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What other languages can you speak?

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Just my curiosity but why does some people here likes to learn Japaneses?

My guess is because they want to know what they are saying in Anime without the english subs

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Just my curiosity but why does some people here likes to learn Japaneses?

Lots of websites and games I'm interested in that are in Japanese. There's something else, besides that, but I dunno what it is.

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Ok- since i live in germany, ican speak german perfect. But i was born in Yugoslavia, i can speak it as well, and english ( not good) French, i will study italian and maybe Spanish

That's cool. Which part of Yugoslavia were you born in, as it's now a whole mess of countries?

A lot of people here want to learn japanese because the games and anime are for the most part originally in japanese. If you can speak japanese, you don't have to wait for someone to translate what you want to watch/play for you.

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That's cool. Which part of Yugoslavia were you born in, as it's now a whole mess of countries?

A lot of people here want to learn japanese because the games and anime are for the most part originally in japanese. If you can speak japanese, you don't have to wait for someone to translate what you want to watch/play for you.

the smallest, but for me the best part, Montenegro

and japanese is hard to learn, but if you can it you can play games before they were translated...maybe i will learn it

Edited by Stefan rulez
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the smallest, but for me the best part, Montenegro

and japanese is hard to learn, but if you can it you can play games before they were translated...maybe i will learn it

Cool, I have a friend who used to live in Croatia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope I am not dredging up an abandoned thread, but it was posted in yesterday and I would like to say something I believe is important to express. I hope that this post can be of some help to those who appear to want to learn a language but have relegated the idea to a university study. Anyone with fair experience (there appears to be at least a few polyglots here) with language learning and disagrees with me can make their opinion known. I was raised with one language at home so my perspective may differ from that of anyone with two or more native languages; I am curious to see how Gino Weinberg, Nightmare, Sword Saint, or Renan in particular approach language acquisition if they ever felt inclined to divulge their own perspectives, but I wouldn't discredit anyone's input. I can recognize that I myself am heavily biased by my own experiences.

For those of you looking to learn Japanese, or any other language with insufficient school courses, I suggest you do some research on-line and study your target language yourself. Once you sort through the inevitable rubbish, you will find a great wealth of useful resources; Japanese as much so as any other language. There are multiple methods for acquiring Kanji, Hanzi, or whatever method of writing, within a surprisingly short time frame, and there are various useful suggestions for internalizing foreign grammar. I could provide some example websites for anyone who is motivated to tackle Japanese him/her-self (it is the language I am currently most focused on so I have a lot of listed links and resources easily available), but you'll probably find many of the same materials and methods yourself if you decide to search yourself.

I have little faith that one can learn a language to any degree of proficiency from high school and university classes alone. It is not, however, overwhelmingly difficult to make great progress by yourself if you know what you're doing and you maintain your motivation. Classes can allow for access to a variety of resources, but they're rather deficient for language acquisition itself. A classroom environment is inherently confined to teaching a class as a whole which results in the use of bland instructive material, a wonderful way to demotivate students and stifle any potential progress. 'Learning' a language at university won't be anywhere near as rewarding or helpful, especially if it is not taught effectively (as is most frequently the case at American universities with languages outside of the Romantic and Germanic spheres). While not directly pertinent to the flow of the thread thus far, I want to stress that you should ignore anyone who tells you a language is too hard and time consuming, or that five year olds have magical language midi-chlorians which dissipate after a certain age; listening to people who failed at a discipline won't help nearly as much as listening to people who succeeded. If you believe you can succeed and actively strive to make it a reality, you'll inevitably surprise yourself with your progress.

I speak English and Argentine Spanish, and okay Korean (I've not used Korean for a while so it's deteriorating).... I'm learning Japanese (I promise you that anyone who suggests Japanese is one of the most difficult language in the world is entirely wrong) and I intend to start Italian within the next few years (although that intention may yet change).

Edited by Wist
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English and Japanese. Thats how i import games early.....well i did BEFORE i studdied japanese but now i can actually understand most of what ppl are saying.

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