  13  07  10  00  1
Ardan    04.68  37  14  00  05  05  03  13  00  1
Fin      24.11  46  21  00  22  18  17  17  09  1
Cuan     19.22  49  31  01  23  18  06  26  04  1
Midir    21.77  40  17  02  11  15  04  15  04  5
Levin    28.47  52  03  24  32  50  11  10  14  ☆
Holyn    24.29  50  27  04  27  23  05  17  04  ☆
Azel     22.80  44  07  19  15  20  07  08  09  4
Jamka    26.32  51  20  00  16  24  12  19  04  ☆
Claude   29.35  41  00  26  18  17  12  07  23  1
Beowulf  24.85  46  20  00  23  22  05  17  03  ☆
Lex      30.00  52  27  01  15  15  15  25  03  5
Dew      06.66  30  04  00  08  15  14  02  00  1
Diadora  23.53  39  03  23  15  17  09  04  25  1
Ethlin   28.31  48  18  10  21  21  14  18  09  1
Lachesis 30.00  41  27  09  22  22  13  17  12  ☆
Ayra     24.17  43  17  02  35  28  05  13  05  ☆
Fury     23.37  39  15  10  18  26  09  15  15  ☆
Tiltyu   22.23  43  06  24  24  27  17  06  16  ☆
Sylvia   06.00  30  03  00  05  12  06  01  09  RIP
Aideen   23.57  38  02  20  14  23  22  04  11  4
Brigid   23.00  49  35  03  24  33  17  16  09  ☆

Prologue: 11 turns

Chapter 1: 26 turns

Chapter 2: 30 turns

Chapter 3: 23 turns

Chapter 4: 24 turns

Chapter 5: 22 + 10 turns

136 turns

I could have done Chapter 4 faster, but the pairings I chose slowed me down big-time. It'd certainly make the second-generation easier, but I don't think it would have much of an impact on future turncounts anyway.

Edited by Aquilae
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I never get how people have Lex clear the arena. Maybe I just have bad luck, but he normally fails miserably against the Swordfighters, even with the Hero Axe and Skill Ring. If I'm really lucky, he hits once.

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Against unpromoted ones, he only needs to hit twice, maybe thrice, for the KO. Meanwhile the Swordfighters tend to double him for pitful damage. So his chances of winning are considerable...he should get about 3-4 full rounds at the very least, where he whacks twice, and only needs 2-3 hits to land. And I'm sure lots of people savestate before entering the arena, then if he fails to win, try to use someone else first then try again.

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I actually wrote it down, for the the swordfighter (at rank 4) in the Ch 1 arena he needs 12 strength to 2HKO him with the hero axe, for the chapter 2 arena 15 strength. With ambush you can just fight over and over from 1 hp until he double hits them with his crappy 35ish hit. He'll always have plenty of money to repair damage to the hero axe so there's not much reason not to do it. It would have been hell on the actual SNES but with an emulator and frameskip it's not too terrible. By the later chapter arenas after promotion his defense will get so inflated that they have like a 50RKO on him and he can just whiff as many 30 hit attacks as he wants and still win.

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Chapter 6

I saved and reset so that Celice would get 3 Leadership Stars which helps a little with evasion and accuracy.

Turn 1:

Celice rushes down with the Silver Sword, while Lakche, Lana and Skasha follow him.

Celice counters one of the Axefighters, while the rest advance toward my team.

Turn 2:

Celice rushes down again and equips the Light Sword. Lakche kills off the weakened Axefighter, cantos and Skasha scores a crit on the other Axefighter, ORKOing it. Lana heals Skasha with Libro.

Lakche and Skasha each weaken an enemy on enemy phase, while Celice counters the Bow Armor and an Axefighter, bringing them to around half health.

Turn 3:

Oifaye, Delmud and Lester arrives, and Lester talks to Lana for a Luck boost. Lakche kills an Axefighter while Skasha pulls off another crit on the Axe Armor killing it. Lana heals up Celice and he finishes off the Bow Armor with his Silver Sword.

The Axefighters avoid Celice and head towards the rest of my team.

Turn 4:

Lester, Oifaye and Skasha kill off three Axefighters while Lakche weakens one. Celice rushes forward and weakens the Bow Armor with his Light Sword.

Celice counterkills the Bow Armor while Oifaye counterkills an Axefighter.

Turn 5:

Celice rushes forward again, while the rest of my team keep plodding on.

Delmud and Oifaye each counterkill an Axe Armor.

Turn 6:

Celice weakens the Bow Armor while the rest of my team continue moving onwards.

Celice counterkills the Bow Armor with his Light Sword and weakens a whole bunch of other enemies.

Turn 7:

Oifaye clears a path for Celice with his Javelin, and Celice kills a Bow Armor with a Silver Sword crit.

Oifaye kills all the reinforcements except one.

Turn 8:

Lester finishes one Axefighter off. Lana heals up Oifaye who charges forward with Celice.

Turn 9:

Oifaye kills one of the Armors and moves up, while Celice severely weakens the boss with his Silver Sword.

Celice counterkills one Axe Armor and the boss as well.

Turn 10:

Oifaye kills the Brigand with a crit. Celice Seizes. Lakche and the rest head towards Johalva's troops. Julia heads toward Lana.

Turn 11:

Celice repairs his Silver Sword, and heads toward Johan. Delmud gets into range of one of the Axe Knights, while Lakche and Skasha head towards Johalva's troops. Julia moves into Lana's range and gets a Relive staff.

Skasha weakens one of Johalva's troops while Delmud outright kills Johan's troop.

Turn 12:

Celice and Delmud kill another Axe Knight, while Lester fails to KO the weakened Axefighter. Oifaye moves down yet again. Arthur moves to the right while Fee weakens the brigand.

Delmud, Skasha and Lakche counterkill most of the Axe Knights, while Delmud counterkills Johan.

Turn 13:

Lester picks off an Axe Knight, Lana heals Delmud. Lakche recruits Johalva who finishes off yet another Axe Knight. Arthur further weakens the Brigand so Fee can pick it off.

The horde of Axe Knights start charging forward.

Turn 14:

Lana heals Skasha, and the rest of my team advance toward the Axe Knights. Fee weakens another Brigand while Arthur gets a Village.

Turn 15:

Fee finishes off the Brigand, gets the village. Julia heals up Lakche.

Turn 16:

Celice rushes straight into the troop. The rest of my troops advance.

He counterattacks, weakening most of them. Some attack Delmud, while the boss cannot attack Celice due to the number of enemies blocking.

Turn 17:

Celice kills one with the Silver Sword as he is running out of Light Sword uses. Delmud retreats.

Celice is attacked by them, and only one hit connects. The boss is severely weakened, but Celice again fails to kill him.

Turn 18:

Delmud takes out an Axe Knight while Skasha finishes off the boss. Celice kills off another Axe Knight with his Silver Sword, while the rest of my team advance yet again. Lana heals up Delmud.

Oifaye counterkills two Axe Knights with his Javelin.

Turn 19:

Oifaye, Delmud and Skasha kill more Axe Knights. Celice kills the boss with a crit. Julia gets the Village with the Skill Ring, while Lana prepares to Warp her over to talk to Celice.

Oifaye counterkills one Axe Knight.

Turn 20:

Fee chips at Dannan with her Thunder Sword, Celice captures the castle, while the rest of my troops advance forward.

Lester counterkills an Axe Knight.

Turn 21:

Celice moves away, Julia is Warped over and she gets Rezire from the conversation.

Turn 22:

Lana Warps Ayra for more EXP. Celice moves forward while Fee chips at the boss again.

Turn 23:

The usual...

Turn 24:

Oifaye and Delmud weaken the boss and Celice kills him with his Light Sword.

Turn 25:

Celice Seizes.

Ugh... I could have gone much faster on this chapter if Celice could reliably ORKO. With a Magic / Power Ring, he could ensure ORKOs on most of the enemies and might be able to reach promotion by the next chapter.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Celice   13.62  51  16  05  12  12  20  17  04  1
Skasha   07.22  35  12  00  17  17  11  13  01  1
Johalva  12.20  42  16  00  07  16  05  14  01  1
Delmud   07.16  36  15  00  09  12  08  09  01  1
Lester   lol                                    1
Arthur   02.13  30  00  09  19  31  06  02  06  1
Oifaye   16.89  41  16  09  18  16  08  18  08  1
Lakche   04.44  31  10  00  14  14  05  09  02  1
Lana     05.40  31  01  10  08  16  17  02  08  1
Julia    01.60  24  00  11  13  11  05  03  14  1
Fee      03.82  27  08  02  10  15  07  07  09  1

Chapter 7:


I repaired Celice's stuff, and let him keep the Elite Ring so that he can hopefully promote mid-chapter. Julia got the Warp Staff to grind EXP and to Warp Celice back later. I'm going to leave Lester in the castle since he is close to absolute shit. Oifaye got a Slim Lance, a Flame Sword and an Iron Blade, while Skasha got a Steel Blade and a Slim Sword, Lakche a Steel Sword. Johalva got the Hero Axe.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Celice   16.74  51  16  05  14  13  21  19  05  ☆
Skasha   11.86  42  14  00  20  17  12  15  02  ☆
Johalva  13.56  43  16  00  07  16  05  15  01  7
Delmud   09.60  39  16  00  09  14  08  09  01  ☆
Lester   lol                                    3
Arthur   05.23  35  01  09  21  34  06  02  06  ☆
Oifaye   18.07  43  16  09  18  17  09  18  09  ☆
Lakche   09.80  35  14  00  22  16  07  09  03  ☆
Lana     05.40  31  01  10  08  16  17  02  08  1
Julia    04.78  27  00  14  13  13  05  03  16  ☆
Fee      06.70  29  09  02  10  16  08  09  09  ☆
Leaf     base
Shannan  base
Nanna    base
Fin      base
Patty    base

Turn 1:

Shannan gets the Balmung. Patty uses the Return Ring to warp back to the home castle. Fin moves down to deal with the Armor Knights, while Nanna and Leaf go to the left to protect the villages.

The rest of my team, bar Julia and Lester, rush down. Celice equips his Light Sword and enters the range of one Dark Mage, while Delmud stays out of it. Oifaye talks to Delmud to give the latter a stat boost.

Celice weakens the Dark Mage, while Shannan counterkills 3 Swordfighters and dodges two shots of Dark Magic.

Turn 2:

Leaf gets a village while Nanna stands on the entrance of one, protecting it from the Brigands. Fin kills off one Brigand and stands on the entrance of another.

Patty clears the Arena with relative ease and sells off her Return Ring. Fee kills off the weakened Dark Mage, while Celice rushes and kills another. Delmud kills off another Dark Mage, retreats and Lana heals him. Oifaye equips a Javelin and stands behind Celice.

Shannan OHKOs a Dark Mage with his Balmung.

Celice is hit by a Dark Mage, while Oifaye counters one, leaving it with 2 HP. Shannan dodges another two shots of Dark Magic.

Turn 3:

Nanna kills off one brigand with her Silver Sword. Fin kills off another, cantoing out of the range of the troops. Fee kills off a Dark Mage and is healed by Lana, and Delmud finishes another one off. Oifaye moves down alongside Delmud and Fee and waits, while Celice charges forward. Shannan kills off another Dark Mage, the rest of my units also move forward.

Oifaye dodges another shot, Celice however isn't so lucky, as he is taken down to 4 HP by one casting of the spell. Shannan is also hit by one.

Turn 4:

Fee finishes off one Dark Mage while Arthur finishes another. Lana heals Celice and he rushes upward once more. Fin kills the General, and a few more hits will put him in Prayer range so he hasn't much to worry about. Leaf loots another Village while Nanna weakens another Brigand. Oifaye and company advance towards the border.

Shannan dodges another hit, while Fin wipes out the whole battalion bar the Mage, who misses him due to Prayer.

Turn 5:

Fin OHKOs the Mage and cantos upward, while Nanna finishes off another bandit and moves away. Leaf loots yet another village. Shannan kills off another Dark Mage while Celice continues moving upward, the other troops toward the border.

Turn 6:

Nanna heals up Fin, and Leaf gets another village. Fee kills the last Dark Mage with her Hero Lance, and Lana heals her up. Shannan takes out another Dark Mage.

Turn 7:

Fin takes out the last bandit, and Nanna heals him up. Leaf moves toward the last village. Shannan kills another Dark Mage, and counterkills a Swordfighter on enemy phase.

Turn 8:

Shannan moves toward the last Dark Mage on the plateau. He dodges the shot.

Turn 9:

Shannan kills said Dark Mage off.

Turn 10:

Leaf gets the last village for a Speed Ring, and Nanna Returns him back to the home castle.

Turn 11:

Celice kills the Dark Mage boss.

Turn 12:

Celice Seizes.

Turn 13:

My troops rush downward to accost Ishtor.

Turn 14:

Oifaye goes into the range of the troops, but out of range of Ishtor's Bolting, and equips a Flame Sword. Delmud moves down to give him a Charisma bonus.

The troops start moving.

Turn 15:

Oifaye and Delmud retreat out of the range of the Mage boss, while Arthur equips Holsety and stands right in her range, with Delmud nearby for support.

Oifaye counterkills the Thunder Mage with a Flame Sword crit, and Arthur does the same to the Mage boss.

Turn 16:

My team goes on the offensive and takes out both Bow Armors and Mages with Delmud, Oifaye, Fee and Arthur. Lana heals up Arthur while Johalva chips at an Armor and Skasha and Lakche move forward.

Arthur, Lakche, Johalva and Skasha counterkill an Armor each on Enemy Phase.

Turn 17:

Arthur moves into Ishtor's range and kills an Armor, while Oifaye moves into the range of one of the Thunder Mages approaching from the west and equips his Javelin. The rest of my team stay out of the range of the Ballistae, with the exception of Johalva.

Oifaye countercrits the Thunder Mage, while Johalva absorbs both Ballista shots and Arthur dodges Bolting.

Turn 18:

Arthur kills off a Ballista while Celice rushes down into Ishtor's range. Lana heals him up. Delmud moves down to offer support to Celice, while the rest of my team stays out of Ishtor or the Ballista's range.

Celice gets hit by Bolting, but survives.

Turn 19:

Arthur OHKOes Ishtor with a crit. Delmud OHKOes one of the Thunder Mages, and Celice Seizes. Lana heals up Oifaye. All the rest of my units bar Oifaye move downwards.

Turn 20:

Aless joins. Celice moves up and Oifaye moves out of range of the Free Knights. Julia warps Patty to the bottom-left castle. Aless moves next to Oifaye and equips an Iron Lance. The rest of my team head towards Blume.

Aless gets attacked by two Free Knights.

Turn 21:

Celice moves up and kills the Free Knight with his Light Sword. Aless kills the other one with Mistoltin and moves off. Oifaye stays out of range so Celice can get the kills.

Fee and Delmud take out the Swordfighters and the rest of my units advance. Lana heals Shannan.

Celice counters two Free Knights, leaving them at 6 HP.

Turn 22:

Oifaye weakens the boss and Celice takes him out with a Silver Sword crit. Aless runs away from the horde of Free Knights. The rest of my team advance towards Blume as usual.

Oifaye counterkills 3 Free Knights and weakens the rest, while taking little damage.

Turn 23:

Oifaye takes out the Swordfighter guarding the city, while Celice moves in front of him to snatch kills. Aless stays out of range as usual. The rest of my group move forward to lure the Thunder Mages.

Celice kills off a few Free Knights and gains some EXP.

Turn 24:

Aless moves up but out of range of the Free Knights, but Celice stays in their range. Oifaye kills off one of the Swordfighters guarding the city with a crit.

Fee moves into range to lure the group of Thunder Mages.

Celice kills all of the remaning cavs bar one Bow Knight, and gets to level 20.

Fee counters one of the Thunder Mages with her Thunder Sword.

Turn 25:

Delmud kills off the weakened Mage and cantos away, while Shannan moves into Tinny's range to lure her out and Arthur moves right behind him. Oifaye kills the boss with his Armorslayer and Celice Seizes. Fin moves down to lure the General.

Fin kills most of the units and weakens the general. Shannan lures the Mages and dodges all their shots.

Turn 26:

Fin kills the General and cantos out of range of Vampa, Fetra and Eliu. Arthur recruits Tinny. The rest of my units go to town on the remaining Magi. Celice enters the castle and sells his Elite Ring and buys a Return Ring and uses it to Return back to the home castle. Leaf starts using the Arena and buys the Elite Ring.

Arthur counterkills a Mage with Holsety.

Turn 27:

Fin kills the last Thunder Mage and moves out of range of the sisters. Celice promotes and Julia sends him to the bottom-left castle. Patty talks to him and gives him the Hero Sword.

Turn 28:

Fin kills the sister with Elfire and retreats and Nanna heals him. Aless recruits Laylea, who then Dances for him and he clears the Arena.

Fin counters the Elwind sister.

Turn 29:

Arthur kills Blume with a Holsety crit. Nanna sends back Fin who clears the Arena. Shannan kills one of the Generals guarding the castle and Celice kills one of the Generals, then Seizes.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Celice   21.10  62  22  07  21  17  24  21  08  ☆
Shannan  14.32  40  18  00  34  43  10  13  04  1
Skasha   13.02  44  15  00  22  18  12  15  02  ☆
Leaf     06.32  33  12  03  13  10  12  12  04  ☆
Johalva  14.37  44  16  00  08  16  06  15  01  7
Delmud   11.17  41  18  00  11  16  08  11  02  ☆
Fin      25.01  46  21  00  22  18  18  17  09  ☆
Lester   lol                                    3
Alesss   10.12  44  16  04  33  14  07  14  15  ☆
Arthur   09.19  42  01  12  24  38  08  02  06  ☆
Oifaye   19.93  44  16  09  19  17  09  18  09  ☆
Patty    04.24  34  11  00  08  11  09  03  01  ☆
Lakche   10.44  36  16  00  22  16  07  09  03  ☆
Lana     09.40  35  01  13  09  17  19  03  08  1
Julia    19.78  41  01  23  10  16  08  06  23  ☆
Fee      08.82  31  10  03  10  16  10  09  10  ☆
Tinny    03.00  30  00  14  11  11  08  01  06  1
Laylea   03.20  24  04  00  01  13  04  01  04  1
Nanna    05.65  31  10  03  08  09  13  04  04  1

Edited by Aquilae
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I never get how people have Lex clear the arena. Maybe I just have bad luck, but he normally fails miserably against the Swordfighters, even with the Hero Axe and Skill Ring. If I'm really lucky, he hits once.

The probability Lex hits twice with 30 hit is .09 (.3*.3) and is .16 (.4*.4) at 40 hit. With Ambush giving him a mulligan every time, just repeat until he hits the Swordfighter twice.


Sigurd bought a Light Sword, a Thief Sword and an Elite Ring and brought the Defence Ring out of storage, giving him 7 slots so he can store the Tyrfing. Sigurd must get 20000G by Phinora, so I plan to have him steal G with the Thief Sword, and maybe giving him some from Dew.

I've always passed the Hero Sword down to Celice when I was doing ranked runs and sometimes to Power Ring as well so he could puncture Armors.

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Chapter 8


Celice sells the Leg Ring and the Hero Sword. Nanna buys it to use in the Arena, then sells it and cantos off. Leaf and Fin also clear the Arena. Julia gets Libro while Lana gets Warp, as the latter is going to be spamming Warp for EXP. Julia also gets Wind so she can double stuff.

Delmud gets the Hero Sword.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Celice   22.24  64  22  07  21  17  25  21  08  ☆
Shannan  16.36  42  18  00  35  43  10  13  04  ☆
Skasha   17.22  47  18  00  24  20  13  18  02  ☆
Leaf     11.18  39  18  03  17  13  13  14  05  7
Johalva  15.95  45  16  00  08  16  06  16  01  7
Delmud   13.61  42  19  00  11  17  09  12  02  ☆
Fin      25.71  46  21  00  22  18  18  17  09  ☆
Lester   lol                                    1
Alesss   12.70  46  18  04  34  15  07  14  16  ☆
Arthur   11.89  44  01  12  26  40  10  02  08  ☆
Oifaye   21.23  46  17  09  20  18  09  18  10  ☆
Patty    07.62  37  11  01  11  12  09  04  01  ☆
Lakche   15.32  43  19  00  23  18  08  10  05  ☆
Lana     09.40  35  01  13  09  17  19  03  08  1
Julia    21.10  43  02  30  16  25  08  07  27  ☆
Fee      11.56  33  10  03  10  18  10  11  11  ☆
Tinny    06.52  33  00  16  12  14  10  01  06  ☆
Laylea   03.20  24  04  00  01  13  04  01  04  1
Nanna    07.17  33  11  03  08  09  14  05  04  5

Turn 1:

Patty gives her money to Laylea, and she buys the Leg Ring. Lana Warps Celice to Lenster, and he moves forward. Laylea Dances, and Lana sends Patty to Lenster and she moves forward as well. The rest of my team advance towards Muhammad's troop.

Turn 2:

Lana Warps Laylea to Lenster. Laylea refreshes Patty, Celice, Leaf and Fin, and Celice and Fin move up to weaken Ovo's troops while Leaf stays out of Ovo's range, as does Patty and Nanna. The rest of my troops advance but stay out of Muhammad's range.

Delmud counterkills an Armor while Aless counterkills another. Nanna weakens a few Lance Knights while Fin dodges most of the Javelins thrown at him, and eats a nasty hit from Ovo.

Turn 3:

Patty, Nanna, Leaf and Fin kill a Lance Knight each. Celice kills Ovo and moves in to lure the three sisters. Laylea refreshes the first four and Leaf and Fin kill more troops while Patty weakens one. Nanna heals Fin.

Shannan kills Muhammad and the rest of my troops clean up.

Faval comes out, while Celice counterkills one of the Mage sisters. Oifaye and Aless are hurt on enemy phase, but Oifaye manages to counterkill an Armor.

Turn 4:

Leaf finishes off one of the weakened sisters. Celice weakens another and Patty swoops in for the kill. Nanna patches up Celice, and Fin weakens a Troubadour. Laylea refreshes Nanna, Celice, Leaf and Fin. Leaf kills off the weakened Troubadour, while Nanna heals Celice up again. Fin weakens another Troub, and Celice weakens an Armor Knight, cantoing out of Faval's range. Nanna heals up Celice.

The rest of my troops finish off the Armor Knight squad and move upwards.

Turn 5:

Celice and Nanna finish off an Armor while Fin weakens another Troubadour. Patty moves up, and Laylea refreshes all four of them. Celice takes out the General while Fin takes out the Armor, and Patty recruits Faval who also takes out an Armor. Nanna heals up Patty.

The rest of my troops continue moving forward.

Patty survives Blume's Bolting.

Turn 6:

Faval OHKOs Ishtar. Leaf kills off another Troub, and Celice kills off a Mage. Fin does the same. Patty puts the last Mage to sleep, and Laylea refreshes Faval, Celice and Fin. Nanna heals up Patty and Faval ORKOs Blume. Fin weakens the Armor and Celice takes it out and Seizes the Throne. The rest of my troops advance forward, while Fee rushes to the right.

Turn 7:

Patty gets the village near the castle. Leaf veers off to the north to kill a Brigand. Nanna heals up Fin, and he rushes downward. Faval and Celice gather near Nanna and Laylea refreshes the three of them. Nanna heals up Laylea before proceeding downwards, Celice and Faval do the same.

Turn 8:

Leaf OHKOs the Brigand with a crit, and the rest of my troops continue moving downward, while Laylea moves up to refresh the other troops.

Turn 9:

Leaf gets the second Power Ring. Celice recruits Sety. Fin moves into range of the left boss, while Fee and Nanna play it safe and gather near Celice. Faval moves down yet again, while Laylea moves back and the rest of my troops move forward.

Fee counterkills 3 Dracoknights on enemy phase, while Fin weakens a few. Celice counterkills 5 Dracoknights.

Turn 10:

Fin kills off the left boss. Celice kills another Dracoknight and heads south. Sety drops a Fortify, and Faval OHKOs the right boss. Oifaye kills off another Dracoknight, while Nanna moves down and heals Celice. Laylea refreshes both Arthur and Tinny, while the rest of my troops push forward.

Faval dodges all the attacks of the Dracoknights.

Turn 11:

Arthur and Tinny are refreshed again, while the rest of my troops stay back to finish off the remaining Dracoknights, and Celice rushes forth into the enemy horde.

Sety counterkills a Dracoknight.

Turn 12:

Laylea refreshes Arthur allowing him to grab a civilian. Sety clears the Arena and moves down, and Patty guards the city. Nanna talks to Aless for a stat boost, while Fee moves to the right to hopefully rescue one of the villages.

Oifaye counterkills 3 Dracoknights on enemy phase and weakens one. Celice counters the rest of the Dracoknights with his Light Sword, weakening them.

Turn 13:

Arthur rescues two more civilians. Nanna Returns Faval for more EXP and to let him use the Arena. Fin finishes off the Dracoknight while Oifaye moves in range of the boss. Celice kills another Dracoknight, but cannot canto far.

Oifaye counters the boss, and more reinforcements come out from the castle.

Turn 14:

Sety finishes off the boss and Oifaye moves down to divert attention from Celice. Faval clears the Arena. Arthur rescues two more civilians.

Oifaye lures 3 Dracoknights and kills 2, and the boss attacks Celice and has half his health taken off by the Light Sword.

Turn 15:

Arthur gets the last civilian. Nanna Returns Sety for more EXP. Celice kills the boss and Seizes the throne.

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Hmm, not the best thread for this, but since you played chapter 7 recently, do you happen to know what triggers to make 7 dark mages come out of Yied (the northernmost castle)? It happened after I killed the last of the level 1 dark mages that start out after Shanan and Patty on turn 1 (which I did around turn 8 I think - this usually doesn't trigger anything). Each one is a level 4 one-star leader of his own "army", and I was totally unprepared for it because it hasn't happened on any of my previous playthroughs and I just didn't send enough people up to Yied to cut through so many of them (Celice and Lester can't even kill one with hero weapons without having to eat a nasty counter for well over a 2HKO). I have to restart the chapter now but it would be nice if I knew what makes it happen.

Edited by chrysalid
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I'm not sure why it was triggered either, it never happened to me before. I'd wager that it's probably part of the reinforcements that may come out after the troops are dead, I don't know why they would come with Leadership Stars.

Chapter 9:


I gave Celice the Skill Ring as his money was overflowing, same with Fin and the Speed Ring. Delmud got the Elite Ring as noone else had the money / made good use of it, and Fee got the Power Ring to patch up her dismal strength. Tinny got Elwind from the store, and Leaf got the Hero Bow as his money was overflowing as well.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Celice   27.00  69  23  10  27  20  28  23  09  ☆
Shannan  19.06  46  18  00  38  43  10  15  05  ☆
Skasha   22.46  56  26  05  27  24  14  22  05  ☆
Faval    16.78  56  27  02  25  29  23  11  01  ☆
Leaf     21.70  56  27  07  26  23  17  24  09  7
Johalva  18.43  48  16  00  09  16  06  18  01  ☆
Sety     20.78  45  04  26  19  24  18  10  26  ☆
Delmud   16.95  45  22  00  13  18  09  12  02  ☆
Fin      27.80  48  22    ☆
Lester   lol                                    1
Aless    18.52  52  22  04  34  17  12  18  16  ☆
Arthur   20.49  56  06  19  32  42  14  12  11  ☆
Oifaye   24.63    ☆
Patty    12.61  41  11  02  16  13  12  07  01  ☆
Lakche   20.48  49  26  00  33  26  10  14  08  ☆
Lana     17.20  35  01  13  09  17  19  03  08  1
Julia    24.43  46  02  30  16  26  10  07  27  ☆
Fee      18.53  39  16  06  10  20  13  13  13  ☆
Tinny    10.58  37  00  17  16  16  13  01  06  ☆
Laylea   05.10  25  05  00  01  13  04  01  04  1
Nanna    12.68  38  17  04  08  12  18  09  04  6

Turn 1:

Patty gives money to Laylea and she buys the Knight Ring. Celice, Arthur, Leaf and Delmud move down and Laylea refreshes them. Leaf moves down to speak to Altenna while Celice, Delmud and Arthur charge toward Hannibal. The rest of my troops advance as well.

Arthur, Delmud and Celice counterkill 6 Armors.

Turn 2:

Celice and Arthur kill an Armor each, while Delmud, Fin and Oifaye kill 2 more and Nanna heals Delmud. Laylea refreshes the four of them. Fin and Oifaye move down and kill an Armor, while Delmud kills another and cantos away, Nanna heals him.

Arthur counterkills two Armors while Celice counterkills one. Fee weakens a Dracoknight with her Thunder Sword..

Turn 3:

Leaf moves out of Altenna's range, and Fee kills off the Dracoknight and retreats. Arthur, Fin, Oifaye and Celice finish off the boss and the remaining Armor, and canto towards the next castle. Delmud kills off the High Priest. Nanna and Aless move towards Delmud, and Laylea refreshes them, allowing them to move further. The rest of my team stay out of Hannibal's range.

Hannibal doesn't retreat to his castle =/

Turn 4:

The rest of my troops have to stay behind to avoid luring Hannibal over. Tinny, Johalva, Faval and Sety pick off Dracoknights while the rest of my team gets into position to prepare for Trabant's assault. Leaf talks to Altenna and she leaves.

The mounts at the front rush forward. Nanna heals Aless and Returns Delmud with the help of Laylea.

Hannibal finally retreats to his castle.

Turn 5:

Aless rushes back to Hannibal's castle with the help of Laylea and stops his advance. Arthur kills the boss and nets a Return Ring. The rest of my mounts continue moving forward as usual. The foot units move to accost Trabant. Delmud promotes and rushes toward Celice.

Leaf counterkills one of Trabant's troops.

Turn 6:

Sety and Tinny advance while Leaf falls back to avoid being overwhelmed by the Dracoknights. Fin, Arthur, Oifaye and Nanna rush downward while Celice captures the castle. Laylea refreshes Sharlow and he moves toward Hannibal.

Faval counterkills 2 Dracoknights while Ayra dodges most of the Javelins. Tinny sidesteps Trabant's attack, but her counter misses.

Turn 7:

Leaf snipes at Trabant, allowing Tinny to finish him off. The rest of my troops clean up. Celice, Nanna, Fin, Oifaye and Arthur move downwards with Laylea's help. Lana Warps Patty over to the left castle.

Faval counterkills the last Dracoknight.

Turn 8:

Lana Warps Leaf over to the left castle. Celice and co. continue moving down, and Sharlow moves toward Hannibal.

Turn 9:

Leaf starts moving up, and Lana Warps over Julia who also moves up. Patty leaves the castle and follows them.

Sharlow recruits Hannibal, and the rest of my team continue moving. Hannibal clears the Arena.

The mounts dodge most of the shots thrown at them.

Turn 10:

Celice kills the Dark Mage boss, but doesn't Seize as he has to wait for Altenna. The rest of the mounts kill the Ballistae, and Leaf moves up to deal with the horde of mounted units up top. Lana Warps Sety over.

Leaf counterkills 4 of the troops on enemy phase.

Turn 11:

Sety drops a Fortify, and Julia kills off a Great Knight. Leaf kills the boss with a Hero Bow crit, and Patty steals more money from the Troub. Lana Warps Tinny over.

Celice and co. kill off the remaining Ballistae and Celice gets into Altenna's range.

Sety counterkills two Forest Knights while Patty steals some more money. Altenna talks to Celice and is recruited.

Turn 12:

Leaf weakens a Great Knight and Patty snatches the kill, and the rest of my troops clean up. Celice seizes the castle, and Laylea refreshes him. Altenna clears the Arena. Sharlow waits next to Hannibal for the Berserk Staff, and the rest of my mounts get into position next to the gate.

Turn 13:

Arion amasses his army of 46 Dracoknights. Celice, Arthur and Oifaye move up. Altenna moves up and Fin talks to her, giving her a Luck boost. Nanna heals up Oifaye, and Laylea refreshes Celice, Arthur, Oifaye and Fin.

Patty and Tinny move toward the villages.

Arthur counterkills 3 Dracoknights, weakening two.

Turn 14:

Arthur, Celice, Fin and Oifaye clean up, and Laylea refreshes the four of them. Arthur and Celice move just out of Arion's range, and Oifaye and Fin stay out of the range of the Dracoknights since they can't ORKO them.

Celice massacres Arion's horde on enemy phase, ORKOing every Dragon that had the guts to attack him.

Turn 15:

Arthur ORKOs Arion with Holsety. Fin, Oifaye and Celice kill off two DKs. Laylea refreshes the four of them and they finish off the remaining DKs. The rest of my troops get into position to face the remainder of Arion's troops.

Turn 16:

My troops clean up. Julia enters the castle and sells all her stuff, and Celice Seizes the castle.

EDIT: 98 kill Silver Sword gogogo

Chapter 10:

(Note: I lost my initial Turns 1-4 and the stats, so I'm basing this purely off memory)

Turn 1:

Celice, Arthur and Leaf kill an enemy each. Aless joins them and Laylea refreshes them, cantoing back. Arthur kills the boss. Fin comes out and kills a Dark Mage allowing Aless to take the one with Sleep. Leaf moves down and Rescues Celice, and Celice kills a Dark Mage with his Silver Sword. The rest of my team move out, Lana Silencing the Dark Mage with a Sleep Staff.

Turn 2

My foot units kill off the rest of the troops while Celice, with the help of Leaf, kills Hilda and Seizes.

Turn 3:

Aless and Arthur break out and Laylea refreshes them. Celice moves forward into the hordes of cavs, and counterkills around 5 on enemy phase.

Turn 4:

Arthur and Aless are refreshed by Laylea.

Arthur kills the boss, and Aless, Leaf and Celice kill more cavs. The rest of my troops move forward as usual.

Aless counterkills a Lance Knight.

Turn 5:

Celice rushes forward and equips the Light Sword. Leaf kills another Cav and follows Celice, while Arthur and Aless do the same but move up. Altenna and Fee meet up with them.

The rest of my troops move forward again.

Leaf eats a nasty Fenrir from the boss on enemy phase.

Turn 6:

Leaf kills one of the Dark Mages guarding the castle. Celice kills the boss with a crit and Seizes. Altenna, Aless, Arthur, Fee and Laylea get into position. The rest of my units continue heading towards the gate. Nanna returns Lana for more EXP.

Arthur counterkills a Forrest on enemy phase.

Turn 7:

Leaf rescues Celice and they both move towards the gate. Oifaye kills off a Dark Mage, while Altenna kills off a Warrior and cantos forward, staying out of the Sleep Staffs' range. Aless kills a Hel Mage and cantos forward. Laylea refreshes both Aless and Arthur and cantos out of Sleep Staff range. They both kill off a Dark Mage each, Arthur staying out of range of another Sleep Staff. Fee moves up to help out with the Dark Mages.

The rest of my troops try desperately to get some action in this chapter, but are really lagging behind.

Fee counterkills a Sniper with her Thunder Sword.

Turn 8:

Aless kills off a Sleep Staff mage while Arthur moves up. Laylea refreshes both of them. Arthur kills off another Sleep Staff Mage, moving into Ishtar's range. Aless kills off another Dark Mage with Sleep.

Leaf Rescues Celice and he moves up. Fee and Altenna take out the Forrest, and the rest of my troops proceed forward. Johalva rescues a Civilian to get to level 20.

Aless counterkills a Warrior while Arthur countercrits a Sniper and Ishtar. Fee eats a Fenrir which does only ~20 damage to her.

Turn 9:

Celice, Oifaye and Fin move up, and Laylea refreshes the three of them. Celice and Fin kill off a Dark Mage each, Celice moving closer to the castle. Oifaye weakens another one, which Fee kills. Aless kills the last Sleep Staff Dark Mage, while Altenna kills another one. Arthur kills a Dark Mage then cantos into range of the boss.

Arthur countercrits the boss for the kill.

Turn 10:

Leaf moves up and Rescues Nanna, and she heals up Celice. Celice Seizes. Laylea Dances, and Celice moves up toward the final castle.

Turn 11:

Alvis starts sending out troops. Nanna Returns Leaf to the home castle, and Sharlow Warps him over to Celice. Leaf kills off the first Armor with his Hero Bow, Arthur and Celice kill two more. Aless moves up, and Laylea refreshes the four of them. Aless kills off the Baron with Mistoltin, and Leaf moves up and Rescues Arthur who proceeds to kill off the Bishop with the Sleep Staff. Celice kills off a Bow Armor as well.

Fee kills off a Lance Armor and the rest of my troops move forward.

Leaf, Arthur and Celice annihilate the enemy squadron on enemy phase, leaving only a few units standing.

Turn 12:

The rest of my team clean up the enemy troops and stay out of Meteor range.. Leaf rescues Celice and he moves forward, killing a Dark Mage on the way.

Celice and Leaf dodge most of the attacks, and survive.

Turn 13:

The rest of my troops finish off the Meteor Mages with the help of Laylea, while Celice goes to retrieve Tyrfing. Nanna Returns Sety and Sharlow Warps him over.

Turn 14:

Celice obtains Tyrfing. Fin finshes off the last Dark Mage, while Leaf, with the help of Laylea Rescues Celice.

Turn 15:

Celice moves up and Laylea dances for him. Celice waits at the gate while Aless moves down so Sety can heal him.

Celice dodges Falaflame and counters Alvis, but only manages to hit him once.

Turn 16:

Sety heals up Aless to full health, and he rushes forward. Celice gets off two hits on Alvis and cantos away, and Laylea refreshes the two of them. Aless gets two hits on Alvis with the Mistoltin and Celice kills him and Seizes.

Edited by Aquilae
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Final Chapter:


Leaf got a Recover Staff, a Return Ring and a Restore Staff. Celice got the Speed, Power and Leg Rings. Tinny gets Tornado, and Patty buys back the Elite Ring after passing it around. Arthur gets the Magic and Pursuit Rings. Oifaye gets a Hero Sword, and Ayra a Wing Clipper, while Fee gets a Wind Sword. Fin gets the Life and Defense Rings.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Celice   30.00  74  30  11  37  35  28  23  31  ☆
Shannan  25.96  51  19  00  40  43  11  17  06  ☆
Skasha   30.00  68  27  05  27  27  15  22  06  ☆
Faval    26.08  74  34  03  27  36  29  17  05  ☆
Leaf     30.00  68  27  09  27  27  19  27  10  ☆
Johalva  22.15  54  21  00  14  19  07  22  05  2
Sharlow  17.40  34  04  19  09  12  07  07  13  1
Sety     30.00  54  07  30  24  27  27  13  27  ☆
Delmud   29.03  59  23  00  28  27  15  20  06  ☆
Fin      30.00  49  24  01  22  19  22  24  09  ☆
Lester   lol                                    1
Hannibal 26.54  62  23  01  16  11  07  24  06  7
Aless    30.00  67  24  09  41  21  15  24  24  ☆
Arthur   30.00  71  08  27  32  42  16  15  13  ☆
Oifaye   30.00  55  19  10  22  22  10  20  10  ☆
Patty    26.00  57  22  08  22  22  19  15  04  ☆
Lakche   29.48  62  27  00  35  28  11  18  13  ☆
Lana     30.00  64  04  27  19  28  30  11  11  ☆
Altenna  26.04  63  37  02  34  22  15  38  02  ☆
Julia    24.43  46  02  30  16  26  10  07  27  ☆
Fee      27.99  43  14  15  15  28  18  17  21  ☆
Tinny    25.99  52  07  25  24  27  18  05  14  ☆
Laylea   08.10  26  07  00  01  15  05  01  04  1
Nanna    22.77  48  24  07  13  18  23  18  07  7

Turn 1:

Laylea refreshes Leaf, Celice and Nanna. Leaf pulls Celice over, and Celice kills a Lance Knight blocking the way and cantos forward, equipping the Tyrfing. Nanna moves right next to Leaf. The rest of my troops finish off the Dark Mages to the best of their ability, and Lana Silences one with a Silence Staff.

Celice dodges all the shots thrown at him due to lol35Spd29Luk, Nanna survives due to Prayer (she had the Prayer Sword equipped. Oifaye is brought down to 15 HP by two Fenrirs.

Turn 2:

Celice kills the boss and Seizes the castle. Nanna sends Leaf back to the home castle and cantos forward. Altenna kills the Silenced Dark Mage and cantos back. Laylea refreshes Altenna. Shannan, Skasha and Beowulf get into position to counter the Axe Knights, while Leaf pulls Laylea over with Rescue. Sety drops a Fortify and Fee kills the last Dark Mage.

Skasha kills 5 Axe Knights and wounds 3.

Turn 3:

Nanna Returns Celice. The rest of my team take care of the rest of the Axe Knights, and Arthur kills Burian. Celice exits the castle, and Leaf pulls him over and cantos one square away. Laylea refreshes Celice, Leaf, Altenna and Ayra. Celice kills the boss and Seizes, while Leaf pulls Laylea over and Altenna moves to the east.

Hilda and her Barons rush out.

Turn 4:

Fee reenters the castle and Sharlow Warps her over to the west castle. Tinny, Ayra and Shannan retreat to the home castle.

Celice moves down, and Leaf pulls him over and cantos down. Altenna joins him, and Laylea refreshes the three of them and cantos up. Leaf pulls Laylea over while Celice and Altenna join him. The rest of the team head for the cliff below Barharra.

Turn 5:

Fee heads for Velthomer. Leaf pulls Laylea over and Returns to the home castle. Laylea refreshes Celice and Altenna, and they stay out of the Barons' range.

Scorpio and his troops arrive.

Turn 6:

Celice weakens one of the Barons with his Light Sword, cantoing back, while Altenna kills it. Laylea refreshes both of them, and Altenna kills the upper-leftmost baron with the Gae Bolg. Celice rushes up and takes the castle. Sharlow Warps Faval over to Barharra while the rest of my troops take positions south of the castle, Arthur standing in range of the Dark Warlords.

Arthur kills one of the Pegasus sisters.

Turn 7:

Altenna kills one of the Dark Mages while Celice moves forward, equipping the Tyrfing. Leaf is Warped to the upper-left castle, and he Rescues Altenna out of Sleep range. Laylea moves just out of Sleep Range as well. Arthur and Faval kill off one of the Pegasus Sisters, while Sety heals them.

Sety counters another of the Pegasus sisters while Celice kills one of Ishtar's troops. Faval counters a Sage.

Turn 8:

Faval finishes off the last Peg sister, while Arthur takes out the Sage. Sety heals them. Celice kills Ishtar with a Silver Sword crit and moves forward, equipping the Tyrfing. Altenna kills another Dark Mage. Sharlow Warps Ayra over, and Ayra moves out of Sleep Staff range.

Celice counterkills quite a few units, and is left at 18 HP.

Turn 9:

Celice kills the Shaman and moves near Barharra, while Sety heals him with Fortify.

Altenna and Leaf kill 2 more Shamans, and Fee moves up further.

Leaf and Altenna lure the remainder of Ishtar's troops, and Leaf kills a Sniper.

Turn 10:

Leaf Restores Altenna, and moves back. Laylea refreshes him. Altenna kills the Dark Bishop while Leaf kills the last Dark Mage, and Ayra moves forward. Lana Silences the Fortify High Priest while Sety Berserks the Hel Bishop. Celice retreats to a forest.

Arion's troops reach the castle, but do not attack as Shannan is guarding. The Hel Bishop reduces Julius to 1 HP.

Turn 11:

Celice kills Julius and Seizes.

(I originally planned to get Narga for Julia by using Fee and Celice, but it would take too much time.)


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res A.Lv
Celice   30.00  74  30  11  37  35  28  23  31  ☆
Shannan  26.28  53  19  00  40  43  12  18  06  ☆
Skasha   30.00  68  27  05  27  27  15  22  06  ☆
Faval    26.96  74  34  03  27  36  29  17  05  ☆
Leaf     30.00  68  27  09  27  27  19  27  10  ☆
Johalva  22.15  54  21  00  14  19  07  22  05  2
Sharlow  25.10  40  04  26  13  17  08  10  18  1
Sety     30.00  54  07  30  24  27  27  13  27  ☆
Delmud   29.27  59  23  00  28  27  15  20  06  ☆
Fin      30.00  49  24  01  22  19  22  24  09  ☆
Lester   05.12  30  07  04  09  11  13  07  00  1
Hannibal 26.72  62  23  01  16  11  07  24  06  7
Aless    30.00  67  24  09  41  21  15  24  24  ☆
Arthur   30.00  71  08  27  32  42  16  15  13  ☆
Oifaye   30.00  55  19  10  22  22  10  20  10  ☆
Patty    26.60  57  22  08  22  22  19  15  04  ☆
Lakche   29.48  62  27  00  35  28  11  18  13  ☆
Lana     30.00  64  04  27  19  28  30  11  11  ☆
Altenna  27.88  64  37  02  34  22  15  38  03  ☆
Julia    27.35  49  02  30  18  27  11  07  27  1
Fee      28.15  44  14  16  15  28  18  18  22  ☆
Tinny    26.31  53  07  25  24  27  19  05  14  ☆
Laylea   09.00  27  08  00  01  16  05  01  04  1
Nanna    23.65  49  24  07  13  19  23  18  07  7




(Ignore the E in Combat, apparently there was some glitch which caused all my characters to get 32 losses.)


I could have shaved turns in many places. The pairings I chose caused the 1st gen to take longer than needed (I could have done Chapter 5 below 20 turns if I didn't wait for them).

Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 could be loads faster as well if Celice got the Power and Magic Rings, allowing him to ORKO everything on the map in C6, and promote in C7. I should have trained Laylea with the Sleep Sword as well, as the ChinaFE Final Chapter 9 turns strat required a trained Laylea to survive stuff, and let Celice Seize the upper-left castle before Scorpio came so that the troops will remain stationary, and the Dark Mages won't Sleep anyone. It looked like I could get away with lower turns since I didn't need to recruit Julia.

Comments on pairings:

Ayra x Lex - Fantastic pairing as usual, but Ayra and Skasha suffer the curse of being foot units so they don't get much action at all.

Azel x Aideen - Rescue Staff was excellent, but Lester is gimped a lot during the first few chapters as he doesn't have much he can use except for Steel, and has a lower Strength growth to boot.

Beowulf x Lachesis - Lachesis' best pairing, doesn't take an eternity like Fin and gives the children Pursuit and Charge.

Claude x Fury - Fee turned out really bad, as her MAG and STR aren't high enough to do anything effectively. Sety had Fortify which was very useful, but it wasn't really essential, Sety could get by just fine with B Staves and Libro / Berserk / Silence. I think I'd do Noish / Levin x Fury in the future for a decent Fee.

Sylvia x Nobody - Sylvia x Anyone would have been a tad more convenient since Leen can inherit stuff and Patty doesn't have to give so much money for her to afford the Leg + Knight Rings.

Tiltyu x Levin - Arthur is excellent, and noone cares about Tinny (=/). Tiltyu doesn't have many viable pairings outside of Azel anyway. Linda / Amid sound workable though, I'm not sure of the MAG growth of non-Magic parents.

Brigid x Holyn - Really slow pairing with really good results. Brigid x Holyn slowed me down the most, and Jamka / Midir are much more viable as they are faster. Patty relies on the Sleep Sword a fair bit either way.

Also, I got a B for EXP =) I got 861 Level Ups in total (counting Diadora), so it is still a good 240 levels off from A Rank.

Edited by Aquilae
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The 11-turn epilogue is just sickening, man. :P The berserk staff on the hel dark mage thing booted Sylvia to omega tier in efficiency as a parent in my mind.

I'd be interested to see if there's any way to promote Leaf by the beginning of chapter 8 (with Claude/Aideen so you can have Rescue before near-the-end of 8) to get one more level played at high speed.

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You can pass down the Elite Ring and farm Reptor's reinforcements I guess, but he'd have to be around level 15 by the end of Chapter 7 to promote in Chapter 8, which is hard to say the least. Rescue can only save you one or two turns in Chapter 9 as Leaf has to recruit Altenna at the beginning of the chapter. If you pass up on Altenna, Hannibal and Corple / Sharlow, you could save quite a few turns doing so.

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Also, I got a B for EXP =) I got 861 Level Ups in total (counting Diadora), so it is still a good 240 levels off from A Rank.

Ah, just noticed that arithmetic error, you were actually only 140 off, not 240. Unless I was misinformed and A-rank XP is 1100 instead of 1000? If you'd cared about that rank I'd bet you could squeeze another 40-50 or so levels out of your gen 2 units just by being attentive to opportunities to pass around the elite ring in arenas etc (which you'd obviously skip over since you didn't care) and a bit of staff spamming without costing yourself more than a turn or two in aggregate. I'm idly curious how close gen 1 XP ranking could be cut with real efficiency turncounts.

Out of curiousity, was there some purpose to killing Sylvia in chapter 5 or was that just for fun?

I enjoyed reading the log. If the efficiency tiering discussion comes up again I'm sure it will be referenced continuously.

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Well, killing Sylvia was to make sure that Levin didn't get paired with her. I didn't want to take any chances, and my Chapter 5 turncount was going to hell anyway, so I just killed her off. It's very possible to pass EXP Rank with an efficient turncount, but it would take a lot of RNG abuse to let scrubs like Dew / Azel pass the Arena.

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This is a bit minor and late, but were Brigid or Faval using Ichival ever doing anything absolutely necessary for you? I'd think you could save several turns in Ch3 by using Aideen to warp Sigurd back to the first castle after he seizes the one Eltshan comes from, if you're willing to sacrifice Ichival. All I can see from your log is using it with Leg ring Brigid in the first 1/3rd of Ch 4 (many candidates for the leg ring there) and then using Faval to OHKO Ishtar in Ch8, which Celice or Fin can do with a hero weapon, and then ORKOing Blume, which Celice or Fin could do I think at maybe the cost of a turn. Nothing else after that seems particularly critical.

Brigid also just looks unpairable to me in absolute minimum turncounts - her fastest is Midir with 100 + 3 and a 100 point love convo, meaning if you do the hyper-efficient turn strats for CH 4+5 at like 25-30 turns total she just isn't gonna pair. Did the ChinaFE run do it? Daisy has a nightmarish statline and growths but she does have prayer hax so she can soak up money counters in enemy phase and have two different kinds of arena cheese, and Asaello is decent.

Edited by chrysalid
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This is a bit minor and late, but were Brigid or Faval using Ichival ever doing anything absolutely necessary for you? I'd think you could save several turns in Ch3 by using Aideen to warp Sigurd to the first castle you capture in Chapter 3 after he seizes the one the cross knights come out of if you're willing to sacrifice Ichival, because she'll never reach Brigid to talk to her that way. All I can see from your log is using it with Leg ring Brigid in the first 1/3rd of Ch 4 and then using Faval to OHKO Ishtar in Ch8, which Celice or Fin can do with a hero weapon, and then ORKOing Blume, which Celice or Fin could do I think at maybe the cost of a turn. Nothing else after that seems particularly critical.

Brigid also just looks unpairable to me in absolute minimum turncounts - her fastest is Midir with 100 + 3 and a 100 point love convo, meaning if you do the hyper-efficient turn strats for CH 4+5 at like 25-30 turns total she just isn't gonna pair. Did the ChinaFE run do it?

Briggid and Fin is possible if you can play the 1st part of chapter 3 insanely fast

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180 base, you need 320 more at 10 a turn plus like maybe 5-6 adjacent at best... doesn't seem possible with like a 30 turn clear, which is already extremely slow for efficiency (Aquilae got 23 even getting Ichival). I don't see Patty or Faval shaving 10+ turns together over Daisy and Asaello. They just don't do anything earth-shatteringly important.

Edit - And also looking at it, Daisy has the correct HP/def to get a 2 hp prayer from attacking those level 12 silver sword swordfighters that chase her and Shanan from Yied, meaning she can probably shave a turn at Yied that Patty can't and likely put a dark mage and/or a swordfighter to sleep.

Edited by chrysalid
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This is a bit minor and late, but were Brigid or Faval using Ichival ever doing anything absolutely necessary for you? I'd think you could save several turns in Ch3 by using Aideen to warp Sigurd back to the first castle after he seizes the one Eltshan comes from, if you're willing to sacrifice Ichival. All I can see from your log is using it with Leg ring Brigid in the first 1/3rd of Ch 4 (many candidates for the leg ring there) and then using Faval to OHKO Ishtar in Ch8, which Celice or Fin can do with a hero weapon, and then ORKOing Blume, which Celice or Fin could do I think at maybe the cost of a turn. Nothing else after that seems particularly critical.

Brigid also just looks unpairable to me in absolute minimum turncounts - her fastest is Midir with 100 + 3 and a 100 point love convo, meaning if you do the hyper-efficient turn strats for CH 4+5 at like 25-30 turns total she just isn't gonna pair. Did the ChinaFE run do it? Daisy has a nightmarish statline and growths but she does have prayer hax so she can soak up money counters in enemy phase and have two different kinds of arena cheese, and Asaello is decent.

The chapter is doable in 14 turns if you skip Ichival. I finished the chapter in 18 turns when having to wait for the Ichival.

Off topic and probably should go in my topic, but I'm relying on my own super luck-dependent strategy of Jamka|Faval to tear down Julius(7-8 hits with the Power Ring, 10 hits without the Power Ring), so I had to eat the 4 extra turns.

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