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Lord Glenn's Mausoleum

Lord Glenn

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Haha, I love Diablo II and I can see the resemblance. Nice map, it looks good.



The one marked on the right I guess I could see being used for a secret shop or long-range magic user, but the one on the left? Single tile of grass looks kind of odd.

Edit: Oh, and don't forget to shade beneath walls.

Edited by Primefusion
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The map was designed such that you're not seeing the whole town/village. If the map was extended, there would be more areas to the left and right with houses, etc. Those wall pieces go along with whatever would end up being over there.

And, as for the "under the walls" shading, the primary reference for the map does no such thing. (But, if you can find a reference that does, feel free to link me to it.)

Thanks for the compliment, though.

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Turned out into a great map, Josh.

The patches of dark grass sort of fixed the lack of shading beneath the walls.

The partial symmetry still irks me, but it doesn't matter too much, it's stilla  great map.

Now, the inside of the castle's very boring, but the tileset's to blame, becuase it doesn't have any pillars. (It does have those reinforcement stairs, but those would look out of place, becuase of the lack of corners).

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This map. Check out the fencing south of the lake. Where there isn't dark grass they're using these tiles here:


Grass tiles designed for use beneath walls. Using regular grass creates a very flat appearance (Though like Feaw said, the dark grass helps mask this).

I get that the village is suppose to extend beyond the map, but that single grass tile just leaves me scratching my head. The other sections are larger and so it's easy to see that they go beyond the boundaries, but one tile doesn't create that effect.

Still, these are all tiny nitpicks. Nice job. Join the mapping competition

Also...FE5 influence? That's the first thing I thought when I saw it.

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Ok, I added in the wall shading for the 6 or 7 tiles where I had pure grass below the walls. Here.

And, no, no FE5 influence when I was designing it. Though, looking at it, I can see where one might get that idea. I'd join the the map comps more often, but I really need inspiration and an idea for the map before starting one. Normally, the set up of the round makes it very hard for me to do that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the sudden absence, everyone. Had some personal issues that forced me to be unable to get on for a while. I should be back for a while now, though.

Anyway, I fixed that map a while ago, before my short exile. I also finished this one, but didn't have a chance to post it beforehand:


One of the non-entries in the mapping contest several weeks ago (actually, I guess it'd be closer to a month ago) was a "remake" of FE5's final chapter using the tileset that Battle Before Dawn uses. That map inspired me to do my own revamp of FE5's final chapter, though I used the Dragon's Gate tileset.

I'm a little rusty since it's been a while since I did any spriting, so I might need some input as to what seems off on this one. (Looking at it after it's been done for several weeks, I can't really see anything. But, I blame the rust.)

Hopefully, I'll have more stuff to put up once I get back into the swing of things.

EDIT - I just noticed that I missed a shaded tile under the stairs in the top right corner. I fixed it on the FMP, but I'm too lazy to reupload a new screenshot. If I have to make any other changes, there'll be a new one then.

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Now that is a nice rendition of the final FE5 chapter. Nice job.


I think I know what you're trying to get at with the shading on this pillar but it doesn't extend enough. The shading here implies the light source is slightly to the left of being directly above the pillar. The rest of the shading on the map implies the light source is coming more from the East (which is traditionally the implied light source in maps).

I'd also like to say there's a height discrepancy between the stairs and pillars of the six outlying rooms but I'm not quite sure. HoT or Feaw would be a better judge of that. It's mainly the fact that the stairs extend 2 tiles while the pillars are only 1 and a half. Architecturally speaking, this would lead to units bumping their head against the ceiling halfway up the second tile of stairs.

Still, with that said it's a very nice map.

Edited by Primefusion
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Now that is a nice rendition of the final FE5 chapter. Nice job.


I think I know what you're trying to get at with the shading on this pillar but it doesn't extend enough. The shading here implies the light source is slightly to the left of being directly above the pillar. The rest of the shading on the map implies the light source is coming more from the East (which is traditionally the implied light source in maps).

I'd also like to say there's a height discrepancy between the stairs and pillars of the six outlying rooms but I'm not quite sure. HoT or Feaw would be a better judge of that. It's mainly the fact that the stairs extend 2 tiles while the pillars are only 1 and a half. Architecturally speaking, this would lead to units bumping their head against the ceiling halfway up the second tile of stairs.

Still, with that said it's a very nice map.

For the pillar, I'm just following what Final Chapter: Light Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 did with their pillars. I agree that it looks unconventional, compared to how every other map with pillars does it, but since the number of source maps to reference is pretty small...

Fixed the pillar stuff, though. Not sure why I didn't catch that when I was making the map to begin with. >_>

You certainly prettified the map. Sadly, it has such awful flow to it--FE7 took pretty much the same concept and made it not suck :P

...You know, I never actually noticed how similar the two were, conceptually. Same number of rooms, each with bosses, a main room that opens only after all of the rooms are cleared, etc. And hey, the Japanese version made it suck even less, since two doors opened at a time...

Anyway, the update:


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Looking at the map again I'd say the one thing it suffers from is that it feels really cramped. There isn't a whole lot of room for movement. Nearly all the hallways are only 1 tile wide unless you're standing in front of a boss room (Though IIRC that's how FE5 does it so I guess you're being faithful to the original). Though, admittedly, fixing the cramped feeling would take a lot work.

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When I did the map, I was mainly shooting for a conversion of the original, with path lengths and such to match how it was in FE5. Though, with the way the tileset is structured (having to use the walls to enclose the space and such), I had to make a few modifications here and there just so that the areas could be enclosed properly. So, yeah, the map still suffers from having to go through narrow paths and taking roundabout movements to get to places. But, aside from making each of the areas larger/wider to provide more space, I don't really know what could even be done to spruce the design up... (I also don't really want to change it, since I want to remain faithful to the original in this case...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bringing this back from the dead the only way I know how: ICON DUMP.

Since it wasn't posted here, my icon from Round 13 of the Icon Contest:


Icons for Elibian Nights:


And, finally, Eric (Hero of Time) had asked me to do a set of the "basic" weapons (Iron/Slim/Poison/Steel/Silver) for his hacking project, which I finished a little while ago:





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  • 5 weeks later...

They look nice though the dark background makes it kind of hard to really distinguish the affinity icons. Earth and Dark are especially hard to see.

Maybe it's my laptop's screen, but I can see the Earth and Dark parts against the black-ish color just fine. Yes, they're not as bright as the other ones, but that's attributed to the palette more than anything. I can lighten the black-ish color, but I could only do that so much because of the dependencies of the color elsewhere.

What pallette do those use? Because it is gorgeous.

They mainly use the standard palette that is used in FE6/7/8, with a few alterations. The red color is new (replacing the purple-ish color natively in the palette), the pure black color was lightened to be (40,40,40) (which is the background color on the affinity icons), and the other light blue color that is similar to the one used in the Ice affinity icon (but not the one used) was replaced with the lighter grey-ish color that is in the corners of the affinity icons.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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