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(Walks up to a podium, and taps the microphone) Testing, testing, 1,2,3. (Slight pause, as I read the cards in my hand. Another pause. Throws cards out the nearest window.) *clears throat* Hello, I am Valiare. I saw FESS and wanted to join, only to find out it closed down. But I was reading something on it and it mentioned this site so I thought I'd check it out. I like what I see, so you'll be seeing alot more of me. Thank you! (Bows slightly and exits, stage right.)

Edited by Valiare
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Oh btw "clears throat*" XD but we got the idea.

... I can't believe this guy actually corrected someone. Have you seen some of your posts?

Anyway, welcome to the forest.

Oh, BTW, it's "Oh", with capital "O" and an "h" instead of "n".

Edited by The Eye of the Tigrex
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