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A Princess' Art Gallery

Princess Kilvas

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Can I ask you why you are criticizing someone's artwork?

Because it helps artists to improve. A 100 times more than people raving about how a bad piece is awesome. My anger is greatly directed at the lack of improvement of the artist and the community that doesn't search for the said improvement.

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Before i start with my grossly honest critique, i'll note a couple of things. One of which being the obvious security hazard (of the members) giving one's bank/credit card information to a complete stranger. I'm surprised and honestly shocked that the administration here has permitted this level of transaction to happen on their very forums. Now if it isn't a legit cause of worry, fine. Ignore this point. But I think there are several other people who's profession is internet security that can testify to this concern a little better.

Second point being the liability of this forum if any of said transactions goes horribly wrong. Yes, it is the responsibility of the user to not give their private information to just anyone, and i'm hoping that you guys have already ironed out this little issue of trustworthyness.

With that out of the way, let's get this ball rolling.

I will say this bluntly: the people paying 10 dollars are getting ripped off. As the poster before me very bluntly stated, these pieces of...something that you are trying to peddle are not worth 10 dollars. I've had my share of walking through the art section of a few a-kons, where artists are seriously trying to sell their works. Know how much they are selling them for? 15$. 10$. And they are fifty times better then the best piece in this thread, and people, as foolish as they are, tend to not spend their money on a lot of it. Even though half of it is fanart of MUCH greater calibur then this.

I'm sorry Little Princess, but the worth of your piece isn't what your mommy and daddy says it is. It's what it is in comparison to pieces that actually sell that much in a open market; and this forum ISN'T an open market.

That being said, look at some motherfucking actual art, and stop mastrubating to your false idea of how good you are. I can tell you're doing that, because this thread is full of cocksuckers going "squeee!! you can draw!" and you saying "yeah, I know!".

But since you aren't looking at actual art of people with actual skill, or *gasp* paintings that aren't anime, I'll go one extra step and list out your most recent piece and all the mistakes and errors of this piece.

1. You have not drawn through on the figure, and it's clear as day. I'll explain what this means, because it's just this that you have nearly seven different anatomical problems with said piece.

2. Your eyes are too high on the head. Actually all your features are too high on your head... except the mouth. Place the eyes lower, and place the nose lower. Review the basics of facial proportions.

3. Where are his hips, and how are his legs connecting to them? Yes, he's sitting, but as soon as it hits that vague cloak that apparently hides everything... things don't line up. Again, review the basics.

4. Feet, same thing. Look at references on how feet actually bend when sitting in that position.

5. Legs, again, reference. Look at it. You think legs bend that way when sitting in that position. Can't be more wrong.

6. There's such a thing as an ankle, you know. Again, references, REVIEW THE BASICS.

7. Fix the draping of the cloak. Better yet, decide if the cloak has sleeves, then fix the draping. If his back is hunched over, show it on the way the fabric drapes on the character.

8. Obvious snipe: your neck is too long. Again, look at references.

9. Obvious snipe 2: your sword disappears when it goes past the viewer left thigh.

10. Most importantly: You're half-assing your perspectives. All of them. From the hilt of the sword, to the arm on the legs, down to the shape of the feet.

You have a LOT of growing to do, kid, before you start selling anything. I wouldn't be pounding you over the head with "Art basics" if people weren't wasting their allowance money for shitty artwork. And before everyone comes baaawing at me....


Not shitty artwork. That's in anime style, right? That's probably sellable, poster size for 30$ at most, and it's a original concept.

Think you can come close to this with what you have so far? At least 1/3 of this? Because that's how much you're selling your piece.

Spend the next few weeks learning perspective and doing life drawing, because that's where you really need to start.

Edited by Art_Dragon
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That being said, look at some motherfucking actual art, and stop mastrubating to your false idea of how good you are. I can tell you're doing that, because this thread is full of cocksuckers going "squeee!! you can draw!" and you saying "yeah, I know!".

You were good up until this part. Why can't you give constructive criticism without completely flaming the individuals here?

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.......okay seriously. once again critisizing is one thing but calling every one cocksuckers and crap.......and getting away with it? Shit we would be slapped with a warn ASAP if we did that bs -_-. Also i dont see anything getting done here.................not directed at anyone in particular

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....I kindly request that this person is removed from the premisis.

Well, all arguments aside, Welcome to the forest. I'm Lyle.

Why? It is perfect critique that certainly helps if one is willing to swallow the well earned "hard words".

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Because it helps artists to improve. A 100 times more than people raving about how a bad piece is awesome. My anger is greatly directed at the lack of improvement of the artist and the community that doesn't search for the said improvement.

That's no excuse. If you don't like someone's artwork, fine. IMO, You have no right at all to, join this fourm, enter this topic, and start insulting someone's artwork.

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Before i start with my grossly honest critique, i'll note a couple of things. One of which being the obvious security hazard (of the members) giving one's bank/credit card information to a complete stranger. I'm surprised and honestly shocked that the administration here has permitted this level of transaction to happen on their very forums. Now if it isn't a legit cause of worry, fine. Ignore this point. But I think there are several other people who's profession is internet security that can testify to this concern a little better.

Second point being the liability of this forum if any of said transactions goes horribly wrong. Yes, it is the responsibility of the user to not give their private information to just anyone, and i'm hoping that you guys have already ironed out this little issue of trustworthyness.

With that out of the way, let's get this ball rolling.

I will say this bluntly: the people paying 10 dollars are getting ripped off. As the poster before me very bluntly stated, these pieces of...something that you are trying to peddle are not worth 10 dollars. I've had my share of walking through the art section of a few a-kons, where artists are seriously trying to sell their works. Know how much they are selling them for? 15$. 10$. And they are fifty times better then the best piece in this thread, and people, as foolish as they are, tend to not spend their money on a lot of it. Even though half of it is fanart of MUCH greater calibur then this.

I'm sorry Little Princess, but the worth of your piece isn't what your mommy and daddy says it is. It's what it is in comparison to pieces that actually sell that much in a open market; and this forum ISN'T an open market.

That being said, look at some motherfucking actual art, and stop mastrubating to your false idea of how good you are. I can tell you're doing that, because this thread is full of cocksuckers going "squeee!! you can draw!" and you saying "yeah, I know!".

But since you aren't looking at actual art of people with actual skill, or *gasp* paintings that aren't anime, I'll go one extra step and list out your most recent piece and all the mistakes and errors of this piece.

1. You have not drawn through on the figure, and it's clear as day. I'll explain what this means, because it's just this that you have nearly seven different anatomical problems with said piece.

2. Your eyes are too high on the head. Actually all your features are too high on your head... except the mouth. Place the eyes lower, and place the nose lower. Review the basics of facial proportions.

3. Where are his hips, and how are his legs connecting to them? Yes, he's sitting, but as soon as it hits that vague cloak that apparently hides everything... things don't line up. Again, review the basics.

4. Feet, same thing. Look at references on how feet actually bend when sitting in that position.

5. Legs, again, reference. Look at it. You think legs bend that way when sitting in that position. Can't be more wrong.

6. There's such a thing as an ankle, you know. Again, references, REVIEW THE BASICS.

7. Fix the draping of the cloak. Better yet, decide if the cloak has sleeves, then fix the draping. If his back is hunched over, show it on the way the fabric drapes on the character.

i'm not even done yet, so, I'll be back to continue with the litany.

should I add you to my sig too?

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.......okay seriously. once again critisizing is one thing but calling every one cocksuckers and crap.......and getting away with it? Shit we would be slapped with a warn ASAP if we did that bs -_-. Also i dont see anything getting done here.................not directed at anyone in particular

Who are you kidding? It would probably result in suspension. At the very least.

It bothers me that this guy can still talk.

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That's no excuse. If you don't like someone's artwork, fine. IMO, You have no right at all to, join this fourm, enter this topic, and start insulting someone's artwork.

Insults work well to get a point across and don't make me fucking write again why that thing isn't much of an artwork. Hell I already stated a a word that works pretty well to describe it. Still my anger is nearly dissolved by now so I won't curse like a madman again.

Makes me wonder if anyone bothered to TRY to understand my words beyond the swearing,

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You can give criticism without the name-calling you know.

Anyway, I do agree that it wouldn't be worth $10 in my eyes, but what people buy is their own business.

Insults really don't work well on getting the point across by the way. It just makes the other person angry and then they ignore your points.

Edited by Rei
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Insults work well to get a point across and don't make me fucking write again why that thing isn't much of an artwork. Hell I already stated a a word that works pretty well to describe it. Still my anger is nearly dissolved by now so I won't curse like a madman again.

Makes me wonder if anyone bothered to TRY to understand my words beyond the swearing,

Maybe you should read what others, like me, have to say. No one will listen to you if you come as an unlikable jackass, which is what you did precisely. Now, if you don't have anything to add that might actually contribute something to the topic and/or to Princess, just stop posting here.

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Insults work well to get a point across and don't make me fucking write again why that thing isn't much of an artwork. Hell I already stated a a word that works pretty well to describe it. Still my anger is nearly dissolved by now so I won't curse like a madman again.

Makes me wonder if anyone bothered to TRY to understand my words beyond the swearing,

so you're saying, if i see a kid playing basketball, and he cant dribble well, me going:


THATS gonna get the point across that hes bad at dribbling? no. thats just being a douchebag.


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Also, don't be afraid to say things like "You need a lot of work" or something of the such. But just lay off the insults and it should be all right. Also it's a good idea to give pointers.

edit: dammit, didn't see Fox's post.

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Insults work well to get a point across and don't make me fucking write again why that thing isn't much of an artwork. Hell I already stated a a word that works pretty well to describe it. Still my anger is nearly dissolved by now so I won't curse like a madman again.

Makes me wonder if anyone bothered to TRY to understand my words beyond the swearing,

I'll say again. YOU HAVE NO F***ING RIGHT TO INSULT HER ARTWORK!! There.. Hopefully my "insult" will help get the point across..

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So, Mr. Fredin, you claim you are good at drawing, can we see some of yours?


Oh and I am NOT Oguma. Welcome.

EDIT: Fixed some spellings.

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Insults work well to get a point across and don't make me fucking write again why that thing isn't much of an artwork. Hell I already stated a a word that works pretty well to describe it. Still my anger is nearly dissolved by now so I won't curse like a madman again.

Makes me wonder if anyone bothered to TRY to understand my words beyond the swearing,

Here's some words that will get a point across:


You don't need to pick at someone's self esteem to criticise. If you dislike something, go away or ignore it. You may not like it, but others might. It's all from the perspective of the person viewing. And if you don't understand that, then you have no brain cells left.

Also: I apologize Fox, but untill I see some sort of punishment inflicted on these two individuals, or they admit their fault and try to continue in a constructive manner, I won't stop my argument.

Edited by James
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Here's some words that will get a point across:


You don't need to pick at someone's self esteem to criticise. If you dislike something, go away or ignore it. You may not like it, but others might. It's all from the perspective of the person viewing. And if you don't understand that, then you have no brain cells left.

Also: I apologize Fox, but untill I see some sort of punishment inflicted on these two individuals, or they admit their fault and try to continue in a constructive manner, I won't stop my argument.

me!? ;_;

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Perhaps you'll see I'm not nearly as agressive as I was at the beginning. Also I made sure to see properly the said images (I guess I'll call them like that). I understood the problem with the overall artistic process of the girl (her lack of desire to improve and the lack of the community's push for improvement). I also went and explained the community and her why her images were not art. It's up to her if she wants to try to get better. Perhaps make something creative and new using the most of her skill and perhaps, when she does, someone will giver her proper criticism. Now that is wishful thinking because you're too busy focusing on the insults.

Also Tsuna, adding a simple fuck would do the job to show you're very mad.

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